How Mobile Technology and App Development Have Revolutionized 21St Century Marketing



September 15, 2020 Author

Science and technology has changed the way people receive, interpret or react to information. Last two decades were very crucial in transformation to new era of technology. It has impacted almost everything. Anyone can witness a huge difference in life-style between two decades. Mobile technology and app development has changed the way marketing done.

In old days, marketing were done through newspapers, magazines, cold calling, classified columns etc. These methods were less effective and sophisticated as compared to today’s modern marketing ways. These old methods have been nearly vanished with constant evolution of new technologies. So here we are going to discuss how mobile technology and app development have affected the marketing industry.

1. Mobile applications

According to a survey, people on internet spend 90% of their time to browse apps while rest 10% browsing their time using websites. Mobile apps are very important component for any business. Ads are biggest source of revenue for the app owners. In short we can say that, mobile apps have become most effective way to reach to the customers.

2. Email marketing

Email marketing campaigns are one of the most successful marketing strategy in today’s world, where you are sending direct message to target customers with full details. But don’t forget to optimize them for mobile users. More than 35% of people read their email on smartphone so you can’t ignore this much of audience.

3. Own an App

Experts say that 25%-30% of consumers conduct searches via app. So apps are very helpful to connect consumers with your products and services. Owning an app itself is biggest marketing campaigns in today’s world. Your app is like a close room of your business which helps users to concentrate on single place.

Mobile technology and App development has made marketing more effective and sophisticated. So with change in marketing strategies over period of time, how the new marketing strategies going to affect different modules of any businesses.

Impact on the organization

If we look from the organizational perspective, Evolution of Mobile technology and App development have enrich them with more online places to communicate with customers such as search engines applications, Youtube application, social media applications etc. Now organizations have ability to collect and organize marketing data. Organizations now have more data and formats to communicate with consumers more easily and effectively.

Impact on the consumer

With evolution of mobile technology and applications, now consumer has more personalized and data driven exposure to relevant ad materials. This is possible only because of availability of huge amount of data available from social media and browsing behavior of the consumer. It has affected consumers from privacy point of view also. Today what a consumer watches to what he eats, career preferences to shopping preferences all can be easily accessible. But Mobile technology and applications have empowered consumers with enormous options in each sector. But as consumer are now exposed to more and more sponsored contents, the ability to ignore marketing material have grown high.

So marketing in digital era is all about how to communicate with customers effectively. Here you don’t have to work hard or run fast but to handle the strategies smartly. Smart strategies, perfect implementation, effective communication can bring an awesome outcome to your business. Nextbrain helps organizations with effective marketing strategies and affordable apps. So empower your business with us with an effective mobile application and increase your sells and customer base.