Latest IoT trends and impact of IoT on the world economy



June 03, 2022 Author

IoT is the most popular term mainly when it is concerned with the emerging technology trends. Also, it is very important to become aware of the impact and significance of the Internet of Things (IoT) on the world economy and various industries. This influence is simpler to notice in the customer market with the availability of wearable devices such as fitness trackers and a lot more. Also, we can observe a great impact in our workplace, way of living, and daily routines because IoT devices are already becoming indispensable elements in everyone’s lives.

Impact of the IoT on the world economy

IoT Trends 2022

The economy is a complicated and wide-ranging concept comprising various economic activities conducted both between and within nations that includes manufacturing, goods and services trade, financial operations, management, and a lot more. Let’s discuss the impact of IoT on the world economy.

  • The Internet of Things (IoT) market has crossed $389 billion in the year 2020 and is expected to increase $1 000 billion in the year 2030.
  • In 2019, the total no.of connected devices has crossed $10 billion and is forecasted to increase up to 30 billion by the year 2025.
  • Based on the McKinsey recent report, IoT applications are going to have a great economic impact of around $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion per year during 2025.
  • According to a study by Inmarsat, entrepreneurs of all industry domains are going to spend around 7% of their budget on IoT-based projects and even expected to increase upto 10%.
  • By the year 2023, the market growth rate of smart products in the healthcare sector is forecasted to reach 8.84%. This raises the market capitalization to $57.85 billion by the year 2023.
  • The  IoT market, which is global automotive, is forecasted to increase at a CAGR of 16.4% between the years 2019 to 2025 to rise up to $541.73 billion by the year 2025.

Latest IoT trends to consider in 2022

IoT Trends 2022

It is important to be aware of various important Internet of Things (IoT) trends to progress well in your business. Check the latest IoT Trends to consider in 2022.

Security concerns

In case any complicated safety issues occur, the IoT domain observes a great focus on offering security. These problems emerge from the dispersed and diversified character’s of technology. Network attacks of linked devices will still be possible. The IoT is capable of enhancing their interests by addressing an extensively held security. This can be done when the current security measures are highlighted. The necessity of warning customers of these security vulnerabilities at an early stage is always needed.

IoT manufacturing

IoT makes use of sensors, which can help to detect any equipment malfunctions. Also, wearables offers employees with a clear picture of industrial safety and conditions. Management will be interlinked through the wearables and Internet of Things. This offers better safety, time management, and feedback. Each and every day, the latest innovations for preventative maintenance are emerging.

Big data analytics and Machine learning

In IoT networks, scattered IoT data and analytics are discovering use. This approach enables computers to send any required alerts or implement an action with no transmission of huge amounts of information to network cores. Also, another latest trend is the interconnection and integration of data streams with AI engines and machine learning. AI and Machine learning are currently being interlinked and combined with various data sources. IoT solution providers can make use of integrated analytics to ramp up the entire data processing. Approach a reliable software development company to get robust IoT solutions for your business.

Better workforce 

Many trending technologies, ranging from blockchain and 5G blockchain to automation and AI, are observing a great increase in funds especially in the epidemic. All these technologies, in amalgamation with IoT, will assist organizations in maximizing their remote workforce. Also, employees will be evaluated and monitored whereas processes will be scheduled properly to be effective. All the data from the systems can be incorporated in the robust performance management software. An IoT application development company can offer customized Internet of Things software development services.

IoT in customer service

By delivering important data, the IoT can easily enhance customer service. CRM systems may offer benefits from advancements of technologies. The premise will depend on the capacity of technology in detecting customer issues as well as alert businesses. Also, cable providers, though, can earn profits from IoT. Without the customer’s knowledge, Internet of Things devices can communicate interest to consumer service desks.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a trending technology that is playing a vital role in the digital world and the technological landscape. Many reputed firms are already implementing robust IoT solutions in their business to improve their business growth. Looking for a top IoT application development company? Nextbrain Technologies is the leading IoT application development company offering custom, secure, and high-quality IoT application development services to enhance your business productivity.