Effective Mobile App Development Process to Be Adopted In 2021



February 04, 2021 Author

The preceding ten years has evinced the highest mobile app development trends, along with rapid digitization. With rising applications in the mobile market, various businesses and enterprises are adopting app development as their primordial strategy to serve global clients. However, a majority of them did not have the expert knowledge to implement and execute the following right development process. Considering the global competitive jargon standing up with uniqueness can be a reality.

Mobile app development is a process formulated with agile techniques and effective approaches. The entire development procedure includes six important stages. In this blog, we will look into the different phases of an effective mobile app development process.

Strategy of development

Formulating the strategy of developing a valuable app is considered as the first stage app development process. Among the various stages, this phase is regarded as crucial that defines the technical strategy. In this stage, you have to determine the app-specific features required for the shaping of the app model. The stage covers recognizing the application targeted users, instituting application objectives, studying the competition, and choosing a prospective platform. This part settles the agenda of the app and progresses to the next phase of app development.

Plan approaches


The planning stage combines the planning and analyses of the app concept. With the help of effective analyses, the developer settles functional requisites of the app features. As per the time settled for the development process, the expert sets a product roadmap and priorities are given to the resources required to develop the app platform. In addition to this, you have to identify the skills required for the development procedure. Technology stack is different for distinct platform frameworks.

Do you want to build it for Android or iOS mobile platforms? It depends upon the business requirement of the client. In the case of Android apps, Android developers begin preparing for the next phase of the process and vice versa. This stage evinces the naming of the mobile app that is relevant to your business for which you are building the app and unique.

Design phase

Design phase

In various companies, mobile apps are becoming the sole platform for business operations. They have users of distinct requirements and priorities. The primary stride towards designing the mobile app is through settling on the data the app is meant to show, user experience with the final product, aimed at meeting user’s requisites, and the data it will store. However, this stage is divided into four more sub-stages which we will elaborate to give you the best app development process at hand.

Digital sketching

Digital sketching

A number of designers still took to work a lot of digital sketches, popularly known as wireframes. They are basically layouts that administer visual format to the application’s functionalities. The creation of conceptual layout can be a cost-effective option while designing mobile apps. However, the process requires essential expertise that can employ effectual device design apt for the formulation of the application. It leads to putting weight on the user experience and artistry, not on pattern schemes. Thus, if you operate it on iPad or iPhone, the design remains instinctive aiming at device app-specific ends.


Mobile app development process mockup

Mockups are high designs that adhere to the ultimate rendering of the app’s design. With the help of employing style fonts to the wireframes, mockup is created at hand. The ultimate app architecture focuses on app designs, mockups, aesthetics, and features. The popular software tool used to create such designs is Adobe Photoshop and Adobe XD.

Style guide

The style guide is the creative compilation of the style of fonts used in texts of the app, colour plans, and the brand name of your mobile app. The mobile app developers have to show their talent in designing the app with technical strategy and advanced designs.


mobile app development prototype

Last of the designing phases are adding prototypes to the mobile application design. Prototypes are identified as constructive in keeping smooth app workflows and easy user experience. The development of prototypes can take much hard work; however, they help to progress the primary testing of the mobile app design. They assist in recognizing technical changes to the proposed operations of the app.

Mobile app development stage

mobile app development process stage

Subsequent to the previous stages comes the most integral phase of mobile app development. Our mobile app developers at Nextbrain technologies are experienced enough to bring down all prospects into action. They have several years of expertise in app development and serving clients globally. They are well aware of the development processes and plan to set the landmark. The client reviews all the above stages and comes to the development phase.

Different technologies are used for different development frameworks such as Android, iOS, and backend development. For the purpose of backend development, we utilize advanced languages like React Js, Node Js, PHP, and AngularJs. In case of android development, Java is used with android SDK tools.

Testing process

As you progress to the final stages of mobile app development, the first thing that comes to mind is quality testing. It assists in creating a state-of-the-art application with advanced features meeting the business functionalities that it is meant for. Bug fixation is a major part of any development process and is solved at ease to maintain a cost-effective budget on the production. The quality assurance team has skilled experts who go through the entire mobile application operations and perform tests to ensure the smooth running of the application.

Functional tests

With the help of the test performance, the quality assurance experts check the functional features of the app. This process is as per the specifications given by the client. They conduct user interface testing and monitor suitable input and output as desirable.

Non-functional tests

Coming to the non-functional testing solutions, the experts examine the scalability, flexibility, security, loading time, and performance of the mobile app product. In addition to the functional tests, it also covers the entire facets of the mobile app development.


It is launching the application to make the app live in the ultimate step of the mobile app development procedure. When you release the mobile app, it needs the submission of the mobile application to the app store such as google play store for Android and Apple AppStore for iOS apps. By dint of a developer’s account, you can launch an app that includes several stages like app title, description, category, keywords, and launch brand icon. After submission, it goes through a review process which checks the productivity and quality of the mobile app. All steps passed, the app becomes available in stores. The technical experts have a walkthrough of the analytics and track key functionalities for checking the success of the app’s output.

Post-production and support

As the app releases and comes to the hands of users, you will receive feedback from different users. With time, the developers update the app with the latest design trends and features specific to the subject. As the first rendition comes to usage, new development starts. At times, it can happen that the client can ask for additional bug fixation. If it happens within the period of free support, then it is done easily. You can extend support with additional contracts and get your bugs immediately fixed on time.

Dissimilar to web applications where fixed deliveries can be accessible to application clients in a split second, mobile application updates should experience a similar submission and survey measure as the underlying submission. Additionally, with mobile applications, you need to ceaselessly keep steady over innovative updates and regularly update your application for new platforms.

Final verdict

Do you want to grow your business with an effective app development system? Then consider a few factors while selecting the best mobile app development company for your work. For several years, Nextbrain has administered custom mobile app development services to various enterprises and businesses all around the globe. The process elaborated above is adopted for every app development system. We have been ongoing with effective project modules and would like to serve marketers and entrepreneurs to enhance their business operations. Connect with skilled developers and get app development solutions at a very cost-effective budget.