Laravel and vue.js: why is this combination becoming popular?



May 31, 2022 Author

VueJS is the most popular and feature-rich Progressive web application development framework. A progressive framework is known to be an additional markup offered to HTML. It shows if the browser updates on its own the HTML file also gets updated. It is generally confined to the data model like a template model. Laravel is a popular open-source and generally a PHP framework that is robust. Also, it is easy to use and the minimum time required to learn it makes it a great frontend framework. To stand out in your business, it is a great strategy to utilize various domains of technology. In full-stack development, Laravel and VueJS combination offers wonders.

Why is laravel popular for the backend?

Many programmers realized seamless performance and unique features while talking about the benefits of any framework. Let's check why Laravel is popular for the backend.

Why is laravel popular for the backend


Laravel supports a wide range of tools that offers a unified and expressive API for a lot of caching backends. Having pre-installed support applications such as Redis, and Laravel can in turn improve the memory cache performance.

Laravel scout

Laravel Scout is an ultimate tool and offers a driver-based and simple solution to add a full-text search for the eloquent models.


It will be utilized for installation and updating. It assists Laravel developers to build an application of various sizes for managing third-party packages.


A pre-installed template is known as Blade and it helps in increasing the optimal performance.


A wide range of libraries have been already pre-installed and among them, one of the well-known libraries of Laravel is the Authentication Library.

Direct testing option

A Direct testing option is an effective testing tool for developers for validating everything is perfect. Also, this makes it simpler for Laravel developers to analyze the application's performance.

How is vuejs preferred among the various javascript frameworks?

Vue is used to develop web interfaces and it is popular as the best Javascript framework replacing advanced technologies like React and Angular in many situations. Find out how VueJS is preferred among the various Javascript frameworks.

VueJS is faster

The VUE's rendering system is very fast when compared to various Javascript frameworks such as React. When it comes to DOM size, page size, or library size, VUE is the best of all the categories. A VueJS development company with a team of expert VueJS developers can help you build robust applications for your business.

Simplicity comes with vue

VUE is known to be very simple. Vue may be directly run through a browser and it will be also easy for inserting VUE into the code of any line.

Large scale implementation of apps

Vue is simpler for understanding and faster for executing with the great rendering function. VueJS system is highly configurable and it utilizes HTML templates for core designing making it highly testable when it amalgamates with Vue utilities.

VueJS is growing so fast

VUE has been developed by one programmer named Evan You. Vue has native elements that perfectly suit all situations. Vue is becoming a well-known and the best Javascript framework as Vue has been experiencing 225k hits in a month.

What makes laravel and vuejs a great combination?

For full-stack development, the combination of VueJS with Laravel creates great wonders. Let's discuss what makes Laravel and VueJS a great combination.

Official community support

You may stick to VueJS to start a Laravel project. As VueJS provides great support to the Laravel programmers so it will be easily maintained for any long-term project having Laravel and VueJS together.

Great API documentation 

The API documentation works very well with Vue and Laravel when compared to the other resources and technologies present on the internet. Laravel and Vue are the best with the API documentation experience so a perfect and accurate document offers better learning as well as development experience for developers.

Online resources and useful websites

Vue is having a lot of verified online resources especially for Laravel when compared to other frameworks. A website such as Laracast, the best Laravel and PHP screencasts around the web focuses greatly on Laravel and Vue. A wide variety of articles and packages on these two are given on the internet.

Ease of use

Taking into consideration all the points mentioned above, it is clear why developers are utilizing Laravel with Vue. The amalgamation of these two frameworks is simpler to use as well as learn. Also, the community of Laravel is projected toward VueJS making packages related to Laravel and VueJS greatly available.


Combining Vuejs and Laravel for your project will enhance it to a greater level. Both offer exceptional features and hence combining them will only offer ultimate results which may not be possible while making use of any one of these technologies at a time. Nextbrain Technologies is the top Laravel development company having highly experienced Laravel developers specializing in providing robust and scalable web applications using the combination of VueJS and Laravel technologies.