Advantages of robotic process automation & its effective implementation process



May 27, 2022 Author

During the last few years, people have witnessed that companies can easily integrate Robotic Process Automation into their back-end processes for improving their business metrics exponentially. Nowadays, there is much to talk about regarding robotic process automation and bots. The RPA technology is used for business process automation with the help of bots. RPA bots acknowledge what people can do to solve tasks and replicate those actions that enable delegating monotonous tasks to bots.

In a nutshell, RPA assists companies to enhance efficiency by streamlining processes, amplifying business processes, cutting down the expenses on routine tasks, and saving time for employees for creative operations. Additionally, the RPA is scalable and flexible that can easily interact with distinct systems through integrations.

Introduction to robotic process automation

RPA or Robotic Process Automation is defined as a technology that is used for automating business processes with the help of programmable software robots. These software robots are popularly called bots. The main usability of these bots is for collecting information relating to the actions of employees on the computer and analysing the data for finding the best possible ways for automating work processes.

The best function of a robot is RPA and the term ‘robot’ was termed by Isaac Asimov as a part of the unreal world. The software robots were applied in the social media industry, where they served as digital workers. Nowadays, several examples of RPA are automated mail dispatches that are available to almost all Internet users.

In this context, we have given several examples of RPA and how it is utilized in different industries.

Financial industry

rpa in financial industry

  • Verification acts automation
  • Creation and distribution of reports
  • Real-time tracking of the occurrence of overdue receivables and notifying counterparties.
  • Data transference between distinct information systems.

Banking Industry

rpa in banking industry

  • Credit card processing
  • Report generation automatically
  • Customer service and onboarding
  • Account opening and closing
  • KYC and anti-money laundering
  • Mortgage lending
  • Loan processing

Sales Industry

  • Checking Stocks
  • Confirmation, creation and correction of customers’ data
  • Sending confirmation letters to customers

Human Resources

  • Proper searching for candidates online
  • Application and documents processing
  • Filling in timesheets
  • Sending notifications

Advantages of RPA for businesses

RPA is quite beneficial for distinct businesses as it will assist them to automate a relevant part of daily work, at the same time while optimizing business operations.

Relevant benefits of RPA for business:

  • The complete rationalization of data processing
  • Enhanced operational efficiency
  • Effective optimization of processes
  • Reduction of costs
  • Amplification of services
  • Better customer experience

The working of typical functions of RPA robots

The different tasks of robotic process automation are the processing of online orders as well as inquiries. It also includes the maintenance of customer data or the updating of notifications, the administration of master data & billing, and effective implementation of data transfers.

Below-mentioned is a list of daily tasks that hardly maintain human resources to complete today:

  • Creating reports
  • Filling out forms as well as applications
  • Operating and logging in electronic systems
  • Effective processing of data from different sources performing calculations.
  • Paste, copy and structure data
  • Processing of data from the internet
  • Processing of log files
  • Sorting and opening of emails and processing of attachments
  • Execute if-then commands
  • Data maintenance in the ERP and CRM system
  • Ticket processing and dispatching

In this context, we will explain the process of implementing RPA to total workflow automation.

Delineating the RPA implementation process

rpa process

Herein, we will lay before the relevant steps to the Robotic Process Automation implementation process. The premium quality of the RPA implementation process is followed by several steps that are primordial to the robotic process automation.

Data gathering

One of the relevant steps of process automation is data gathering and data analysis. The effective quality of repeated process detection and accuracy of the job is generally based on how big the volume of your data is collected and the way you deeply perform analysis. Data gathering can be executed by a professional by diving into the subject area and finding patterns of user behaviour.

However, when it comes to numerous working places, the process of automation of data gathering comes into action. In this scenario, computer utility becomes the main target which is to run smoothly collecting all key metrics and also storing them in the hard drive. It is run by a specialist during a particular time period as computer activity gets captured. For the purpose of security, it will not transfer collected data to remote servers.

Data analysis

Subsequent to the data collection, it is the moment for accurate data analysis. It is time to explain in detail the data analysis process.

The primary objective is to determine activity timeframes and can be executed by a proper scan of the logs collected together by evaluating the description operators. With the help of this, the data is cut into big data activity portions on the first iteration.

Subsequent to the portions when compared with the help of machine learning techniques, one can acquire a set of patterns with a similar map. In short, we are capable of defining unique patterns. Small patterns can be considered as a part of complicated ones.

The final phase is all about visualization depending on data from the previous point. This kind of visualization assists in recognizing all the processes for finding the percent of similarities, identifying differences between analogues, and setting up the processes to be automated with higher priorities. In this scenario, data analysis helps to identify and set up priorities. It consults the consumer when unusual rare patterns can be normalized to the patterns with bigger similarities.

Automated Data Analysis is accomplished mainly in Python and utilizes the following data scientific libraries. The various automated data tools are as follows:

  • Sklearn is capable of building machine learning models for helping with data structuring.
  • difflib.SequenceMatcher for searching similarities.
  • The manipulation of data arrays by Numpy and Pandas
  • Seaborn for the efficient visualization of statistical data


One of the most fundamental units of automation is considered a bot. Robots can be easily run from the desktop of employees. The key features involve are as follows:

Programming interfaces

Different types of programming interfaces are needed as bots require to be programmed efficiently. RPA programming is completely simple as compared to the other types of programming. In this scenario, there are code-free ways to program Robotic Process Automation bots.

Different orchestration modules help in facilitating the management of bots and processes. It enables you to begin and shut, schedule bots and analyze bot activity. Orchestrators are capable of highlighting problems that bots encounter and administering a dashboard for the operations that are managed by robotic process automation.


This is essential for bots to work alongside enterprise applications. It is also possible for the bot to perform tasks and screen scrape. Though it is more reliable to have app integration screen scraping tends to have a higher probability of causing glitches and errors. In the market trend, many bots are working with legacy applications, desktop applications, web applications and different other major enterprise software solutions comprising Citrix, SAP, Java and mainframe apps.

Ultimate outcomes

Are you searching for RPA development services? RPA bots can make the effective usage of OS applications just like a human user. However, bots have many things and actions to accomplish. To name a few below:

Integrations with enterprise tools with the help of:

  • Connecting to system APIs
  • Writing and reading databases

Launching & utilizing distinct apps comprise:

  • Signing and logging in to applications
  • Opening emails and attachments
  • Files and folders movement

The process of augmenting the database by scraping data from the web comprising social media data processing

  • Making calculations in an effective way
  • Properly following rational rules
  • Inputting data into forms
  • Extraction of data from documents
  • Merging data from multiple sources
  • Reformatting data into reports and dashboards
  • Pasting and copying data

Bots are capable of functioning on virtualization solutions such as Citrix on the Windows environment.


Are you looking for RPA development solutions? As the leading RPA consulting agency, Nextbrain offers a complete range of RPA development solutions to enterprises and businesses. It comprises professionals who have many years of experience in RPA development services. Combined with Big Data and AI technologies, the robots can easily serve as reliable partners in decision-making. During the upcoming years, they will certainly be further developed so that they can be used for different areas of application. Having dedicated teams, we develop the best RPA solutions.