Onshore vs. Offshore Mobile App Development: The Truth



September 15, 2020 Author

Mobile app development has been creating a revolution for the past few decades with the huge rise in the popularity and usability of the apps. With these companies all over the world has been diligently into mobile app development with onshore or offshore development. Companies often fail to decide whether to go for onshore app development or outsource the development to some offshore companies. Both onshore and offshore development comes with its own pros and cons, which are listed below.

Onshore vs. Offshore Development: Which is the right choice?

Subsequent to observing the difference between onshore and offshore mobile app development, it is analyzed that outsourcing the development of software from an offshore company may not abide by your country’s copyright laws and regulations. On the other hand, outsourcing to an onshore company cannot lead to such copyright complications. One of the best ways to get custom development solutions is from onshore development companies. For instance, our software development team comprise experienced professionals working in the arena for several years.

They have spent expertise in different projects that have distinct project requirements and management. Contrary to the above observation, if you hire an offshore company to complete the development project, you will evince budget-friendly rates and exposure to talented developers. Are you on the lookout for a development company? Then you can connect with the Nextbrain team. They have skilled developers that administer quality development solutions on time.

Offshore mobile app development

Offshore mobile app development refers to the outsourcing of the activities of the mobile app development to other companies who specialize in them. Outsourcing of mobile app development is usually done to countries such as India, Philippines, which are cheaper in terms of human resource as well as the cost of mobile app development.

Reasons for choosing offshore app development

One of the primary reasons to opt for the offshore mobile app development is cost saving. Companies all over the world choose to outsource their mobile app development to countries, where the cost of resources are less and the mobile apps could be developed at the most cost-effective and budget-friendly manner.

offshore mobile app development

 The same product with same features incorporated will cost much more in countries like USA, UK than in India. Hence companies outsource their mobile app development.

Pros of offshore development

Cheaper: One of the major advantages and the primary reason for outsourcing is cost-effectiveness. Outsourcing mobile app development to countries like India lessens the app development costs significantly.

Expertise professionals: The best of the professionals who are technically sound can be put together towards the development of the mobile apps when outsourced. This helps the company to get the best apps for themselves, which might not have been the case for onshore development. The technical knowledge can be limited and the professionals might not be as skilled as the offshore ones.

Quality: Since the offshore professionals are expert in the mobile app development, hence it is likely that the best quality of the apps can be obtained without any compromise, if the mobile app development is sent offshore, rather than onshore development.


Cons of offshore development

Miscommunication: Offshore mobile app development is like long distance relations, where communication is based on digital interfaces. Since physical communication is missing, along with constraints like language and time zones, hence miscommunication might be the greatest disadvantage for offshore app development.

A difference in culture: It often happens that the offshore mobile app development company fails to understand the culture of the client company. This difference in culture might be reflected in the mobile app as well, hampering the quality or usability.

Trust issues: It is important for the client company to choose a trusted mobile app development partner offshore. This will eliminate the chances of trust issues between the client and the offshore mobile app development company.

onshore vs offshore mobile app development

Onshore mobile app development

Onshore mobile app development ensures that mobile apps are developed in-house and are not outsourced to any other country. This ensures that all the cons discussed above in case of offshore development are eliminated and the in-house or local experts and professionals develop the mobile apps. In this type of mobile app development, the app developers are from the same country as that of the client

Reasons for choosing onshore app development

One of the reasons to choose onshore app development over the offshore ones is easier communication and better sync with the culture. When the budget is not a major factor, onshore app development rules out the offshore development.

Pros of onshore  development

Clarity in communication: Since the developers are in and around the client, hence crisp communication is maintained between the client and mobile app developers. Moreover, physical communication is also facilitated with onshore mobile app development, as clients and app developers can be involved together in every phase of app development.

No differences in culture: Since the client company and the app developers belong to the same country and culture, hence hampering the app due to the difference of culture is also eliminated.

Read more: Right time to hire a dedicated app developers for your mobile app

Cons of onshore  development

Costly: The main disadvantage of onshore app development is that onshore app development is quite costly. For countries like USA and UK, mobile app development costs are high and thus it is difficult for companies to cope up with such high app development costs.

Both onshore and offshore mobile app development has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, it is the final call of the mobile app development company to choose between these, the one that suits best for their business.