Why is Power BI Important for the Healthcare Industry



January 24, 2022 Author

Power BI is a cloud-based data analytics platform developed by one of the biggest leaders in the software industry(Microsoft). It has the potential to provide any business with increased control over the data they deal with. It is here that it proves most helpful to the Healthcare department. The Healthcare department has a lot of data regarding its patients and this data is often stored in separate locations. The cloud-based platform helps integrate different sources of data and provides increased analytical capabilities to the Healthcare industry. This helps in the reduction of errors and increases the effectiveness of the industry. Unique visualizations, data sharing and remote monitoring capabilities are now achieved with this technology. However, the benefits do not stop there. There is a growing demand for secure data storage and communication systems in Healthcare, and Power Bi for Healthcare industry has emerged as one of the most promising solutions for this problem.

While all the above certainly is very good news, power Bi can serve in other areas of the Healthcare industry. This includes administrative divisions, management of goods like those that are associated with pharmaceutical drugs and others. It can also help a lot in processes like patient registration, patient billing, and other forms of data collection or generation that are mostly associated with forms. In this article, we will tell you important reasons why power Bi is increasingly being used in healthcare. Power Bi proved very useful in the recent Covid-19 epidemic and reduced the stresses associated with Healthcare significantly. It is associated with controlling key metrics in the Healthcare system and therefore making it more efficient, fast and cost-effective methods of operation.

Reasons Why Power Bi is important for healthcare

power bi for Healthcare

Following are the many reasons why power Bi for healthcare is perceived as one of the most important technologies to get implemented in the system.

Empowers the workers in the industry

Power Bi is associated with a more stress-free environment for the workers. Apart from impressive data visualization and sorting capability, Healthcare workers can easily get an expert opinion on topics through the system. The administrative capabilities of power Bi allow it to regulate employee shifts seamlessly. The technology also increases data management capabilities for the Healthcare Industry and this means workers do not have to worry about interruptions in work due to technical difficulties. Since data is stored in the cloud, it also means that there is practically no upper limit on data storage.

Helps healthcare comply with regulations

The Healthcare industry is one of the most strictly regulated industries and this is for obvious reasons. Power Bi has settings that help keep everything under regulatory guidelines so that nothing out of the ordinary is allowed in the industry. Things like patient data privacy, HIPAA compliance and other local guidelines can be strictly adhered to by the system. The advanced encryption mechanisms provided by power Bi helps the industry share private data to the necessary parties in an encrypted manner, without compromising security. The encryption mechanism that is used is mostly the best in the business, which happens to be end-to-end encryption in the present scenario.

Read more: How Important is Power BI for the Telecom Industry?

Provides personalized care to patients

Power Bi works very well with other technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. This helps it provide a personalized experience for everyone, thus increasing customer satisfaction. This is especially important when dealing with critically Ill patients, as the power Bi advanced analytics. The same kind of technology also helps in providing generalized personalized care for patients, only this time by accessing their history of private health records. Thus it reduces both the cost in treatment and increases the speed and the efficacy of the treatment.

Improves with time

Power Bi helps generate revenue by analysing the market and helps in staying one step ahead of any competitors that you might be facing in the industry. It also improves logistics associated with the goods and services of the hospital as demands change. Like with any technology, Microsoft's Power Bi is improved upon constantly by its developers. This helps the healthcare industry in multiple ways. It improves the efficiency of the system by providing better solutions for already existing problems and providing new solutions to more complicated problems.

Take your healthcare industry to the next level with power Bi solutions offered by Nextbrain technologies

Costs associated with the management and operation of healthcare have been increasing globally and spendings has increased more than 4.1% in the 4 years leading up to 2022. By making the best use of the Power Bi tools that we provide, you will be able to deal with any kind of obstacles in the smooth running of your healthcare. Following are some reasons why you can choose us for integrating power BI for the healthcare system you use.

  • We will help you measure key performance indicators(KPIs) of your healthcare department by installing a patient, physician, clinical and hospital power BI healthcare dashboard.
  • We will help you create predictive analytics models to make sure you can look into future trends.
  • We will help you create any security models associated with healthcare and we will make sure such systems cannot be breached.
  • We will help you with any support issues and notify you when your software systems may need an upgrade.

Read more: 8 Reasons why you should use Power BI for your business needs?


The Healthcare industry needs reliable solutions as failure is not an option. With artificial intelligence making sure systems are efficient enough, costs can be lowered while delivering high amounts of value. Power Bi is thus very helpful in such situations. Nextbrain Technologies is a Bangalore-based application development company that also offers Power BI services for healthcare. We are very effective Microsoft partners who can assist clients with anything they require. We can help you with any aspect of your setup, from planning to design to delivery. Also, after the installation, we are always available for any kind of assistance. If you have any queries about the importance of Power BI in the healthcare domain, please contact us.