How does local service providers booking marketplace applications work?



December 12, 2020 Author

The traditional business has been upgraded to the on-demand business in order to flourish and build a unique brand identity. There are different types of on-demand service marketplace open source software that help you to handcraft your own marketplace platform. They can be downloaded from both Android & iOS helps to grow your business and everything is possible from a single platform. For instance, Pro242 is an app that provides curated service professionals. It is built with innovative technologies and captivating functionalities which enables easy interaction with the service providers.

How does a local service provider app work?

If you wish to kickstart a home service business, a smartest home service provider app is necessary that requires the least effort to make a booking for a particular service. Local service provider apps offer a wide range of services such as house cleaning, catering, plumbing, painter, event planner, electrical, hair stylists, tutoring, contractor, realtor, architect, engineer, and so on.

The local service provider apps offer both the customer app and service provider app with a number of functionalities ensuring best user experience to ease down the process of booking services. The clients can mention the specification of their nature of the job, time, venue, and the maximum amount that they can pay, etc. so that it helps them to find the right service providers who are most eligible for the job. The clients can also view the reviews, ratings, and experience of the service providers that can be really helpful to choose the appropriate service provider. Clients should select the best bid among the list which is suitable for their preferred job. Whenever the client selects a service provider, a request will be sent that could be accepted or rejected according to their will. Later on, the client gets notifications regarding the request acceptance or rejection. Then the service provider can start the work. Once the job is completed, an automatic invoice is generated. The functionalities of both customer and service provider apps are different. Let’s take a look at what they are.

Customer app functionalities

local service app

Nextbrain Technologies has developed Pro242, a home service provider app for one of our reputed clients. This home service provider app offers hassle-free home services to the customers at their specified location that saves time, simplifies the tasks, and offers seamless communication, and secure payment transactions. The customer app features are:

Customer login and marketplace

The app offers an easy and secure login into their account. One of the unique features of Pro242 is, after logging in to the account, clients can list all their preferred services on the opening screen itself.

Reviews and ratings

general service app review

Clients can surf through the ratings and reviews of each service provider received from other customers in their job category in order to select the most suitable service provider. There is an in-app chat feature that users can contact the service providers in real-time.

Instant booking and tracking features

The users will receive a notification regarding the approval of their job from the service providers. The users have a provision to reset the services if they fail to do within the given time limit. The tracking feature also assists the end-users to monitor the service provider and helps to know how far they reach the final destination.

Online payment gateway

The in-app payment gateway option provides flexible payment methods that are secure and convenient.

Service invoice

Automatic invoices are created after the task completion and they can be forwarded to the users as email or by SMS.

Booking history and support

The booking history helps the users to have access to past services. All the reservations made, details of the service providers, and payment details can be viewed. The help section helps to maintain a constant connection with the partners; the FAQ section helps to find answers to the queries.

 Service provider app functionalities

home service app

The service provider app features assist them to exhibit their expertise in the job to find the best proposal.

 Service provider login

App provides easy login as a service provider and can list out all their services.

 List of services

Service providers can provide a plethora of information that helps them to find the best job. The specifications include job type, bio of the personnel, hourly tariffs, registration number, location, and availability, etc.

Bookings approval

The service providers can view the client’s profile; understand the nature of the job and other requirements. They can approve or reject the request as per their wish.

Money transfer and commission

The money will be sent through the gateway payment system to the service providers through the app by the customers. Customers will get a real-time in-app commission each time a booking is made for any service made via the local service provider app.

Dashboard to avail seamless marketplace opportunities

home service app development

The admin dashboard helps to manage all sales across all marketplaces with a single dashboard. It is user friendly and has enticing designs as well as data representation. The important features of the dashboard are:


The approval mechanism and the list of services help to find the appropriate partner for your business in the marketplace.


There are easier payment solutions with an integrated payment system. The multiple options of payment, help them to make payment seamlessly by cash, card, or through the in-app wallet.


The customer loyalty program helps to maintain a good relationship with loyal customers. You can also offer special discounts, rewards, etc. to attract more target audience.

UI for Customer & Service provider

In a local service provider app, users can choose the type of home service and can provide details of the service along with a quote for the job. The home service providers can either accept the rate or can counterbid with their own offer.

Explore local services

The home services help to do everyday tasks easier. Before we start a business, we should explore the category of all local services that are accessible in the specified area. This will help you to identify the apt area of home service business that you can invest in.

Scheduling & budget

service app development

Users can schedule the date and time for the job and can be mentioned in the app. The preferred payment that you are willing to offer to the professionals can be mentioned.

Job details & bidding

In the customer app, the users can provide all the details, photos regarding the job including the details in the questionnaire before bidding. In the service provider app, in order to apply for the desired job they need to pay an amount of commission to the home service provider app. The service providers can enter their own bid for the preferred job once the commission is paid. The job will be assigned to service providers only if both customer and service professionals agree on the price mentioned.


The home service provider app has a feature that helps to know the status of the bookings and the details of the assigned, pending, and completed bookings.

Live Tracking feature

The live job tracking feature helps both the customers and service professionals. The customer app shows all the assigned bookings and can live track the on-demand service for the assigned job once the service provider started the work. The status of the job will be notified by the in-app notification feature and the in-app timer record the duration of the task.

In the service provider app, the details of the past services and the reviews for each service can be viewed. The customers can exchange specific details about the job through the in-app chat facility. All home service provider apps have location tracking features that help the professionals to find the exact location of the job.

Invoice generation

local service app development

Local service provider apps give detailed invoice generation for both customers and service providers in different categories. Any additional services or equipment provided can be added to the invoice. The professionals get a customer signature via the app once the invoice is reviewed by them. Customers can review and rate the services of the professionals. The customer sidebar of the app shows the update of all profile details, contact, referral codes, etc.


The local service provider apps like Pro242 offer a unique and reliable solution with enticing features that helps the customer to meet every day home services and the app owner can earn money through service bookings. Home service provider apps help your dream business to flourish in your niche meeting all the requirements of the customers and keep you ahead of the crowd. Nextbrain Technologies is a leading mobile app development company in Bangalore offering perfect on-demand service provider apps for your dream business. Contact us to know more about our exciting features!