Why is NodeJS Popular for enterprise app development?



May 12, 2022 Author

In today's world, many businesses are facing tough competition where a proper action can provide success. Hence, having swift is no longer a great option to build web apps. Decision-making needs to be prompt and on point. This is where Node.js comes into the emergence and shows its great excellence. The enterprise applications uphold employee connections, business performance, data confidentiality, and various other aspects. Here, this server environment exists as a great relief with specific advantages. Node.js is a lightweight and efficient platform that comes with the basic modules or essentials such as npm, uninstall, install, and update that are required for building scalable apps.

Reasons why enterprises prefer Node.js for app development

Node.js is a popular JavaScript runtime environment to develop high-quality web applications. Let's check the reasons why enterprises prefer node.js for app development.

Scalability and performance

Node.js mainly depends on the V8 runtime of Google Chrome that has been written in the C++ programming language. Node.js has been created to work effectively on various operating systems and has been designed to be super fast with all its benefits. As V8 and Node.js are updated on a daily basis, their overall performance is always optimized. The updates ensure that the security patches have been done. Also, the Node.js architecture is event-driven and single-threaded, so it is capable of managing various connections effectively and simultaneously.

Cross-platform app development

Node.js will allow the development of platforms of cross-platform desktop applications like Electron and NW.js. Node.js developers may reuse codes right from desktop apps to web apps that are highly compatible with macOS, Windows, and Linux. Developers have the facility of accessing Google Chrome developer tools exclusively which offers them the ability to debug more efficiently and outline desktop versions of various applications. They work even better for client-side apps.

cross platform

Lack of learning curve

Node.js depends on JavaScript language. This eliminates the learning curve due to its relative simplicity. Also, the syntax of both languages looks almost similar and so the node.js developers may easily understand it. For this specific reason, Node.js is mostly preferred by NET as well as Java developers. For beginners or experienced developers, Node.js is very suitable for those who are looking to develop web apps at a high speed and quickly.

The node package manager

The Node package manager, also called NPM, has launched an enterprise version for upholding the security and privacy of big brands or enterprises, or businesses. This package manager is beneficial in assisting programmers with utilizing, installing, and updating modules in Node.js. NPM is also beneficial for a big organization having problems with data storage mainly in the cloud section. This NPM infrastructure may also run in the company's firewall's background with no problems at all. This allows the businesses to have better access to the security features and private registry.

Reusable APIs are Restful

Reusable APIs are the main focal point of Node.js. This is one of the major reasons why Node.js is the perfect choice for developing enterprise apps. Huge volumes of information will be simply handled with no things getting disturbed. This helps the building of software systems at high levels.

reusable apis

Support for long-term

Enterprises keep following the latest techniques and getting adapted to the necessary changes. Node.js emerges as a flexible solution for the development of almost all enterprise applications. Also, the latest features will not be added as well as old features will not be updated. Security and bug issues will be detected and resolved.

Easy maintenance and updating

The user requirements are ever-changing, and enterprise apps need to evolve with the current market trends to meet user demands. User experience is an essential aspect of this change in enterprise apps. How organizations choose current elements in an application or looking to gather data is always changing. The apps need to be distraction-free, clutter-free, and most importantly need to be functionally rich. Hence, the enterprise apps codebase requires to be regularly updated and maintained. This is simple with Node.js may be easily and quickly deployed as well as the warranted features that need to be implemented.

easy maintenance


Node.js may be extended by utilizing third-party modules to develop feature-rich and secure enterprise web applications due to the efficient ecosystem that is created around it. Nextbrain Technologies is the best Node.js development company offering robust and scalable node.js app development solutions. The Node.js developers are highly experienced in offering comprehensive enterprise app development services and solutions to clients globally.