Top 10 eCommerce SEO on-page tips for your online store



November 18, 2021 Author

The ecommerce world is skyrocketing over the last few years. Along with this, acquisition costs also have risen resulting in greater difficulty for online businesses to acquire new customers for an affordable price. In this competitive world, ecommerce businesses are considering various digital marketing techniques and SEO tactics which have proven to offer successful results for decades. These effective digital marketing strategies play a crucial role in improving brand reputation, sales efficiency, and conversion rate. There are many ecommerce SEO strategies to implement to rank high in the search engines and improve your website traffic.

ECommerce SEO on-page tips for your online store

There are various ecommerce SEO on-page tips to increase your website traffic and make your website rank well in the search results. Let's discuss the most effective eCommerce SEO on-page tips for your online store.

Reduce load time

onpage seo for ecommerce reduce the load time

It is important to have fast load times to have an ultimate user experience as it has a significant impact on search rankings. On an average the load time can be around 100 to 200s of milliseconds. There are various techniques to improve the speed of websites. But, image compression is one of the best ways to obtain quick results. We suggest analyzing the Google Tag Manager or various SEO tools for ecommerce to enable inventory of the active scripts on your online store. In some cases, you may need to remove some of the excess calls which slow down your website.

Optimize for mobile

Keep your site mobile optimized or you will be at a great disadvantage when it comes to ranking in the search engines. It is necessary to have a responsive design to obtain an ultimate user experience and also for SEO. In order to resolve any optimization issues, Google’s AMP format is capable of optimizing mobile experiences as it enhances the taking of your site on search engines and minimizes the load time. HubSpot is a popular tool known as Website Grader which has various Viewports configured and will analyze whether your site is mobile responsive or not.

Resolve site errors

onpage seo for ecommerce resolve the errors

It is always needed to keep your online site free from errors by constantly monitoring using the Google search console. Any Site errors usually may include indexed 404 pages, broken links, or errors in the sitemap files, and many more. It is very important to resolve all the errors in order to enhance Google's ability to rank and index your site in the search engines.

Enable canonical tags

Canonicalization is also called canonical tagging which makes search engines know that the URL of the page will reflect a default master page. This will be mainly useful if you are having pages with actually more than a URL like other blog pages, etc. This is a very simple but more important fix which can greatly influence your search engine rankings. Recently, HubSpot has disclosed a particular method for directly adding canonical tags in the blog posts and COS which certainly makes tag implementation very simple for SEO analysts as well as beginners.

Add customer reviews

on page seo for eCommerce customer review

Search engines always consider customer reviews and feedback as a new content of a website that can quickly impact your search rankings. Enhance your eCommerce SEO strategies easily by adding more and more customer reviews to boost the customer experience and adding more trust for your business. In case you use BigCommerce development, it is always required to access more apps from their app store. Make sure of leveraging language which makes your number of reviews, feedback, stars, and product reviews to come up on the search engine pages.

Use markup to enable rich snippets

You may also provide search engines about the details of your product to display like price, reviews, rating, availability, etc. on the search engine page. All the search engines will roll out any latest formats to obtain required search results. Sites which obtained the Snippets as well as Knowledge Graphs will be at the first place that makes users click. To get ranked in this part can certainly assist in attracting more users and clicks. This helps in acquiring more visitors to your website. You may utilise Google’s Structured data testing tool to find whether your web pages are making proper use of markup formatting.

Add breadcrumbs

Website breadcrumbs enables your customers and Google to know particular links between your products and as well as categories. It can be similar to a roadmap which will make it simple for search engines for crawling and indexing your site. This effective technique will certainly assist to enhance your website rankings and user experience with less effort.

Optimize your content

onpage seo for ecoomerce optimize the content

It is very crucial to optimize your website content to show up on the search engines. This mainly focuses on product descriptions and category pages.

Product descriptions

Product descriptions are very important for any ecommerce business that sells products as it creates a great online presence. To make yourself unique from competitors, you need to analyze the user preferences and expectations about the product. Provide more details other than the usual information any other manufacturer will provide.

Category pages

You need to consider every category page as a separate home page from the content perspective. So, you should optimize the content of your category pages if you try to rank on the top of search engines. This provides a great chance of improving your rank in the search results.

Optimize for site search

Even though site search is not completely a SEO technique, it is a crucial website feature which can influence the process a user finds any products. Mainly in the product pages, you need to place keywords having high search volume into meta content and website content. This assists your keyword focus as well as placement of your products in the SERPs.

Monitor your SEO visibility

As Google algorithms keep on changing every year it is always required to update your web content for better visibility. The recents updates prioritized HTTPS protocol-enabled and mobile friendly sites. Ensure to monitor the SEO visibility of your site frequently through third party tools like MOZ Site Explorer and Searchmetrics. This will assist you to stay ahead of your competitors.


Adopting effective digital marketing tactics is very crucial to improve brand reputation and conversion rate. Nextbrain Technologies is the best web and mobile app development company in Bangalore implementing advanced digital marketing strategies and effective on-page SEO techniques to increase your website traffic and enhance your brand visibility.