Major IoT applications in sports & fitness industry



March 16, 2023 Author

During the recent era, smart technologies have started to indulge in every aspect of our lives. Similarly, it has influenced the sports and fitness industry as well. As a global tech trend, advanced technologies of today are offering incessant opportunities for businesses. The Internet of Things has a massive role to play and thereby has an economic impact on health as well as in the fitness sector globally. Additionally, the global sports technology market is expected to reach more than $40.2 billion by the end of 2026. This blog delineates the major influences of IoT use in the sports and fitness industry. The rising demand for enhanced personalization in the sports and fitness industry implies that technology has become a significant part of business success.

Shift in consumer expectations of sport & fitness industries            

The way technologies have made an entry into our everyday lives, has remodeled the way people look at their lifestyles. Nowadays, people are starting their day with yoga or meditation and mostly use advanced technologies for tracking their oxygen level, and heartbeat with fitness bands and smartwatches. Additionally, they track their speed and count the distance with technology. These kinds of fitness trackers come with sensors which are capable of storing data that we utilize on a daily basis. 

The devices not only improve overall performance but also collect more data regarding activities. The precise combination of analysis, data aggregation and connectivity make this system smart which, in turn, has augmented consumers’ expectations. 

Real-time monitoring 

Today, users look for real-time monitoring and analysis of their vitals desiring smart gadgets catering to business requirements. This notion of health tracking is rising as more people are becoming health conscious and expecting smart devices that can connect to global sports & events with remote spectating. This increasing demand for excellent personalization in fitness and sports has resulted in advanced technologies that are now seen as a vital element for business success. Therefore, businesses, startups and enterprises are required to search for ways to integrate IoT into fitness and sports.

IoT solutions in sports & fitness

IoT solutions in sports & fitness

IoT technology is giving serious goals by using the benefits of connected technologies. IoT proves influential in improving overall user experience, advanced analytics, sensors of different kinds that collect data, remote monitoring, asset tracking technology, and so forth. In this context, we will take a look at the different technologies that are potential IoT applications. 

Fitness applications

Fitness applications come in distinct forms and serve as a relevant part of IoT solutions that end-users can view. IoT applications-based sensors collect data from the devices that are furthermore analyzed and displayed in the app. Among such applications of fitness trackers involves Nike Run Club and Strava which have gained popularity among people and fitness enthusiasts. As the leading IoT app development company, Nextbrain covers the prospect of IoT applications by implementing effective technologies to create IoT-based applications that can sync with devices such as smartwatches, smart yoga mats, heart monitors, and head units and store data within them.       

Most fitness trackers such as Garmin and Fitbit have applications of their own administering actionable insights in dashboards depending on the metrics and fitness data. IoT technology integrated into fitness trackers can assist in measuring distinct metrics such as skin temperature, oxygen saturation level, sleep monitoring and much more, creating emphasis on health.


Wearables are IoT-connected devices that provide a wide variety of features for tracking progress, monitoring healthcare and acquiring insights into several fitness activities. Internet of Things application development plays an important role in creating effective wearable technologies. IoT-enabled high-tech GPS tracking vests are worn by sports persons. IoT-based wearable devices are capable of tracking performance comprising speed, distance covered, intensity and heart rate. Additionally, wearable devices create heat maps that display active players on the field. 

Connected sports gear   

One of the best examples of IoT use cases is connected sports gear or training equipment that finds possible applications in gyms and fitness centers. Rowers, smart IoT-enabled fitness technologies, treadmills and stationary bikes provide users with a custom quality approach to training enabling them to track performance and set fitness objectives. After considering the rise in popularity of connected sports equipment, several IoT companies are actively administering IoT solutions that can offer smarter choices than ever.         

Advantages of using IoT in sports & fitness

Advantages of using IoT in sports & fitness

In sports, IoT emerges as a boon serving both general and specific purposes. Herein, it is important to discuss the benefits of IoT in fitness and sports. 

Real-time performance tracking

Different fitness trackers and smartwatches when integrated with IoT sensors can bring in real-time performance-tracking benefits. This boosts fitness mechanisms and acquires relevant results faster.

User safety & rehabilitation

Fitness and sports, at times, can become traumatic in the case of amateurs. Smart gear, equipment, and smart apparel can prevent potential damages and guide them to use IoT technology safely. It monitors customers’ health and helps them in rehabilitation.

Improved coaching & game strategy

For efficient management, data relating to sports-specific rates offer important insights. Having a proper IoT solution, coaches can view the player’s individual strengths and weaknesses. In this way, he can model the game plan.

Advanced sports gear/equipment maintenance

IoT-enabled smart devices have improved the way sports used to be looked at. It had improved sports gear with smart choices. IoT-based sports equipment keeps close notice if it requires essential repair and maintenance. Therefore, one can take possible measures without delay and extend its services. IoT equipment has the potential to report potential equipment breakdowns, system damages and leaks. This enables early detection and saves costs in solving glitches without causing any harm.


The process of incorporating the IoT approach to recent business can assist in optimizing processes and saving operational costs. Using IoT in sports and fitness is considered a major step for IoT companies to keep pace with the rising popularity of IoT technology in sports and fitness. As the top app development company, Nextbrain offers a complete range of IoT app development services using advanced technologies, functional specifications, UI/UX design, and many more. It comprises IoT app developers having several years of expertise in building unique IoT app solutions for the sports and fitness industry.


How is IoT beneficial in sports & fitness?

IoT sensors offer beneficial data associated with sports and fitness such as heat exhaustion, level of hydration, anxiety, physical health monitoring, mental health analysis and many more. IoT-enabled technology has been able to offer real-time health monitoring, real-time performance tracking, user safety and many more. 

Do IoT devices transmit data?

IoT-enabled devices and applications are capable of sharing sensor data that they collect by connecting to an IoT gateway where the data is either sent to clouds that are analyzed locally. 

Why choose Nextbrain for an IoT app development company?

Nextbrain is the top IoT app development company offering a broad spectrum of IoT-enabled solutions using effective IoT technologies and tools. Having a skilled team of developers with extensive knowledge in creating unique IoT platforms, they offer effective business solutions.