How an AI app development services can fight climate change



April 05, 2022 Author

Humans often have a tendency to worry later about consequences, and as a collective this is one of the reasons that led to global temperatures soaring. Our smart scientists have determined that this is our doing, and mainly, the decades of use of fossil fuels is to blame. Scientists all over the world have predicted gradually worsening outcomes if we don’t stop this climate change soon. This is where modern technology comes in to help. Dealing with climate change is difficult, even with all the modern tech  we have because the damage has already been done in many environments and the results of our actions on climate change also become difficult to measure.

As climate change depends on many variables, it becomes almost impossible to measure without artificial intelligence(AI) which is the technology we are going to focus on today. AI and machine learning are two technologies that have shown promise in both analyzing and dealing with climate change. In this article we will see what solutions have been developed and planned for the future with AI. Not to mention, AI itself is developing in the computing industry so it is highly likely that we will have enough resources at our disposal to undo our mistakes and resist a catastrophic future for mankind. In fact, as per World Economic Forum, AI solutions can boost the global economy by 26% by the end of the year 2030.

Ways artificial intelligence solutions can help deal with climate change

Following are some of the ways AI can help deal with climate change. Some of these are already developed and have been deployed in many areas, while others are going to be deployed soon. There are also several other solutions that are rapidly being developed as a global effort to stop climate change.

ways artificial intelligence solutions can help with climate change

Accurate weather forecasting

To analyze weather conditions accurately AI systems are now being used increasingly effectively. Previously such capabilities were limited to supercomputers that could compute fast enough. However with AI and especially machine learning, resource efficient predictive algorithms can be developed. This is often done by feeding years of weather data to the AI, which can then be used to smartly predict future weather.

Power saving energy grids

AI is efficiently being used in many countries to effectively handle power grid distribution systems. The power grid can effectively do the following things.

  • Predict future electricity loads
  • Store energy more efficiently
  • Prevent accidents inside the power stations
  • Distribute electricity with less power loss

All this saves energy and helps the world rely on renewables a little longer. These are already deployed in many countries like Norway and the US, and it is highly likely that this will become a worldwide installation soon. This technology is also used to distribute electricity to EV charging stations.

Smarter transportation

Fossil fuels produce a lot of greenhouse gasses like CO2, CO, and sulfur oxides that are known to cause climate change. These emissions are reduced by autonomous vehicles (AVs), which enable eco-driving algorithms and thorough traffic optimization. AI is guiding modern vehicles away from high-carbon emissions and toward a more sustainable path. Autonomous vehicles are designed to integrate these algorithms more efficiently, but they can be integrated in vehicles to reduce emissions too. However, the ultimate goal is to turn all vehicles into fully renewable sources(like electricity) and then use the same types of algorithms to further save energy in them.

Innovative agriculture

Innovative farming is necessary to fight climate change. Farmers can use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning systems to analyze crop disease control, livestock nutrition, and soil fertility levels. The efficient use of fertilizers, water, and sunlight, as well as the clever use of agricultural land, are possible due to AI. Artificial intelligence and machine learning development services can help to conserve natural systems while ensuring a consistently good crop season throughout the year. Artificial intelligence is planned to be employed in the future of genetic engineering to generate new plant species that can withstand harsh conditions brought about by climate change. It can help aid climate change by the natural process of photosynthesis.

innovative agriculture

Disaster response systems

Disaster response management is becoming more agile and responsive thanks to AI tools and methodologies. Early warning, simulations, and AI algorithms efficiently predict and serve as a warning system for climate trends. The government and relevant agencies can readily devise effective measures to address the problem. This has efficiently been implemented in countries like Japan, and we know that this can be applied elsewhere too. By pairing up with an AI app development company, this can be effectively used by common folk to increase their safety. The future holds better response systems due to improvement in such technology.

Consumer level apps

In the future, it is highly likely that AI tools and technology are paired up with consumer level devices to increase energy efficiency on these devices. They can also help preserve the health of everyday items that are able to use IoT and AI capabilities, thus preventing accidents that can lead to harm to the environment. App development companies are especially useful in this regard. Some of the many AI tools that fight climate change on the consumer level include energy saving smart home appliances and automated devices that perform certain tasks that save energy.


As you can see, artificial intelligence and machine learning have a lot of potential in building a world with little carbon footprint. By using AI in various systems the world can become a lot safer place for the people in it. Companies must come together to create the best AI solutions to fight climate change, as going against nature wont be that easy. Nextbrain is a good mobile app development company that can pair up to create apps that help everyday users to increase environment friendly ways of doing things. We have experience working with AI and have developed many solutions to clients around the world.