What are the best ways to beat your competitors in the mobile app development industry?



November 24, 2021 Author

Discover the successful social media strategies and channels that your competitors are using so that you can derive more successful techniques to grab the attention of your end-users. It is simple to monitor how frequently your competitors are updating their mobile app. You may easily obtain clear insights and possible ways to improve your ranking. Also, you need to make sure that you always use a particular language that is understandable to your client. Do not unnecessarily expose your tech- knowledge to your clients as it may result in disinterest in your company instead of approaching you with the app development project. Analyze all the factors that disclose what are the ways implemented by your competitors to gain success.

Ways to beat your competitors in mobile app development industry

Most of the apps will be downloaded when they are heard from others. So it is important to know various tactics that are implemented by your competitors to become more successful. Let's discuss the most popular ways to beat your competitors in the mobile app development industry.

Ways to beat your competitors in mobile app development

Know your competitors

In order to stay ahead of your competitors, it is always required to know clearly about who your competitors are, what your competitors do, and also how your competitors implement it. As you are in the mobile application development industry, your main business is to develop apps, so it is easy to find your competitors. Analyze why your competitors are getting more customers. Observe all types of metrics for the mobile applications for both iOS as well as Android. You may also track their mobile app ranking history or any sudden improvement in performance.

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Analyze products of your direct competitors

You need to download your competitor apps to study how they exactly work. Analyze the things you like in their app and also flaws to be improved. This helps in either removing or adding certain features of your app. Ensure that your mobile app does not look much similar to others. If your customers find anything copied and they will certainly leave your app and shift to the original app. The main aim of an app development company should be to resolve any issues as well as offer an engaging and interactive user experience which makes users visit the app often.

Check out the social media of your competitors

Many times, users will discover an app when someone is discussing this amazing app and they will make a little search to find that app from the app store. There will also be many situations when users find an app to be interesting from social media posts. This is the main reason why social media marketing is considered as very important especially for the app promotions. Check out whether your competitors are updating any daily posts on Facebook, sending newsletters, etc.

Research all your competitors keywords

Even though keyword bidding is not a great strategy, it is very important  to maintain a certain brand identity for your app users. Research and analyse the keywords which your direct competitors are using to rank high. This helps you to outrank them easily even with a limited budget. If you do not implement this, you will certainly see a certain lag in your app ranking as there will be many new apps that are released regularly in the app store.

Interact more with your customers

The more you interact with your potential customers, the quicker you will be reaching conversions. Don't use much technical language related to mobile app development while you are making a conversation with your clients as most of the clients may not be aware of the terminologies that you are using. So, whatever may be your mode of communication like email, phone, skype or even personally, it is recommended to use a simple and understandable terminology to communicate effectively with your clients. Your clients may prefer another better company than yours in the market if you use more technical words.

Analyze your user feedback

Analyze your user feedback

In many cases, feedback from users will be overlooked which needs to be considered very important. It is always necessary to remember, your app is still in use only because of the customers who need it. So if any user provides feedback, it is important to understand they invest most time in your app to provide it. Analyze what feedback people are giving about your app as well as your competitors’. Conduct surveys and analyze feedback in the app store. Perform A/B testing of your screenshots and icons. Don’t ignore the valuable feedback of your app users.

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Analyzing various strategies and techniques implemented by your competitors to rank on the top of search engines while attracting the app users is very crucial. Nextbrain Technologies, a leading mobile app development company in Bangalore is specialized in creating highly functional and scalable mobile apps by implementing  advanced technologies and modern strategies.