How does a code signing certificate secure android apps?



December 08, 2022 Author

With the rapid increase in smartphone usability android development has become a popular career. As per the latest statistics, it is seen that the number of smartphone users has surpassed more than 7.6 billion by the end of 2025. Android OS is one of the dominant operating systems in the smartphone development sector. Android is loved by many users globally, making sure code safety standards are met by the development team. This blog will focus on the distinct aspects of the ways a code signing certificate is capable of securing Android apps.

It is the responsibility of Android app developers to ensure the codes are secure from cyber threats as there are instances where neglecting code security can put users in online threat issues. The single solution for maintaining security assistance is by using a Code Signing Certificate. This context will explore the entire aspect of the security code for ensuring android app security and its popularity among Android developers. Now you might be wondering about the definition of a code signing certificate for securing Android applications.

What is a code signing certificate?

A code signing certificate is considered the foundation of android security. Similar to digital SSL certificates, the certificate authority issues Code signing certificates by digitally signing codes, mobile applications, and executables, leading to assisting users to validate the code’s authenticity and validity. This certificate is important as it ensures mobile app security and the code of an app. As the app is integrated with the certificate, it becomes secure from any kind of online threats. Users receive on-time warnings whenever an attacker succeeds in altering the code. They get alerts like 'unknown publisher', a warning that tells users that might be dealing with an unsafe code. When it comes to delineating code signing certificates, it can be said that a code signing certificate is a digital certificate that assists users and developers to stay safe from cybercriminals. It is the responsibility of the developer to integrate the certificate into Android app development.

The importance of code signing certificates in android applications

Code Signing Certificate Secure Android Apps development

Code signing certificate prevents malware

Malware has always posed a major threat to android developers. Nowadays, with advanced technologies malware attacks are increasing rapidly. Distinct versions of malware are targeting Android applications with ransomware and Trojans. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for developers to ensure that their applications are secure and safe from threats. Attackers mostly implement an attack code in Android apps. These attack codes in the market can lead to app damage. A code signing certificate is a proper resolution to dealing with malware infiltrations in Android applications. This certificate prevents the app from unauthorized access, therefore leaving no space for malware attackers.

It is an essential aspect for an application to feature in app stores

Search engines such as Google take app security significantly and do not allow insecure Android app stores. Android applications that do not comprise a genuine Code Signing Certificate generally get barred from featuring in the Google app store. For making your application visible in the app store, Android developers can purchase and install a Code signing certificate on Android applications. It offers space and ground in app stores assisting developers to market their mobile applications.

It increases app distribution, app downloads and revenues

The code signing certificate assists in compelling users that the app they are about to download is from an authentic source. Thereby, app users are highly inclined to download apps with the certificate. Subsequently, the app experiences proper penetration and increased app download distributions and revenues. A code signing certificate assists in boosting investment returns and revenues.

Code signing certificate establishes code integrity

The certificate is the main proof that an android application is authentic, genuine and valid. Therefore, end-users are capable of deciding whether to download and use an android application. Additionally, this certificate is the main evidence that the app has not been tampered with since the code was signed. In the competitive Android app market, developers want to prove their authenticity by using code-signing certificates. It ensures that the app originates from a trustworthy source. When it comes to Android applications, certificates are the main aspect that validates their authenticity.

Acquire seamless user experience with mobile apps

Most application users are inclined towards Android applications with ample security features. Developers when they are rest assured about the code signing certificate of an Android app know that their app is safe. Additionally, they also know that all interactions made with the application are secure. App users are never bothered about error messages that can pose issues to a seamless user experience. All developers can strive to embellish the user experience and integrate the code signing certificate into the application.

Advantages of timestamping

Timestamping feature is considered a vital feature that ensures that the certificate remains valid even when the code signing certificate has expired or the expiration date has elapsed. After having the certificate, users and app developers do not have to worry about the security implications of the expiry date.

Different code signing certificate for app

Different Code Signing Certificates are available on the market. Prior to choosing the right fit for your application, make sure to go through the aspects like timestamping feature, unlimited signing and ubiquity considerations with one certificate. Mentioned below are some of the Code signing certificates that you can consider for your Android app security requirements.

  • DigiCert Code Signing Certificate
  • Sectigo Code Signing Certificate
  • Comodo EV Code Signing Certificate
  • Comodo Code Signing Certificate

Final conclusion

With the increasing usage of smartphones, it has given ample opportunity to Android developers for developing different ranges of applications for distinct purposes. Looking for an Android development company for your project development? Nextbrain is the leading mobile app development company in London offering a complete range of Android and iOS applications. The company comprises experienced developers having many years of knowledge regarding different industry domains and developmental platforms. Android developers have created several unique Android applications for different platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which code signing certificate is good for your app?

Among the various code signing certificates, Commodo is the leading code signing certificate that is useful for developing a range of applications.

How to get an individual code signing certificate?

In order to get an individual code signing certificate, one needs to purchase own code certificate and enter the identity validation requirements. Subsequently, one needs to generate as well as install the code and sign it accordingly.

What is the expiry of code signing certificate?

Mostly, code signing certificates are valid for nearly three years based on which category of lifecycle one selects as you purchase the certificate. The signed code can be time-stamped for preventing code expiring as your certificate expires.

Why do you need a code signing certificate for your android app?

It is significant to have a code signing certificate that enables you to acknowledge that the app is genuine. It helps to encrypt an app so that the code behind the app remains intact.