How much does it cost to build a carpooling app like blablacar



September 15, 2020 Author

Build a Carpooling App

People have started to use the carpooling apps to find the sharing of rides which saves their money & small support to our environment. To startup the carpooling business in your city, you should have web, iPhone and android application to cover majority of customers and car owners.

User roles

Users – Users can login into application to search the rides or offer rides. So they can find the rides and travel together.

Administrator – Who controls entire application, security & settings and customers management

Web, iPhone and Android application features

We have to build a customer facing Web, iPhone and Android application where in customers can browse, login & do all necessary activities on our application.

Splash screen to mobile apps / Clean design of home page to web application
Application will work in English language
Application will work in portrait mode only
Application should be compatible in all resolutions of Android phones and iPhone.

Users Account

User Login with mail ID and password
Facebook connect
User Signup [ Name, email, password, city, phone, Email confirmation, terms and conditions and etc., ]
Users need to verify their email, Facebook account and phone number. Need to integrate the SMS gateway to send the verification code to users.
Forgot password
Profile settings – Edit profile, changes password and delete account
Users need to update their car details
Users can see the activity list in Dashboard

Search Rides

Users can search the available rides by from and to location.
Users can view the list of rides based on search inputs
View the full details of particular notification. It will have from location, to location, Map with route, Selected days, Cost per seat, Car details, Going member list, Amenities and Driver information.
Users can request the booking for ride. It should be approved by Driver of ride.
Users can send the private message to Driver
Users can filter the ride by other attributes like Km, date and gender etc..,
Users can access the booked ride list. It will have option to see full details of ride, cancel ride, Message driver and status of Ride.
Users can see the activities log in their account

Offer ride

Users can post the ride with Type, Route, Start date, end date, Trip details and etc..,
Users can manage the posted trips
Users can see the requests from passengers and accept or reject it.
Users can see the complete history of their rides
Users can share the posted rides in Facebook and Twitter
Users can post the review and comment about the ride
Users can view the public profile of other user


Users can see the sent message list
Users can see the full conversation of message and reply to them
Users select the message list and delete it
We need to integrate some third party chat SDK in iPhone and Android application. You have to purchase and share the code.

Subscription notification

Users can subscribe to receive the notification while no rides are posted in subscribed from and to location.
Users can unsubscribe from newsletter
About us, contact us and Social media links in application

Carpooling app developers

Content Management System – Administration panel development

CMS is mainly for providing administration for moderator or Administrator for our application.

Admin Login & Settings
Dashboard and Analytics
Admin settings [ password changes, Edit account ]
Sub-admin / moderator – Admin can add and manage the sub-admin [ edit, delete, block / unblock the moderator ]
General settings
Email and contact settings
SMTP mailer Settings
Social media page settings & Google analytical settings
Modules settings – Enable & disable the modules
Google map API key settings
Image settings
Logo settings
Country & Cities management
Add city & country
Manage Cities [Add, edit, delete, block/unblock]
Add and manage the area
CMS page management
Add new CMS pages
Manage CMS pages [Add, edit, delete the pages]
Manage inquiries from contact us form
Message management - Manage the messages of users. It should have delete option.
Customer management:
Customers dashboard – Analytical reports [Day, week, month, year]
Add customer – Add new customer & login info send to customer email
Manage customers – edit, delete, block /unblock customers
Ride management:
Add and manage rides. It should have edit, delete and block option.
Admin can view the full details of rides
Transaction management - Manage the full payment transaction list. it should have search, export and report option.
Send newsletter
Admin can send the message to subscribed customers by every day
Customers will receive the mail about subscribed location based ride details while new ride is posted.

Carpooling apps development company

Contact us

Let us if you are looking to build carpooling application. We are happy to work with you. Please share your detailed requirement to [email protected]