The increasing relevance of blockchain in banking and finance



August 22, 2022 Author

Since the time of its advent, blockchain technology is underpinning the cryptocurrency that could possibly revolutionize the world economy. Blockchain technology has massive usability to keep an immutable record of ownership and allow transaction of the asset among various distrusting parties. Bitcoin was the first digital cryptocurrency as time passes numerous industries are recognizing the benefits of blockchain technology.

Introduction to blockchain technology 

A blockchain is considered a technology within which a sequence of changeless data is stored and tackled by a complete set of devices. The various blocks of data are chained and guarded to one another through the use of chains. The main reason why blockchains have gained much significance and security is due to the transparency and keeping track of the data.

Top 4 primary support systems of blockchain technology


The implication of centralization refers to a user that can gain access to anyone’s data by seeking permission from a single entity. Banks are capable of setting the best example of a centralized process. As you need to transfer an amount to a party that you needed to consult the bank, these are an instance of centralization. The centralization entity ensures that the data series is saved and protected in one server. However, centralization makes it easier for hackers to gain access to all crucial data. When some centralization entity closes down, then there is no other option for retrieving crucial data.

Contrarily, in the decentralization process, the data does not remain securely stored within one single organization. In a decentralized network, if you desire to connect with your friend, you can immediately interact from your own space. This is regarded as the main concept behind the invention of bitcoins.


The time something or data has been inputted into the blockchain network, then the data remains unchangeable. This mechanism saves the data from hackers and thereby a lot of customers’ money can be saved. This stands responsible for the reason why the cryptographic hash function came to advent. Hashing can be defined as the grasping of an input string of any width and producing an output of a specific width. Within the procedure of hashing, the input will not be measured however; the output will have a permanent solution.

Clarity & transparency

The concept of transparency and clarity has often been misunderstood by many individuals. Blockchain technology in banking and finance is quite secure and they have transparency when it comes to checking out users’ transaction history. The clarity and transparency offered by the decentralized system are highly growing in the financial industry making it one of the preferable choices for financial institutions.


Blockchain has the potential of maintaining a complete record of transactions and asset ownership. It happened from the time the asset first appears in a transaction on the blockchain. It relevantly diminishes risk and the requirement of related mitigating operations for numerous asset types. This potential will allow the reduction of the occurrence of fraud, theft and online hacking activities of high-value assets. Additionally, it assists where its provenance determines value by creating a digital footprint on the blockchain.

The effect of blockchain on the finance industry

The blockchain technology has majorly impacted the complete banking industry. The banking, as well as finance industry, is rapidly implementing blockchain technology for amplifying their business prospects.

Let's take a look at the different effects of blockchain in the finance industry.

Rapid cross border transactions

Within a bank ecosystem, people are getting it difficult to transfer money internally. This has turned into a wide concern in the 21st century. Numerous individuals are working in remote areas and their salaries are credited via bank transfer. There are times when money doesn’t reach the source on time leading to issues. On the other hand, blockchain is a complete decentralized process that does not comprise any form of a centralized institute. The various operations performed by the users themselves are saved and this has led to rapid transactions within seconds.

Trade finance

As per the latest reports, it has been seen that there are numerous parties involved in trading finance. As a result of a large number of parties involved in the process, the complete process becomes sluggish and tedious. With the advent of smart contracts, this problem has been resolved easily. Smart contracts in trade finance play an important role in resolving any kind of glitches involved in trading.

Smart contracts are automated in nature and they eliminate the necessity of third-party involvement. It makes the process of blockchain transactions easier and simpler when the process abides by the coded rules and regulations. Smart contracts do not require any process manually and are dependent on instructions. Therefore, no building of trust is required as there is no involvement of any third parties.

Final conclusion

The functionality of Blockchain technology and the financial industry go together. Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, financial and banking sectors are adopting blockchain technology to perform fast transactions and streamline business operations. Blockchain networks have given enough flexibility to financial institutions and banking sectors by streamlining various transaction operations of users. Do you want to create a seamless blockchain platform for the financial firm? As the leading blockchain development company, Nextbrain offers superior quality Blockchain app development services to clients across the globe. The company has an immensely talented team of developers who have many years of experience in delivering high-end solutions to businesses, startups and organizations.