How devops and agile combine to help your business grow?



May 27, 2022 Author

In the present modern technological development, organizations are focusing more on accelerated deliveries along with maintaining the ultimate customer value. Agile and DevOps are the different technologies with the same aim of delivering a similar output. The basic function of using the DevOps application is to minimize the number of steps in the software development process for quick delivery of the software.

Agile software development process is focused much on software development to enhance the velocity and productivity of project delivery. Combining Agile and DevOps helps to overcome the shortcomings and challenges of each other with advantages such as great customer satisfaction, faster delivery, higher revenue, and increased profit.

Major benefits of using agile and devops together

Integrating Agile and DevOps will offer better business performance and productivity. The main benefits of using Agile and DevOps together are given below:

  • Process releases will be simplified as well as product offerings are enhanced.
  • Enables maximized and better collaboration
  • Implementation of constant delivery pipeline or integration.
  • Greater value and minimum risks in each and every release
  • Less number of bugs and quick fixes.
  • Improved visibility
  • Higher satisfaction rates of customers
  • More effective and qualitative products

Devops agile combination

Factors to be considered while integrating devops and agile services

There are various factors that we need to know while integrating DevOps and Agile. Below are the factors to be considered while integrating DevOps and Agile services.

Seamless teamwork

DevOps architecture as well as Agile methodology provides a great idea about all the factors related to development for the members of the team. It helps in having easy and transparent communication. All the members of the team involved in the process of development must take into consideration software functioning, maintenance, and delivery. Team members are going to have an in-depth understanding about all the services, environment provisioning, management, release cycles, application integration, and automation tools. DevOps will certainly have business value as well as agile offers practicality to the members of the team.

Interpreting software lifecycle

DevOps principles if used at the starting of the development cycle certainly saves resources and time for all the team members. This shows a very less number of changes and reduced errors. Agile and DevOps together work on speed and consistency of the service or product to the market. Hire a DevOps engineer to make your project successful and streamline all the business tasks.

Quality assurance

Quality assurance (QA) is a mandatory thing while integrating Agile and DevOps. A frequent testing will clear any possibility of bugs and errors at each and every stage. It certainly enhances the load testing and performance of the software. A constant development helps in minimized time to market as well as release cycles that are smaller.

Service backlog

Service backlogging is very important under DevOps when it is combined with Agile. Also, DevOps structure need to include the below given elements:

  • Scalability of software
  • Efficient integration
  • Logging
  • Service monitoring
  • Alert and notification setting
  • Operational performance
  • Compliance and security details
  • Testing/QA capability


Automating workflow is suggested when amalgamating DevOps and Agile. Scanning processes for automation of code minimizes any bugs and potential errors. Also, artifacts need to be kept in a repository for simplifying release cycles. This improves the overall efficiency and productivity of the members of the team and also there will be a minimum chance for errors.


Even though Agile teams will not document any communications or minutes of meetings, DevOps team members document the whole process till the release of the software. It is suggested to have a draft of each and every meeting for future purposes.

Measurement and analysis

It is always required to keep track of various metrics after DevOps and Agile implementation to be aware of the progress and performance of the workflow. This certainly assists you to have various successful and effective release cycles. Time as well as cost effective results at the same time. According to the Scrum Alliance Organization, there are a few parameters that are required to track:

  • Time consumed from production phase till release.
  • Total release date adherences percentage
  • Percentage improvement in release numbers.
  • Support requirements.
  • Defects or errors present in any platform.
  • Percentage of Non-Functional Requirement reached


By merging DevOps and Agile, organizations can get the advantage of exponential growth of their business, both in terms of revenue growth and customer satisfaction. Looking for a top DevOps consulting services company? Nextbrain Technologies is the leading DevOps consulting company offering end-to-end DevOps solutions by implementing agile methodologies.