Women's Day Celebration Nextbrain



March 09, 2021 Author

Women's day celebration

Today marks International Women’s Day which honors the hard work and accomplishments of women in different arenas. Nextbrain celebrates this special day dedicated to the women of the company and their achievements. While both men and women are the complementary faces of the same coin, the involvement of women in most industries has been increasing rapidly. Women have already begun to climb the success ladder by implementing state-of-the-art concepts and ideas in the technical industry. They are playing integral roles as CEOs, founders, capitalists, entrepreneurs, and many more. With International Women’s Day marking the success of women globally, what can be a better day to mark the celebration of the working ladies of Nextbrain.

Saranraj CM, Founder, Nextbrain Technologies has responsibility for the company’s growth and generating revenues. His focus is to support the women of the company to grow into leadership roles. The organization has an all-inclusive environment that promotes a healthy ecosystem. He believes that a good diversity at all levels of a work process will help Nextbrain to remain a creative and flexible organization, thereby promoting a diversified global work environment.

Celebration Glimpses

Happy Womens day

The event day of 8th March 2021, started with the team of Nextbrain women cake-cutting celebrations. The founder of the company appreciated the efforts of all employees by producing an opening speech. He emphasized the importance of the hard work employed by the female staff of the organization that added to the overall successful outcome of the company. Fun games were played in the office premises where the women took part and enjoyed a lot. Everyone has been putting ideas to make the day special and a memorable one. Various games were played and to everyone’s surprise, it increased teammate bonding and brought everyone close to each other. The day was filled with enjoyment, games, cake-cutting, and fun.

As the global festivities continue, this day comes every year marking the great achievements women accomplished in fields of technology, airlines, railways, science and innovation, education and academics, homemaking, art and creativity, healthcare, business enterprises, and many more. Nextbrain will keep on supporting women in every aspect of their work and continue to motivate joining more female employees to the organizations. A senior leader, Saranraj CM, with such a strong objective committing towards the advancement of women in the workplace is commendable.

The success we have accomplished is evident from the successful projects and happy clients. A long way is laying ahead to go and transform into an authorized brand. We are heading towards increasing clients and administering superior quality projects to clients. The International Women’s Day celebration is a significant part of the equal opportunities employer. In this context, ending on a thankful note to all the prospective women in their life and succeeding by removing all barriers, to all women in the universe.