How Private ChatGPT assist organization overcome challenges from public AI tools



July 04, 2024 Author

Artificial intelligence has brought a revolution in bringing changes in everyday workplace tasks. From real-time monitoring of operations to generating actionable insights, AI technology has compelled organizations to view the consequences of sensitive data being used in public large language models. Private ChatGPT is far different from public ChatGPT. This makes it a favorable choice for organizations who want to secure private AI services for the organization.

For instance, a user trying to ask ChatGPT for a document; if this document comprises confidential information about the organization, if it has some intellectual property or some sensitive information types. This blog post sheds light on how one can overcome the multiple risks involved in public ChatGPT and how it can be avoided by creating a private AI service for your organization.

Nowadays, in the rapidly evolving tech atmosphere where everything is automated and digital. Data loss is the most important AI risk today. AI risks have resulted in organizations rethinking and paved the way for giant leaders to take a step ahead eliminating all worries. Crafting an advanced approach to introducing controlled usage of generative AI in a Microsoft-based organization. To have a complete understanding of public AI services we have to first analyze the risks involved in organizations usage of public ChatGPT.

The Samsung data leak tragedy is one such instance where developers asked ChatGPT for assistance in analyzing their source code. Subsequently, Samsung banned generative AI tools. OpenAI has played a revolutionary technology in the AI world. It comes with an option that can disable chat history. Chat history is beneficial but for some instances users cannot turn it off and whatever queries are made, it gets stored in ChatGPT. This can be used for training future models.

What is Private ChatGPT? How does it help businesses?

Harnessing public ChatGPT may result in conversational prompts passing through OpenAI’s server. Therefore, it always remains data protection and confidentiality. Contrarily, Private GPT for companies is specially designed for commercial uses and provides greater flexibility. Our private GPT system comes with a wide plethora of features enabling organizations to leverage its potential in specialized ways. Private GPT helps in the coordination of tasks and performs well with different text formats comprising PDF, word, and CSV.

As a new large language model, Private GPT offers access to the GPT-3 and GPT-4 technology in an environment. It allows organizations to opt for customization suiting the specific needs.

Private ChatGPT for businesses & Its regulatory compliance

Private GPT can be installed within organizations’ internal software. It grants users and renders access to its potential while keeping data within the confines of the organization. Privacy and control is effective for businesses that can tackle sensitive information.

Key features of Private GPT for businesses

Private chatGPT for enterprise has several use cases in organizations.  Private  GPT keeps the data decentralized and keeps it secure. These models are trained in a way that keeps sensitive data confidential from the output text responses. It is built on a private server and trained with the company's software depending on the industry workflow, guidelines and documents.

Key Features of Private GPT for businesses

  • Secure & personalized AI solution
  • Compliance
  • Customization
  • Integration
  • Scalability
  • Privacy & data security

How Private ChatGPT can easily benefit your business?

How Private ChatGPT can easily benefit your business?

Custom solutions

It provides tailored solutions so that businesses can easily benefit from them. It enables users to train their data and makes the bot smarter in the field rendering more relevant answers.

Data security

Private ChatGPT ensures that the data stored in it stays safe and secure. Several businesses hold specific business-sensitive data. With private ChatGPT services, there remains no risk of data leak which helps in building trust with customers.


Private GPT AI service is capable of tackling bigger queries if it is well-trained with data models. Therefore, it saves time and money as it eliminates the need to keep big teams to handle queries.

Competitive edge

When businesses begin to have unique private ChatGPT AI services, responses are faster than ever. Today, customers are inclined towards using smarter technologies and tools for asking queries. And private ChatGPT for businesses can be the best solution.

How to overcome the fine-tuning challenges?

Model Training

The AI can be set up with selected data and then the training process can be begun. The AI should be created to ensure it learns from the data accurately. Model training mainly involves teaching ChatGPT to comprehend and utilize the data properly.

Data Selection

Data selection is considered a relevant part of fine-tuning. Selecting the right data and training AI with it, is valuable. The right data should be precise, flawless, and without any off-topic information.

Effective evaluation

Besides keeping ChatGPT smart and up to date, it is important to test with new queries. This assesses its overall performance and ensures that it is functional for the organizational operations.

Conclusion: Private ChatGPT for work

Private ChatGPT is extremely useful in transforming your data into a powerhouse making your business smarter and more effective. It is capable of transforming operations right from personalizing experiences to embellishing data retrieval with advanced techniques. A custom private ChatGPT application is capable of unlocking new potential and driving your business forward. As a secured rendition of chatbot technology designed especially for business functionalities. It provides improved privacy and data security features.

Looking for a private ChatGPT solution for your business? Nextbrain is the ultimate solution providing a wide range of AI services across different industries. Connect with our professionals to know more about private ChatGPT.