How to Develop On-Demand Fuel Delivery Mobile Application and its features



September 15, 2020 Author

Developing an On-demand fuel delivery mobile application is the initial step for ensuring seamless fuel delivery. This is because, it is through the app that customers can raise the fuel delivery request, with location, while the delivery tankers can track down the customer using the mobile application.

How does it work?

The on-demand fuel delivery works pretty much like all other conventional on-demand delivery apps. Customers need to register themselves in the app and request for fuel delivery services using their current location using GPS or set the location manually. The driver of the fuel tanker gets the notification of the on-demand order placed for fuel, with the location, and drives to the location to fill up the customer’s fuel tanks.


on-demand fuel delivery application


Fuel Delivery Mobile app development 

Since the entire system of fuel delivery app runs on real-time location sharing, GPS alone might not be sufficient enough to support the system. Integration of iBeacon, IoT devices are also essential for ensuring uninterrupted services. IoT devices have the potential to gather necessary information and multi-faced reports and analytics essential for on-demand fuel delivery mobile application.


Features of On-Demand Fuel delivery app

features of fuel delivery system

Mobile apps designed to ensure uninterrupted on-demand fuel delivery needs to have the following features:

GPS and iBeacon enabled 

The on-demand fuel delivery app needs to be GPS and iBeacon compatible in order to transmit the exact location as well as essential information to the fuel tankers, ensuring complete record keeping.

Pin location 

Along with being GPS compatible, the users should also be able to pin the location where their cars are parked, in order to guide the fuel trucks to deliver fuel without delay.

Essential information input 

The mobile app should allow input of essential information such as the time, quantity of fuel and the type of fuel that the car needs, in order to guide the fuel delivery boys about the specific requirements.

Easy payment options

Offering a wide range of payment options such as card, payment gateways, cash on delivery needs to be compatible with the app, such that customers can comfortably choose their convenient option and hence encourage customers to use fuel delivery service app.

Real-time tracking

One of the most essential features in fuel delivery mobile app is accurate real-time tracking of the fuel delivery tanker. Since fuel is an essential item, hence the real-time location of the fuel tanker needs to be constantly updated to the customers, who requested for the delivery.

Easy navigability

Ease of navigability in the mobile fuel delivery app is essential such that customers can use the app easily and place their fuel delivery orders with just a few clicks.


User's app - Fuel Ordering mobile app


Fuel ordering app for Users


The features include:


The customers need to register themselves in the app, after they have downloaded it, as the first step for using the on-demand fuel delivery mobile app.

Fuel request

Customers then need to raise their fuel delivery request, along with their current location.

Sharing of location

After fuel request is raised, customers need to share their location using GPS or manually.


Payment has to be completed, using the most convenient payment mode.

Real-time tracking

On successful request of fuel, real-time tracking links are sent to the customers to track down the fuel tanker.

Fuel delivery

Fuel delivery tankers receive the requests with the location and the type of fuel, as chosen by the customers and deliver the fuel successfully.


Driver’s app - Fuel Delivery System



Fuel delivery app for drivers and delivery boy/agents

The features include:

Real-time requests

The fuel tanker drivers receive real-time fuel delivery requests, with customer’s address and a contact number and moves to deliver the fuel.

Route optimization

Route optimization in the driver’s app guides them to deliver fuel to maximum customers with minimum traveling.

Customer’s signature as proof of delivery

Once delivery is done successfully, drivers collect the customer’s electronic signature as proof of delivery.


Admin Panel

The features include:


The dashboard helps incomplete record keeping of the business, along with the number of requests, details of the customers and so on.


Analytics such as the number of miles traveled, the time is taken, the number of successful deliveries, delayed deliveries and failed ones can be seen, thus ensuring transparency and complete record keeping.

Performance analysis

Based on the performance of each of the drivers and there failed to successful delivery ratio, the performance of each drive could be analyzed.


Benefits of Fuel delivery app 

Benifits of online fuel delivery app

Saves time and money

Useful in case of emergencies

Low setup cost

Effective and essential in the fast paced life



On-demand fuel delivery mobile application is indeed a necessity and has a high demand in the market with least competition. This app helps customers and drivers to get fuel anytime and anywhere, instead of burning fuel to drive extra miles, in search of refill stations and fuel pumps. Contact us to start and grow your fuel delivery business.