We are a successful serverless app development company


No Server



Pay For





Benefits of Serverless App Development

Serverless architecture enables us to utilize the cloud ecosystem to transform our business goals into functions and services offered by the cloud. It offers high flexibility, scalability, quick and flawless product development, automated code changes with easy integration and validation, managing backend servers, security, etc.

Better Scalability

Better Scalability

Serverless architecture scales automatically. When the number of users increases, the server space scales up according to the number. Thus it prevents the unexpected system shutdown.

Low Operational Cost

Low Operational Cost

Serverless saves computing power and human resources as it removes the necessity for managing, deploying, and maintaining the servers and reduces infrastructure operational costs.

No Server Management

No Server Management

Being the best serverless app development company, our cloud provider or vendor takes care of the server management, maintenance, scaling, etc. We also focus on administering services.

Quick Deployments & Updates

Quick Deployments & Updates

It is not necessary to upload code to the servers or do any backend configuration. Updating, fixing and patching can be easily done by the developers and promote fast product launching.

Advantages of serverless architecture

Serverless application development services at Nextbrain

Due to the emergence of serverless computing, the productivity of many enterprises have enhanced considerably. We are so proud to say that Nextbrain is one of the initial adopters of this amazing technology. We have extended our seamless services to many business niches crafting robust, scalable, and cost-effective serverless apps that suit customer’s goals and requirements.

We use Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda, the serverless computing from Amazon for app development services. It automatically runs your code or app on high availability compute infrastructure without managing or provisioning servers. Being the best Lambda Development Company in Bangalore, we ensure everything is perfect and your code runs and processes in parallel. It scales accurately as per the size of the workload. AWS Lambda offers easy code and security patch deployment and extends other AWS services with custom logic.

AWS Lambda Development Services

AWS (Amazon Web Services) Lambda assists you in executing code without any need to manage servers, you just require paying for the compute time you have utilized for the server. With AWS Lambda, you just need to upload the code and no further administration is needed. We implement the most popular environments like Visual Studio for creating and deploying Lambda functions. As a top AWS Lambda development company, we ensure everything from execution to delivery of the code with high security.

Serverless Product Development with AWS Lambda Architecture

AWS Lambda is the ideal example for the serverless computing platform in which the providers will monitor the resources. It runs your code automatically as well as manages all the computing resources needed to the code. The only thing required is to just write the code and then upload it to Lambda. The uploaded code will run parallelly and process all the triggers individually and scale accurately with the capacity of the workload.

Key Features of AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda offers a management console along with an API to manage various functions. It offers runtimes which can support a set of features that makes you switch between frameworks and languages easily, based on your requirements. Additionally, it is also possible to create layers, versions, aliases, custom runtimes, and many more.

Our Remarkable Works

We offer our services to the world’s top brands helping them deliver quality products. Tell us about
your new business requirements and we are here to help you make it a success.


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Serverless Architecture Cloud-Based Product Development Company in India

Serverless Architecture Cloud-Based Product Development Company in India

One of the best companies offering serverless architecture based product development solutions in India is Nextbrain technologies.

Why building Serverless architecture applications important to startups?

Why building Serverless architecture applications important to startups?

Start-up companies often struggle with the huge number of complexities that are associated with delivery of a complete product.

Frequently Asked Qustions

Click on a questions to expand and reveal the answer!

  • What is the concept of serverless applications?
    Serverless computing provides backend services and it allows users to write and deploy code without any difficulties. The key concepts of serverless strategies are pay-for-value services, no server management, automatic & continuous scaling, and built-in fault tolerance.
  • What are the benefits of serverless computing?
    Some of the advantages are affordable costs, simplified scalability and backend code, and rapid turnaround.
  • What are the advantages of AWS Lambda?
    Some of the advantages of AWS Lambda are:
    • 1.Automatic Scaling
    • 2.Low operational costs
    • 3.Ideal to handle peak loads
    • 4.Integrated security model
    • 5.Operating and managing serverless websites
    • 6.Easier operational management
    • 7.No administration overhead
    • 8.Creating backups and report generation
    • 9.Data filtering and transformation
  • What is the cost of serverless app development?
    Generally, it costs approximately $50.14/month. The cost of serverless development varies depending on various factors such as the scope of the project, features and functionalities, API requests, storage and networking, CPU & RAM, etc.
  • Explain Serverless event-driven architecture?
    It is a combination of FaaS and BaaS. FaaS deals with the business logic of your app and makes the requests to BaaS. BaaS has its own code that makes it easy to take accurate action.
  • What are the frameworks that are available for building serverless apps?
    There are many frameworks available for building serverless apps. They are Up, Claudia.js, Jets, Middy, Serverless, Amplify Framework, Sigma, etc.
  • How does the AWS lambda architecture work?
    AWS provides compute services which enable it to execute code with no need to manage the servers. It is also utilized to run the code only when required and it offers automatic scaling. It is easy to run code without provisioning or managing servers by using AWS Lambda serverless architecture.
  • Why do you need to build the product with AWS Lambda services?
    AWS Lambda offers high availability and easy scaling to the code with no additional efforts needed. You need to pay only for the computer time that is consumed. No charges are applicable when the code is not running. By using AWS Lambda, it is simple to execute code virtually for various types of application as well as back-end services with zero administration.
  • Do you have experience in AWS Lambda Serverless architecture?
    AWS is a serverless computing platform which provides a secure and flexible cloud computing environment with high-reliability and outstanding experience. With many years of experience in AWS Lambda Serverless architecture, we assist businesses to minimize their cloud operating costs as well as optimize the workloads.

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