What is an NFT and how are they different from cryptocurrency?



October 07, 2022 Author

There is a lot of buzz around NFTs these days, and both the general public and business mandates want to jump on this opportunity to own into the trend. This article will focus on what NFT is and make it clear what the differences between NFTs and cryptocurrencies are since it is easy to confuse the two. Through the article, we will help you understand how both of them are essential components of transactions in the future.

What is an NFT?

The word NFT stands for non fungible token. NFTs are non-fungible, which means that they are indivisible and unique. They can represent ownership of anything unique and limited on the blockchain, whether it's a physical or digital object. NFTs are usually programmed in the same way that cryptocurrencies are, that is, it leverages the blockchain to verify consumer and producer relationships. This means NFT transactions are built with great security. Despite the fact that they've been there since 2014, NFTs are gaining popularity currently as a popular means to buy and sell digital artwork. Since November 2017, a whopping $174 million has been spent on transactions that consist of NFTs.

Differences between cryptocurrencies and NFTs

While both cryptocurrencies and NFTs are built on the blockchain, there are various differences between them. This section discusses such differences.


Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin or Ethereum are like cash in the real world, and by that we mean they are equal in value. One bitcoin will always be equal in value for all markets, while that is not the case for NFTs. The value of each NFT is different because it relates to things that are unique. NFTs hold speculative value decided by people who own it and those who want to trade it.


NFTs cannot be freely tradable as cryptocurrencies. An agreement known as a smart contract is necessary for an NFT to be sold, and this agreement outlines the transaction and also encrypts and validates the transaction. The place of trade is also different. NFTs are traded in what are called NFT marketplaces & cryptocurrencies are traded in online cryptocurrency exchanges.


Although this is not that technical of a difference, NFTs are far less mainstream than cryptocurrencies because they are hard to deal with in the context of legality. NFTs have however shown promise on effectively monetizing digital art, so a non fungible developer who can effectively help in doing this is of high requirement in the software industry.

How does NFT work?

NFTs are essentially digital versions of tangible collector artifacts. As a result, rather than receiving an actual oil painting to put on the wall, the customer receives a digital file. At any given time, NFTs can only have one owner. Because technologies that have been associated with blockchain development easily identify unique data in each NFT, it's simple to verify ownership and transfer tokens between owners. They can also be used to hold specific information put in by the owner or author. Artists, for example, can sign their work by putting their signature in the metadata of an NFT. NFTs are specifically supported by the Ethereum blockchain, although others support it too.

How to buy NFTs?

People who are interested in starting their own NFT collection need the following items to do that:

To begin, one needs a digital wallet that can hold both NFTs and cryptocurrencies. Depending on what currencies an NFT provider takes, you'll probably need to buy some cryptocurrency, such as Ethereum or bitcoin. Services like Coinbase, Kraken, eToro and even PayPal and Robinhood now accept credit cards for crypto purchases. They can then transfer it from the exchange to their preferred wallet. When researching alternatives, it is good to keep fees in mind as they differ along the mentioned services - When a person acquires cryptocurrency, most exchanges charge at least a portion of your transaction.

Popular NFT marketplaces

Once one has the wallet and enough knowledge about NFTs there is no shortage of NFT marketplaces that one can do business with. Following are some popular NFT marketplaces that are already popular.

  • Open Sea

As of early 2022, more than 600,000 users have registered on Opensea, making it one of the most popular NFT marketplaces to ever be around. This peer-to-peer marketplace claims to sell "rare digital products and memorabilia." To get started people simply need to create an account and browse the NFT collections. To find new artists, they can sort NFTs by their sales volume.

  • Foundation

Artists must earn "upvotes" or invitations from fellow creators to post their work in this marketplace. Because of the community's exclusivity and high admission cost it is likely to attract higher-quality work. Artists must also acquire rights to mint NFTs on foundation. Chris Torres, the developer of Nyan Cat, for example, sold it as an NFT on the Foundation platform. It might also imply higher prices, which isn't always a bad thing for artists and collectors hoping to profit from their work.

  • Rarible

Rarible is a well-known NFT marketplace. Top sellers and customers are rewarded for their efforts at Rarible. The platform's RARI tokens allow users to vote on features such as fees and community regulations. It is democratic, and its policies are quite similar to those of Opensea.

It is important to approach a non fungible tokens development company if one is a business owner wishing to build their own NFT marketplace, as they can be hard to build. However if you do successfully build them with the help of such companies, profits are bound to arrive.


As you can see, there is a lot of difference between cryptocurrencies and NFTs, and it looks like we will be having an abundance of both on the internet in the future. NFTs are especially important for artists, musicians and the like, whose work is easily pirated these days leading to them losing financial value for their work. NFT marketplaces in the future are likely to save them, and entrepreneurs who are wishing to build their own versions of such marketplaces must find companies like Nextbrain that provide good NFT Marketplace development services.