Impact of Coronavirus drives every business to move online



September 15, 2020 Author

The Coronavirus pandemic has made things difficult for the people and even for the businesses. People are getting panicked to come into the crowd and purchase even the essential products.

Coronavirus has already created great anxiety all around the world. People are afraid of the sudden unfolding of the situations and are getting much worried about the future. People are getting themselves distanced from the others, due to which majority of the businesses are getting a tragic loss. But there is an excellent alternative to the business vendors, as the business can be done easily through online.

Effect of Coronavirus on offline business

Due to Coronavirus, all the businesses find it difficult as there would not be any sales if the people are still fearing to come out into a group and buy the products. There is a huge drop of sales in almost every business even if several protective measures and precautions are taken. Even after taking all the precautions like keeping all the business stores and products clean and assisting customers to shop with covered faces, even then there is no growth in the business.

Keeping the current situation in mind, the experts in the market have realized that all the businesses that are online have a high potential to resolve this issue and increase the sale of the products.

How and what about the risks?

As the risk is all around the world, people are in a pandemic situation, all the businesses are exploring for an alternative option to make their business run smoothly to some extent. So one better thing to do is to shift the offline store to an online store which can bring a result-driven and progressive alternative that can boost your sales.

Impact of Coronavirus on businesses

Restaurant bookings almost completely collapsed

food delivery app development

There is a huge impact of Coronavirus on businesses as due to the fear of the virus and also because of the government advice to stay at home people are not willing to have any social gatherings because of which there is a devastating impact on restaurants and hotels. When compared to last year, in several countries restaurant bookings have almost completely collapsed. In Canada, there is a downfall of almost 94%, Germany 90%, Ireland 86%, US 84%, and UK 82%. As people coming to hotels and restaurants have gradually decreased, there is a sudden growth in the food delivery business as people are spending most of the time indoors.

Impact of Coronavirus on E-commerce

According to the research carried out in early March, 55% of retailers already have experienced great loss in day-to-day business due to the sudden outbreak of coronavirus. On the positive side, there is a rapid increase in the sales strengthening e-commerce industry. There is a 52% increase in sales and 8.8% increase in online shopping after the Coronavirus breakdown. With the increase of Coronavirus, no business can be carried out offline as a result of which e-commerce business is highly in demand.

Supermarket business greatly affected by Coronavirus

Grocery app development

Even the impact of Coronavirus has affected the supermarket business, as in US grocery apps experience record numbers of daily downloads. Even the UK has shortages of food and other required items (89%) than any other country. Even France (87%) and Australia (86%) are also experiencing problems with buying. Also, China (46%) and India (40%) are facing supply-chain issues as a result of the shortages. Due to this, the daily downloads of grocery apps for buying grocery items have greatly increased. People prefer to buy grocery items online because everyone is in a panic situation to go outside and buy groceries.

Online stores - A perfect solution to your business

Grocery application


Grocery app

As all the vendors are stressing about their business, now you can relax as you can make your offline store to the online store. It is easy to make your offline business an online business as there is an advantage to increase your sales.

Online business can be done effectively by meeting customer demands through an online platform. Make sure that all the products reach your customers with zero contact so that the current purpose will be resolved.

Sometimes it may not be possible to manage the orders if they come in a bulk. But, it can be done easily with the help of perfect delivery management software. Start your online business and you will surely get a visible difference in a short time.

How to start an online store

To run an offline store for your business you need to focus from the initial step till the end. But an online store doesn’t need much effort, it only requires your smart decision. For an online business, you must require:

       An ideal marketplace where you can showcase your products.

       A proper delivery management software so that you can track your orders.

       A group of delivery agents or service agents.

After making a single decision of choosing a perfect delivery management software can help you to streamline your tasks, get the orders, automate the order tracking and make sure of last-mile delivery. Then you are all set to launch the online business. 

Start an Online business to overcome from Coronavirus impact

There are many crucial factors that explains why a online store is a better choice than an offline store in the present scenario of Coronavirus spread:

Customers need not come out of the home for shopping, hence the crowd-gathering will be reduced.

Easy to offer hygienic and on-time delivery of the products, so that the customers can stay safe.

It is also possible to deliver the products with zero human contact as the delivery persons can simply put the delivery bags at the doorstep.


Now it is the time to protect ourselves and others from the impact of Coronavirus. So we need to make sure that no stone is unturned to make the situations get normal again. To fight against Coronavirus, we can purchase all kinds of products through online applications which helps in social distancing and minimizing the effect of Coronavirus. Nextbrain Technologies is the best web and mobile app development company in Canada, USA, and India offering scalable and robust applications to boost your business. Take the right decisions at the right time to overcome this pandemic.