NextJs Development Company Dallas, Texas

Hire professional NextJs developers who have ample expertise in developing robust NextJs platforms & server-side applications utilizing modern tools & technology stacks. Obtain trendy, and responsive NextJs apps for distinct business verticals.

  • Flexible Engagement Models
  • Direct accessibility to quality resources
  • On-time report analysis
  • Skilled developers
  • Agile development approaches
  • Highly scalable solutions

Top NextJs Development Company in Dallas Austin Houston Texas, USA

As the top NextJs development company in Dallas, we have trained experts to handle different project challenges. Our professionals have the capability to leverage the potential of NextJs for creating server-side solutions that can be easily paired with different frontend frameworks. Our services are designed to meet the requirements of different scales of businesses including startups, mid-scale and large-scale enterprises. Being a full-scale design and development organization, our expertise lies in harnessing modern web technologies, methodologies as well as best practices. Nextbrain offers premium quality solutions and has earned the reputation of the top Nextjs development company in Houston.

We create highly reliable applications and solutions for our clients. NextJs enables our developers to build server-side and fast-rendering applications that are easy to develop. Hire NextJs developers Austin having several years of professional experience in building customer-focused applications owing to its high scalability, advanced UI, direct access to users, unique services and simplified integration with existing software. NextJs is considered one important technology that assists businesses to upscale their digital visibility. Our expertise lies in creating fast, dynamic, feature-rich apps and websites for clients across distinct industry verticals. We always ensure complete transparency and seamless communication throughout the product development cycle.

  • React JS
  • Angular JS
  • Vue JS
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Next.js
  • Node JS
  • Express JS
  • PHP
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Java
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • MongoDB
  • MS-SQL
  • MariaDB
  • FireBase
  • AWS
  • Apache
  • Nginx
  • Serverless
  • Firebase Functions
  • Internet Information
  • Load Balancing
  • Partitioning
  • CDNs
  • Jest
  • Enzyme
  • Chai
  • Mocha
  • Detox
  • Appium
  • Selenium
  • Test Rail
  • Browserstack
  • Jest
  • Enzyme
  • Chai
  • Mocha
  • Detox
  • Appium
  • Selenium
  • Test Rail
  • Browserstack
  • Notepad++
  • Sublime
  • Visual Studio
  • Eclipse
OS and Platforms
  • Ubuntu
  • Centos
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
Communication Tool
  • Skype
  • Google Meet
  • Slack
Project Management Tools
  • Trello
  • JIRA
  • Zoho
  • Asana
Version Control
  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Gitlab
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform
Ecosystem and Tooling
  • Vue
  • router
  • Vue loader
  • Vue CLI
State Management
  • Vuex
  • Composition API
  • Pinia
  • Chef
  • Terraform
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
App State
  • Redux
  • Redux Forms
  • Webpack
Crash Reporting
  • Bug Snag

A Glimpse of Our Success Stories

We have shared success stories relating to our project, clients and the solutions that we offered.

Elevate User Experience with Powerful NextJs Development Services

If you want to develop a robust solution for your business, NextJs can be the best platform. Our development professionals create a proper schedule with complete deliverables. Our approach to the development process involves the following.

  • Analyzing the requirements of the projects and depending on the business.
  • Researching, planning and structuring the development process
  • Create effective prototypes, build design aspects, and with reviews from clients build world-class solutions.
  • Begin building the solution with a definitive implementation process that outcomes in a flawless product.
  • Using advanced technology stacks of Nextjs for a robust platform development
  • Quality testing with important methodologies
  • Fixing bugs through the process for a bug-free code
  • Maintaining transparent communication for the latest updates

Our NextJs Development
Services in Dallas

NextJs Web development services

NextJs Web development services

We have a core team of NextJs web development professionals creating superior-quality web applications harnessing NextJs which is optimized for different sizes of businesses. It also promotes faster development compilation.

NextJs Customization solutions

NextJs Customization solutions

Utilizing the power of NextJs, our experts provide complete customization services to NextJs professionals. The customization of NextJs apps and website helps in meeting different business requirements and objectives.

NextJs Integration Solutions

NextJs Integration Solutions

Right from React to NextJs and even other javascript libraries, our developers provide Nextjs websites and applications integrated with any Js library easily. We offer effective integration solutions to businesses and organizations.

NextJs Planning & Strategy

NextJs Planning & Strategy

At Nextbrain, one can work directly with distinct clients to proffer quality planning as well as a strategy for NextJs development utilizing effective skills and expertise. Our professionals evaluate business needs and requirements curating the best results.

Nextjs Plugin development solutions

Nextjs Plugin development solutions

If you want to acquire innovative plugins for your business, then our professionals can assist you with effective NextJs plugin development solutions. Acquire expert consultation to choose suitable plugins for your business.

NextJs Support & maintenance

NextJs Support & maintenance

After the launch of a product, it is our responsibility to offer support & maintenance for ensuring the uniform performance, functionality and quality of your products. Our experts are highly professional in creating effective support services for clients.

Why Choose NextJs Development Services?

By harnessing the power of NextJs, we are capable of creating applications that can be combined with any frontend framework. These are super fast to build and also offer an interactive user experience. For creating effective NextJs products, we have trained professionals who have hands-on experience in confronting distinct business challenges. Our main objective is to utilize modern technologies for creating the most flexible and dynamic web app framework. NextJs can be paired with GraphQL, React Native and Reactstrap to curate robust web & mobile applications with similar codebases.

Looking for other services?

Explore different services at Nextbrain and connect with professionals to know more about our services.

Our Works

We have a strong portfolio of projects and have delivered quality solutions to different industry verticals.

Frequently Asked

Click on a questions to expand and reveal the answer!

  • What is NextJs framework?
    NextJs is considered an open-source framework that is javascript based. It can be used to create user-friendly and powerful web applications and static websites. The recent React Js documentation also suggests NextJs as the best choice for web projects. It renders a comprehensive potential for backend and frontend development. It is mostly preferred by NextJs developers owing to its unique developmental expertise streamlining the overall development process.
  • What products can be developed with NextJs?
    Nextjs is majorly popular owing to its enhanced digital products and interfaces. It enables you to build simple web pages, SaaS products, cross-platform mobile applications, web app & web development solutions, retail, ecommerce websites, and many more.
  • In which way NextJs is compared to Express Js?
    Nextjs is created with React and can be easily run on Node. Similarly, Express Js is built on Node. In this way, they are comparable. When Express Js does not have automatic code splitting, Nextjs does not require any additional setup.
  • Is Nextjs a complete framework that you use for developing web apps?
    Nextjs is a popular framework written in javascript that is sued for developing mobile applications, websites and web applications.
  • What is the cost of building a web app in NextJs?
    When it comes to the cost of building a web application in Nextjs, there are certain factors that impact the development process. The cost varies depending on the project requirements and specifications. Generally, the budget may range from $5000 to $50000 based on the features, specifications and so forth. At Nextbrain, our Nextjs development solutions cater to different requirements ensuring premium quality web applications.