Relevance of IoT-based environmental monitoring today: its application



August 23, 2022 Author

As urbanization increases it is seen that the majority of the population is suffering from global pollution. Different types of environmental hazards are putting human civilization at potential risk. IoT technology is quite active in mitigating environmental-related issues. Internet of Things is considered a vast subject that comprises the enhanced use of resources, advanced strategies and sensor-based functionalities. Environmental monitoring is considered the best application of IoT technology. It utilizes improved sensor devices to identify the presence of air pollutants. This, in turn, promotes better sustainability and a safer environment. In this blog, our IoT app development company is going to focus on the significant aspects of using a smart IoT-enabled environmental monitoring solution.  

When it comes to closed workplaces like office premises and underground mines, it is important to maintain a favourable atmosphere. The data of air pollutants are captured and recorded through sensors. These are sent on a cloud platform with the help of gateways. It has become imperative to adopt smart IoT technology looking to the increasing population and carbon footprint. The combination of IoT devices, deployment of sensors, edge computing and remote connectivity can potentially support reporting, rapid detection, remediation and critical data insights. 

The advent of IoT-enabled environmental monitoring

The IoT-based environmental monitoring system can be defined as a complete collection of data and measurements from our physical environment by utilizing sensors and linked devices. The integration of IoT sensors in the pipeline, tanks, oceanic applications, weather stations, and industrial equipment is capable of detecting water levels, moisture, temperature, and many more. The linked devices along with embedded communication modules are capable of processing the info utilizing edge computing technology. 

Monitoring systems can be easily programmed for detecting specific conditions and then trigger alerts through email or text. Therefore, an IoT-based environmental monitoring system using IoT serves as the voice for an application. The Internet of Things plays a relevant role in improving the quality of air. IoT technology comprises smart systems and techniques for measuring air quality and water treatment. IoT technology uses a data-driven approach to administer predictive outcomes and critical insights. As it offers potential monitoring, it helps to measure your data and monitor insights for improvements.   

What are the essential elements for environmental monitoring?

In this context, we will acknowledge how IoT-based environmental monitoring administers data in real-time which enables IT managers to proactively keep tabs on their equipment and processes. Let's take a look at the four important elements of IoT-based monitoring for supporting critical insights and decision-making.    

  • Measure data
  • Monitor the environmental factors 
  • Catalog Data
  • Administer actionable insights from the data & analysis

How IoT technology assists in environmental monitoring

Air quality monitoring

air quality monitoring

To avoid major health issues in the environment, it is important to maintain air quality for breathing. At the time of working in a closed space, the surrounding area will remain clean as well as fresh. The IoT-enabled eco-monitoring solutions installed for specific premises can be utilized for recognizing the specific matter in the air. It captures data through sensor devices. Organizations are capable of transferring the data to a cloud platform for processing. The real-time air monitoring, quick decision-making and controlling ventilation for enhanced air circulation. 

Energy monitoring  

The IoT-powered products are affordable as well as implemented for improving the ambience. The sensor-based technology is the most efficient for different purposes of cost savings associated with energy consumption and optimizing worker productivity. A smart environmental monitoring system administers all the details relating to energy consumption patterns. With technological advancement, sensors have overtaken conventional ways. With the utilization of IoT-powered solutions, one can remotely monitor several natural resources and conserve them. 

Monitoring of water quality

monitoring of water quality

Water is considered the most crucial resource for survival and should be maintained to be offered to people in its purest form. It requires incessant quality monitoring and proper management strategies for efficient conservation practices. The IoT technology integrates smart water meters, irrigation technology and sensors for smart offices and buildings. These offer real-time monitoring of the water consumption patterns. For measuring pH levels, advanced sensor devices are installed. Additionally, it also helps in monitoring oxygen levels and contaminants that are dangerous. The IoT-infused waste bin level monitoring system provides reliable use cases that are advantageous for promoting human health.

Gas detection and measuring toxicity in gas

IoT has most of its use cases relating to environmental monitoring. Having remote control of our surroundings can be amazing. If there is a closed space, they are prone to dangerous gas. This can damage infrastructure as well as human lives at a massive rate. With the Internet of things development technology, pre-detection of harmful gas can be conducted. It will detect future happenings and diminish the drastic effects at a certain rate. IoT-enabled gateways and sensors are the vital elements that enable automated and real-time identification of gas. Therefore, one can keep track of data for analysis and predictive analysis.  


IoT has become a relevant part of the latest technological trends. The process of installing a smart environment system can offer enhanced approaches to a safe environment with better water, air and energy sustainability. As a leading IoT development company, Nextbrain offers premium IoT app development solutions comprising modern and smart technology trends. It provides effective industrial improvements and has helped enterprises stay ahead of the competition with technological advancements. It enables organizations and enterprises to employ smart concepts with better control over their surrounding. Our IoT app developers have many years of experience in creating unique app development solutions for different industry domains.