What's the purpose of microservices in DevOps?



May 04, 2022 Author

As technology has been evolving faster, people are becoming more dependent on the internet for various tasks like online shopping, healthcare, banking, and various other needs. Also, microservices-based architectures are greatly trending where applications can be built as various loosely coupled services. The basic thing that microservices alters is the firm's technique for development.

As all tasks are broken down into individual services, the team of DevOps engineers may also be easily divided to handle each service. This helps in minimizing the development scope along with making the process of development more flexible. Microservice has been used by the top DevOps consultants for offering ultimate value for end-users within a short time by utilizing microservices, an agile architectural style.

Major advantages of microservices for DevOps

Microservices will be utilized in the software development process in addition to DevOps strategies. It will replace monolithic and traditional architecture. By making use of microservices, the DevOps team will be able to deploy applications within the isolated containers. Also, it is cloud-native. Let's discuss the benefits and major role of Microservices in DevOps.

Major advantages of microservices for devops


This flexibility enables members of the DevOps team to resolve any issues in an effective way. For example, if a production bug is detected, the team of developers will fix the bug in the particular service and execute the service with no impact on the SDLC of the remaining services which ultimately offers reduced downtime. Also, if any of the services need the latest feature, the development team will build and deploy it during production with no effect on the development process of the remaining services. This decoupled methodology simplifies the testing and development process by enabling the services to be changed independently. With the implementation of microservices, it will be easy to resolve any bugs and add additional features with no effect on the SDLC of the remaining services.


Containerization is the major factor that complements and extends microservices-powered architectures. Packaging each and every service as the container image will minimize the complexity and also streamlines the delivery pipeline. Services will act as completely independent elements having all the requirements and dependencies packed up within the container. This allows the services to be reusable and system agnostic as well as enables them in interacting with the other systems. Containers are immutable and self-sufficient bundles that are executed as an isolated process. They are having components required for performing a task. The utilization of containers is a process of virtualization. It minimizes the complexity of the uninterrupted delivery pipeline.


APIs are one of the crucial factors that go along with microservices. By using decoupled services, customers require an ultimate communication process for communication between services. APIs will allow developers to exhibit only the particular endpoints and data while offering the service along with an interface that is universally compatible. This also will become a concern while offering system-agnostic services that can be reusable.



When discussing microservices architecture, most packaging, deployment, and testing tasks will be automated easily for all the services. As each and every service stays in a separate DevOps pipeline independently, any problems in a single automated process may not influence the remaining services. Also, feedback loops will become very shorter while addressing bugs using the simplified codebase. The automated task can be triggered during the deployment process for deploying the service in the form of a container after all the testing activities are done as well as the container image is uploaded to the container registry. Automation also comes into the picture in isolated entities. Testing, deployment, and packaging will be executed independently for each and every service.


Increased scalability

Also, the scalability and availability of the application automatically improves by using service containers that are deployed within the clusters as well as managed through an orchestration platform.

  • If there is any failure in the service, it will be replaced fastly using a new service container.
  • If there exists a high load for the service, the latest container will be built to enable the rush in demand.

This enables scale-out techniques without depending on advanced strategies depending on resource improvements which will be cost-prohibitive.


Microservices architecture is known to be tailor-made for DevOps due to the services-based approach enabling companies to divide the application into simpler and smaller services. Nextbrain Technologies is the top DevOps Consulting company with a team of expert DevOps engineers offering efficient collaboration between development and operations teams ensuring easy communication and seamless services.