Leverage security with real time video analytics



August 29, 2023 Author

We are living in the era of virtual reality and digital surveillance in every nook and cranny of our day-to-day lives. Technology makes our lives more advanced; on the other hand, insecurity also increases to some extent. Nowadays, as part of increased security concerns, every aspect of our lives is under the constant surveillance of a digital eye. It can capture all the minute details better than the human eye does. The visual information that we get from surveillance cameras and video cameras cannot be analyzed by the human eye. Manual analysis of this data will be a tedious process. However, the data and insights from the video will be useful to enhance the security and operations facilities. The advancement of software and artificial intelligence (AI) has had a huge impact on real-time video surveillance analytics software. It can detect objects and their movements. If you can use this advancement in technology, it can be a profitable avenue for business intelligence.

In this blog, we are going to discuss how to benefit from real-time video analytic tools.

What is real-time video analytics?

Real-time video analytics is the algorithm-based analysis of video data. It can automatically recognize any spatial or temporal events in video data. Real-time video analytic software is efficient at recognizing and differentiating between different objects, doubtful activities, or behaviors that may prompt security actions. The main purpose of AI video surveillance software is that if any unauthorized activities are captured by the surveillance camera, it can automatically send alert messages to the security personnel. So they can take safety measures as quickly as possible.

The in-depth real-time analysis cloud potentially provides the user with actionable insights on how they can improve security measures. Real-time video analysis is also useful in object detection, motion detection, object recognition, and movement pattern analysis. This analytical system is useful in many circumstances, including traffic rule violation detection, suspicious activity in front of an ATM, the sudden appearance of smoke or fire, etc.

How does real-time video analytics work?

How does real-time video analytics work

Moreover, as a tool for data analysis and interpretation, real-time video analytic software is efficient for providing feedback. This feature makes it more intelligent. Real-time video analytics happens in three stages.

Pre-processing stage, feature extraction stage, and pattern recognition stage

Pre-processing stage

In this stage, the software will clean up all the irrelevant data and safely store all the important information. Irrelevant data includes anything that can potentially interrupt or distort the analytic process, such as motion blur or image noise.

Feature extract stage

In the feature extraction stage, the analytic tool can extract important information from the collected data. It could be the shape of an object, its movement pattern, color, size, etc.

Pattern recognition stage

In the pattern recognition stage, the selected data will be analyzed and matched against the known pattern. If anything is found to be unusual, the alarm will sound, and action can be taken. In this stage, machine learning algorithms are used to evaluate, monitor, and manage large amounts of data. Through the digitizing process, video inputs are transformed into smart data and generate feedback. In CCTV cameras, smart video analytic tools can be placed in a central monitoring station. As it is capable of detecting and analyzing the data near the source, it is also known as edge video analysis.

Benefits of real-time video analytics in security

Benefits of Real-Time Video Analytics in Security

On-time analysis and detection are two of the important benefits of real-time video analysis. Here are some other important advantages of real-time video analytics:

  • In-depth analysis

Real-time video analysis tools are capable of in-depth video analysis, which is not possible for the human eye or traditional video surveillance systems. Rather than looking at the images as a whole, it can analyze them pixel by pixel. Moreover, it can track, detect, and classify objects in a scene. The algorithm that is used in video analytics is efficient for high-level analysis. This analysis report is more accurate and conclusive when compared to manual eye reading.

  • Object recognition and motion detection

As cutting-edge technology, video analytic tools can perform a variety of important tasks. To detect objects of interest and analyze their movements within the video surveillance, the real-time video analysis tool uses advanced computer vision and machine learning techniques. Through object recognition, video analytics can identify unattended baggage, vehicles, people, etc. Advanced algorithms can monitor these kinds of objects, even their minor deviations in motion patterns. It is also efficient to do real-time face recognition and differentiate between normal behavior patterns and suspicious activities with high accuracy. If it finds any suspicious activity, abnormal behavior, or the presence of unknown objects or persons, it will trigger an alert.

  • Notifications and Alerts

Instant notification alert efficiency is one of the primary benefits of real-time video analytics tools. If the system detects anything abnormal or suspicious in the video surveillance area based on the pre-programmed rules, it can automatically generate alert signals or warning messages for security personnel. The security personnel will immediately receive alert messages on their mobile devices, and they can start taking action to prevent the situation. In emergencies, the software is capable of generating sirens, which could be sounded throughout the building. A real-time video analytic tool is capable of generating alerts for various personalities at the same time, including security staff, the owner of the firm, management, and all higher officials.

  • Automated Real-Time Video Surveillance System

Automated real-time video surveillance will capture every moment under surveillance. It can monitor the premises 24/7 and detect threats as they happen, and the software is efficient in monitoring and detecting threats on time. As it continuously monitors and analyzes the video, if any unusual activity or behavior is detected in the surroundings, the software will automatically generate warning signals. In this system, there is no need for manual operation or intervention. When compared with manual recording and analysis of video from real-time video surveillance systems, it gives incredibly accurate data without any time delay.

  • Easy installation

A real-time video analytics system is designed to be easily installed on top of existing CCTV camera infrastructure. It does not require crucial changes in hardware or software, so seamless integration is quite possible. In the network media recorder or video management system, the software can simply be installed. After the cameras are connected to the system, the configuration process involves choosing the desired types of analysis, like motion detection, object recognition, etc. The user can do all these configuration steps without the help of a technician or technical knowledge. Without major disruptions, organizations can reap the benefits of a video surveillance system quickly because of its plug-and-play nature.

  • Less cost of labor

Real-time video surveillance systems are efficient at significantly reducing human effort, so ultimately they will help minimize labor costs. The software is efficient in automatically capturing, analyzing, detecting threats, and generating alert messages and signals. This will reduce the time and effort of security officials watching and detecting threats from the visuals. The automation of routine monitoring and analysis will help the security personnel concentrate more on strategic security initiatives.


Real-time video analytics will be the perfect and robust solution for improving the security of your company. As a leading video analytic software development company, Nextbrain Technologies can improve the effectiveness of your video surveillance system. We can assure in-depth analysis, object recognition, motion detection, and automated alert systems in the software. It will help you enhance security systems and surveillance awareness, reduce labor costs, and improve decision-making. Our software can leverage real-time video surveillance, and it will help you optimize security operations, prevent potential threats proactively, and improve overall security.