How IoT changes the face of industry post-pandemic: IoT in hospitality domain



September 29, 2022 Author

After the pandemic situation, the travel industry has been able to finally begin to make significant progress in 2022. As people leave their cocoon to celebrate summer trips, travelling to domestic locales and abroad have become a thing for every individual. As hotels, cruise ships, restaurants, museums, resorts, casinos, and banquet halls started to boom, so are owners looking for permanent solutions to collecting data, automating business processes as well as deliver an enhanced experience. Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging trend in the hospitality industry that streamlines hospitality business operations making it beneficial for hotel managers, owners and several other business leaders. In this blog, we are going to discuss IoT technology developed by a top app development company and its importance in the hospitality domain. While reading this article, readers will find out the various facets of the Internet of Things and how it can benefit hospitality. 

What is the internet of things?   

IoT refers to an assortment of internet connectivity infused in regular devices and appliances that do not have such capabilities. IoT technology has the potential to turn these regular devices into smart objects that can send and receive data with each other. This can assist data gathering, enable multiple devices to be monitored and enhance levels of automation using a smart device such as a phone or tablet.  

Significance of IoT technology in the hospitality industry

Hospitality industry domains have already started to incorporate the Internet of Things into their businesses as it is an effective technology providing a huge range of crucial benefits that are completely relevant to hotels. There are multiple advantages ranging from delivering a better customer experience and saving energy costs, to enabling hotels to automate processes and others. The Internet of things development platform enables hotel managers and owners to optimize their operations and deliver a higher personalized experience for guests. When it comes to operations, real-time data and automation can assist companies to recognize problems and prevent further glitches.

Applications of IoT in the hospitality industry 

Energy optimization

Energy optimization

When it comes to energy consumption hotels have been estimated to spend more than 6% of functional costs on energy which, in turn, accounts for 60% of their carbon footprint. Herein, IoT plays a major role in boosting the sustainability efforts of resort and hotel owners. It helps to gather data from occupancy sensors around the hotel to gather insights from conference rooms, guest rooms and others. The IoT system automatically optimizes power consumption and helps accomplish energy savings by adjusting ideal room configurations.   

IEQ monitoring

Indoor Environmental Quality Monitoring systems have proved influential post-pandemic. It brought concerns regarding hygiene and clean air quality within restaurants, hotels, and resorts. Therefore, IEQ monitoring serves as a vital part of the facilities provided by a well-maintained place. 

The main objectives of IoT technology involve reducing energy consumption & keeping guests in a secured environment. IoT sensors play a major role in maintaining good conditions & clean environment in used spaces. Additionally, it provides insights into indoor climate factors for protecting guests’ health and comfort.      

Predictive repairs & maintenance

When it comes to the hospitality domain, customer satisfaction is highly relevant. The adoption of IoT sensors assists in administering enhanced care by complete monitoring of equipment and appliances in hotels. With the help of IoT technology, hoteliers can capture data on working status, notify maintenance teams regarding glitches and detect malfunctioning. It informs equipment conditions from beforehand and reduces operating costs. Therefore, managers can assure maximum uptime of all tools and offer an enhanced customer experience.   

Cleaning and sanitation

Cleaning and sanitation

After the Covid-19 pandemic hit the nations, people started maintaining daily disinfection rules to ward away infections. The same is followed in hotels, restaurants and resorts. IoT sensors assist in detecting the number of people in used space. The timely maintenance alerts and notifications sent to properties help in properly maintaining the gym floors, conference rooms, pool and other facilities. With the assistance of IoT technology, the hospitality staff can keep track of footfall in distinct areas and make sure that cleaning and sanitization are done at the right time. 

Footfall control & management

In order to curb the spread of Covid-19, governments throughout the world have imposed restrictions on different movements within a space such as hotels, restaurants and other public places. IoT technology created by a top IoT App development company assists in ensuring compliance with imposed rules on the number of people within a closed space. With the usage of people-counting systems, it assists the hotel facility managers in keeping track of the number of individuals entering or exiting any given area at any time. It offers alerts as the traffic exceeds the threshold so that the department can take measures. 

Electronic key cards

During primordial times, hotels and restaurants used to rely on physical key cards and actual keys for unlocking hotel rooms. IoT technology has paved the way for more opportunities when it comes to sending digital key cards directly to customers’ phones. Electronic key cards are not only handy but also convenient making it easier for customers to unlock the doors of hotels and eliminating the requirement of an actual key which tends to get lost if not kept properly.  

IoT technology has the ability to utilize internet communication technology for automatically sending the electronic key to a guest’s phone an hour prior to check-in, sync in the door, and enable desks for bypassing the check-in desk.  

Automation of guest room

Automation of guest room

The Internet of Things in the hotel industry is beneficial and helps in effective guest room automation. As technologies are advancing hoteliers can deploy IoT-enabled smart hospitality systems to administer customized solutions to guests. IoT-enabled devices can record and identify guest preferences for regulating settings.   

Final considerations

IoT in future can play a major role in the hospitality industry as the technology is effective and its implementation streamlines different operations involved within a hospitality system. It enables automation of processes making it easier for hotels and restaurants to perform functions. Nextbrain is the leading Hospitality software development company offering a broad spectrum of Internet of Things solutions for different industry domains such as healthcare, supply chain, smart systems, shipping, smart offices and many more. The company has experienced IoT developers with many years of knowledge in creating effective solutions for multiple projects and industry sectors.