How to Choose a Mobile App Development Agency?



September 15, 2020 Author

The mobile app makes it just one click away from the customer. They can access the app from anywhere, anytime. Before launching a mobile app a few things you need to ask from the mobile app development agency to know whether the agency is genuine or not and whether it can meet your requirements and deliver your app within the deadlines.

Facts to know to hire a mobile app development agency:

Below given are the points to consider before choosing a Mobile App Development Agency

Check the company portfolio

This is one of the important questions to understand before hiring an app development agency. Their portfolio provides you with all the information about the apps they have done and also how many complex tasks they can handle. It’s also important to know about their terms and conditions before hiring the agency to make an app.

Check the company portfolio


Check if the agency is genuine

Before hiring the agency to make an app, you need to know whether the agencies are genuine or not. It’s better to have a look at the apps they have already done successfully. Be alert, if the company is not willing to show the successful apps they have already done.

Know their problem-solving skills

By getting an idea about how the agency develops the code and handles things in critical situations helps you in understanding whether the agency can deal with your project or not. It is a must to know that the company can handle any unexpected problems during the development phase, can handle any challenges and come up with desired apps. You must also be aware of the methodology the agency follows.

Know their problem-solving skills


Know their app development services

It is important to get clarity about the development services the agency is providing. This question is to get the information on whether the agency is responsible only for the app development or they can also provide the quality assurance service. The list of services app development companies provide are Business Analysis, Quality Testing, Successful Launch of the Project and Post Launch Maintenance. 

Manpower of the agency

Before going to assign your project to any particular agency it’s better to know how many projects they are currently handling. This is mainly to understand if the agency can provide you with the necessary manpower to complete your app efficiently.

Ask About the domains they worked

To get a clear idea of which domains they are familiar with, you must be clear about the domains they have already provided their services to. The domains could be travel, real estate, banking, insurance, education, healthcare, retail, etc. By knowing this, you can understand whether your app falls under this category or not.

SRS & proposal

To understand one’s project completely, they must come up with a Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) listing out their requirements, how are they going to meet it and how will they complete the project. It will help the team to save their time and also enables the team to find their limitations and risks much earlier.

SRS & proposal


Know about the app developers

To know whether the company is reliable or not, you must know the skill set of the developers. So you need to interact with the agency, to get the information about the developers going to work on your app. Enquire with the agency if their professionals can follow and make changes to the app as per your instructions and they have enough expertise and creativity to meet the requirement while developing your app.

Mode of communication

In the initial and development stages of your app, you have many things to discuss with the app development agency where the channel to communicate with them plays a crucial role. A genuine app development company will always be available on email and phone. 

Your feedback in app development

Your involvement in the development of the app must be considered from the initial stage till the deployment. Without your involvement the desired result is impossible. So you must know whether the agency allows your involvement and instructions during the development process.

Connect with previous clients

By interacting with the previous clients of the agency, you will get proper information about the quality of the products they develop, whether they complete the project within the deadlines, how they interact with the client’s and how often they respond to the calls.

Estimated project timeline

Before hiring an app development agency, know whether they are doing any projects right now or they can immediately work on your app. Usually, in many cases, they will be occupied with few other projects too. So it is required for you to know how much time they need to get started with your app.

Post launch services

Be aware of the companies policies regarding maintenance and support, bug fixing, post-launch support, etc. It is crucial to know about the post-launch services because, after the post-launch, your app may require some quick bug fixing or any new functionalities, features, etc.

Own the code

This should be very clear between you and the agency persons because as you are paying the amount for the development of the app, you have the right to own the app. So make sure that documentation is done properly to avoid any risk in the future. 

Understand your target audience

It is important to understand whether your app development agency has enough knowledge to understand your target audience and business model. If the company has no previous experience of working with similar kinds of projects make sure if the agency is willing to understand your requirements and develop the app accordingly.

Know about their ux design

Discuss with the agency about their UX strategy as the app should always be developed as per the customer’s preferences like colour, shape, font, etc. After collecting the customer feedback necessary changes can be made in the app.

Know about their ux design


Promotion of the app

Along with designing and developing an app, promotion is very important as it connects your app and the potential users in the app stores like Play Store, Apple App Store, etc. Make sure that the company has enough knowledge about the submission process and the guidelines.

Promotion of the app


App testing

After the app development is done, the app needs to be tested for any bugs to ensure its functionality and consistency. So make sure how the app development company is going to test your app, how frequently and how efficiently.

App testing

Check the time zone

It may not be possible always that you work with the company in your native land. So while working with the company outside the native land, you must check whether the company works as per your timezone, as the communication needs to be done regarding the development of the app.

Know about the pricing models

The Fixed Budget model is well defined and planned model with clear requirements and determined deadlines having a fixed budget. In Time and Material mode, the clients are charged based on the number of hours spent on a specific project and the cost of materials. And in the Dedicated model, the outsourcing company allots the IT professionals based on the client's requirements and fully dedicate the given time for one company until the project gets completed.

Ask about exit options

You need to know about the terms and conditions of the agency regarding their exit options. In some situations things go out of line and agency may not handle your project. In such cases, you will get huge financial losses. To avoid this, the exit options must include legal documents between you and the agency.

On-time delivery of app

Be very clear about the On-time delivery of the app as it is a very crucial issue to be addressed. If the agency fails to deliver your app On-time, you may come up with many challenges and financial issues. The delay in the app delivery might ruin your other plans too.

On-time delivery of app

Developing apps for multiple platforms

Know whether the app development agency is capable of developing your app for multiple platforms. After completion of the app, you may want to expand it on other platforms after its success. So make sure if the company has a professional development team to meet your requirements.

Developing apps for multiple platforms


Complete in-house team 

You must find an app development company that has the support of a whole team. The app development company to which you are handing the app must have a whole in-house team. They should have a team of testers, developers, app designers, Quality Analyst, etc. to handle any complex issues.

Read more: Top mobile app development trends overpower in 2019

Nextbrain Technologies is providing complete mobile app development solutions using the latest technologies with complete maintenance, bug fixing, and post-launch support to create a flawless mobile app that attracts huge customers.