How to submit your app to the app store and get approved without rejection



September 15, 2020 Author

Imagine a situation where you have poured your blood, sweat and time for something and then you realize that you goal is still not achieved. Can we take it in context of app developer? Yes we can. Many times a developer worked so hard to design and develop an application but at last he gets rejection from app store. App rejection from the app store is an unexpected hurdle that many new developers are not aware off. Why do this happen and how to tackle this type of problems? Is there any solution for this? Yes and it is called app store optimization (ASO). ASO should be no less important in course of all this process. We are listing here some app store submission tips can help hurdle the barriers and get your app into the spotlight.

Meta data

Many times app gets rejected due to its Meta data. There are two possible reasons for this type rejection. First if you have not provided substantial information and second reason is if your provided information is incorrect. So always make sure that you have provided the correct information and all links are working.

Missing Demo accounts

It is very important to provide Demo accounts to App store review team when your app ask user to login. Missing demo account may leads to rejection of app by app store.

Bugs in the app

If you have not solved major bugs of your app, it might create problems for app store review team to review your app and further leads to rejection. So solve all possible bugs before submitting your application.

Privacy policy

If you have login features in your app, then you should must app privacy policy either in your app or as a link to inform user about app policy. It may be able to create problem for you in form of app rejection.

Misleading users

You app should perform as it is expected or advertised. You can’t mislead the users in app store. You your app was not as it is expected then rejection could happen.

Repeated submission

Don’t submit same or similar app again and again in the app store. App store review team can even disrupt your original app by this action. So submit once and enjoy success of your app.

Monitor the latest app store updates

App stores often change app acceptance rule on certain amount of time or with new updates. So follow it closely, understand latest acceptance rules and regulations and submit accordingly.


You must select primary category while submitting the app. Secondary category is not necessary as it is optional, but you can choose both for better identification of your app. If you will not choose any, app may get rejection from app store.

Support URL

It is made mandatory by apple store to add support URL. It should contain a contact form or email address so that users can get in touch with you when needed.

Standard user Interface

App stores prefer those apps with clean, refined and user-friendly interface. So design valuable user interface according to app store standards.

Remove Dummy data

While submission your app should not contain dummy data, broken links or lorem ipsum texts. So assure removal of these things before submission. It may create problem in acceptance.

There are lots of other submission tips too, but these are most important ones. You can also take extra measures apart from these. So read the acceptance rules of app stores, prepare your submission accordingly and cross the hurdle of app rejection.