Impact of AI on the surveillance world



August 30, 2023 Author

After the introduction of Artificial Intelligence embedded video production has changed rapidly in its scope and capabilities. Automated capabilities of AI-enabled video cameras and recorders replaced many kinds of human hectic tasks. Just a few years ago all sorts of embedded camera systems had to be monitored by the human beings themselves. Artificial intelligence enables the production of relevant and meaningful information from digital video and it increases the demand for embedded video products such as intelligent video records with automated capabilities and smart cameras. The emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) is giving more intelligence and value to surveillance analysis. To automate and support analytical operations AI for video analytics is breaking through build units, workplaces, supply chains, and retail. 

Nextbrain Technologies have a large scale of experience in deploying AI development services for video analytics and development in IoT devices and applications. Without direct programming AI and deep learning technologies open better opportunities for businesses to drive. 

How is AI-enabled in the video surveillance world?

Today all areas of our day-to-day life are running one or another way with the help of an automated system. In this situation, an automated way of life AI-enabled video surveillance can make our life and workplace more secure with a video surveillance analytic system. In factories and other workplaces, AI-enabled video surveillance promises a stronger, hustle-free, and more efficient environment. AI enables you to work with less trouble and better, more refined results. Detecting temporal or spatial events in the video is the primary goal of AI-powered video surveillance systems. 

Strength of AI in video surveillance

Strength of AI in Video Surveillance

  1. Real-time monitoring and threat detection

The capability of AI-based real-time cameras can report anomalies within the camera surveillance. In traditional CCTV cameras, you have to manually monitor and detect anomalies. AI video surveillance cameras can detect actions and objects in the surveillance and generate warning signals or alarms. 

  1. Efficient intrusion detection ability 

The motion detection ability of AI smart cameras can identify and distinguish the movements of humans and animals. As they can act with smart efficiency they can raise alarms or warning signals whenever required. AI cameras are programmed to differentiate between animals and humans. It enables you to take the next level of security measures. For example, if the camera detects any abnormal movements or entry in prohibited or restricted areas the AI-based surveillance camera is configured to lock the doors. 

  1. Intelligent metal detection 

Traditional metal detectors are not 100 percent efficient in detecting weapons or life-threatening equipment. AI-based surveillance cameras can detect all weapons and other harmful objects more precisely and accurately. It can identify objects in hidden areas.

  1. Safeguarding shopping areas from stealing and losses

Traditional passive surveillance cameras are not efficient to monitor and efficient to check theft and shoplifting. So shopping centers always need a technologically advanced system to curb this menace. There are some AI systems designed to safeguard retailers from property loss or theft. This system can identify suspicious activities and raise alarms. 

  1. Faster data detection in emergency 

Collecting data after any emergencies like a riot or terrorist attack or something similar, it is not possible to check and collect data from each camera on the premises. In this situation, data extraction will be a herculean task for the investigating officers. AI-based surveillance cameras make the data collection process quick and efficient. 

  1. Face recognition for tracing the individuals 

Nowadays automatic face recognition is considered as the primary identification method for individual recognition. AI cameras have face recognition ability, which will help you identify individuals very easily. This is considered as a less interfering and most adaptable form of biometric verification. 

Benefits of real-time analysis in video AI

Manual monitoring of every video image from the surveillance camera is challenging, particularly if there is more than one camera. But if there is an AI-powered camera that can analyze comprehensive and complex algorithms and record streams. This system can intelligently analyze the images pixel by pixel and can satisfy your particular security or business requirements. 

Challenges in video AI  

  • Data storage will be a challenge in AI video tools. The amount of data recorded by video cameras has risen for many years. Storing this tremendous volume of data will be challenging.
  • Your team should have the talents and knowledge for handling this AI video camera and the data collected by this system. If your human resource can not handle the system it will be a failure. 
  • Internet hacking and security breaching are as popular as technological advancements. So if your stored data has been stolen by hackers, this will affect the security system of your firm.

What features should you look for in video surveillance software?

Modern user interfaces 

The software system should have modern user interface features, such as access to any device, drag-and-drop features, easy navigation, etc. 

Ability to export and share clips 

When an incident happens, without any question the software should be able to send the pictures and video clips to the security officials. 

Built-in artificial intelligence

The software system has built-in AI, in which you can set up your camera to send real-time alerts when it detects motion in certain areas of the site like strong rooms or loading locks. 

Intelligent search tool

An intelligent search tool facility will be a greater parameter in selecting the software. Searching and finding the required information from a huge amount of data will be a great challenge. So while selecting the software ensure the software has intelligent search tool efficiency. 

Proactive real-time alerts

While selecting the advanced surveillance software system you have to consider its ability for generating proactive real-time alerts. Real-time alerts will help you to resolve the issues faster. 

Third-party camera integration

Your system should be efficient to integrate with the already existing security camera system. There should not be any chance of ripping and replacing the camera. Without another larger upfront investment, your existing infrastructure should benefit from your new software.   

Accessible technical support 

You have to find a partner who can support all your AI surveillance software needs. They should be able to provide self-help videos and tutorials online case submission or live 24/7 support. 

Technological stacks   

Video analytics is a challenging task and it has to read each image frame by frame. For the effective and successful completion of the analysis efficient frameworks and image-processing libraries have to be supported. OpenCV is an open-source computer vision, for image recognition and processing tasks Machine learning library will be useful. To detect high precision objects Google created Tensor flow as an open source machine learning library. Most video analytics systems use a mixture of these technologies. 

Our expertise in intelligent video analytics

With more than 7 years of experience in different kinds of software development Nextbrain Technology delivered several video analytics software that helped our customers to improve their security systems and cut the cost of operation. By eliminating manual video monitoring our customers could cut the cost of operation and sustain the highest accuracy of video analysis. 

Our intelligent video services

  • Object recognition and tracking 
  • Activity Recognition
  • Facial Identification and Emotion Analysis
  • Aerial Imagery Video Processing
  • Personal Protective Equipment Detection
  • Violence and fight detection 

AI camera software for any organization 

  1. Construction sites: With movable cameras in construction sites we can detect security threats in construction sites.  
  2. Educational Institution Security: Our AI camera software system is efficient to detect security breaching in school or college premises and generate alert signals. 
  3. Public spaces: Our software is efficient to make alert signals to the staff of public places like shopping malls and other commercial spaces. 
  4. Industrials: Our AI camera software system can ensure ultimate security in industrials.  
  5. Hospitals: We can make alerts and ensure security if any threat is detected in hospitals or clinics. 

Why use video analytics? 

Traditionally video surveillance cameras are used to ensure physical security, improve real-time response and also used for law enforcement team drives to evidence. But recently video surveillance systems have become much more advanced with analytical ability. So now AI video analytics software is not used by law enforcement personalities and security officers but people from different sectors started using it, including facility managers, customer experience teams, marketing operators, and many more.

Future of AI video surveillance

As an emerging technology AI-based surveillance software system is upgrading every year. Following are some important innovations on the horizon:

  • Open platforms

Industry can grow when developers can adapt technology to their own needs. Different vendors are trying to push new software which allows users to customize the software according to their needs. 

  • IoT meets AI 

In many industries AI-powered cameras are efficient to connect with a wide array of Internet of Things devices. In the retail industry, AI-powered smart cameras can identify the color and style a customer prefers and popup-related ads on nearby screens. 


Artificial intelligence leading surveillance video analysis software systems into a new horizon. Deep learning-based AI techniques are widely popular now. With advanced AI technology, Nextbrain Technology can ensure all your security measures most effectively and efficiently. Our software system can reduce the workload of security staff and brings significant benefits by detecting unusual activities and solving a lot of video forensic problems. Moreover, it benefits in easily finding adequate data from massive data collected by the CCTV. In the future, we can witness more advanced features in the AI analytics software.