How AI transformed security & safety operations across industries



December 28, 2023 Author

As more devices are getting connected to network connectivity, things are getting digitized in an extravagant manner. There is an increasing pool of data that needs to be analyzed for different aspects of life. In recent years, technological advancement has spread its magic across different industrial areas, and the area that has advanced is video analytics.

Leveraging a number of alarms, access control devices, and video surveillance, AI technology easily contributes to the security and monitoring capabilities of industrial establishments. In this blog post, we will lay emphasis on AI video analytics and how it is transforming safety operations in different industries.

What are AI and Video Analytics?

What are AI and Video Analytics

AI analytics utilizes the potential of advanced machine learning techniques to shift from conventional methods of time-consuming tasks to automated tasks and data analysis. It is capable of analyzing any unstructured video data harnessing the data analytics tools. The technology has gained immense popularity in the recent years as a result of its excellent benefits in different industries. AI video analytics uses the latest AI technologies to curate better results.

Why choose AI-enabled video analytics solutions for businesses?

Acquiring CCTV video data footage and analysis of events can take a longer time and often yields little results. However, AI-based analysis of video data enables instant notification alerts in special events of security breaches preventing false alarms. This enables industrial authorities to take prompt action to prevent any mishappenings and mitigate damages. In this context, it is important to take a look at the advantages of the way AI video analytics is modifying the security scenario within industrial premises.

Rapid search analysis

One of the best advantages of AI-enabled video analytics is it can assist security operators in rapidly searching through video footage and analyzing any specific incident generating actionable insights significantly.

Human & object recognition

Human & object recognition

Traditional video data analysis lacked the smart analysis of objects and humans. Video analytics powered by AI detects objects and human motions for recognizing intrusion of specific objects, vehicles and people.

Real-time alerts

Security personnel can highly benefit from quickly searching large amounts of footage and getting notification alerts in real-time. This enables them to take immediate measures to resolve the situation. Real-time alerts can help in preventing different hazardous situations. Smoke and fire detection is one of such benefits that can prevent dangers by detecting the strain from where the fire started.

Different industries are making effective use of AI video analytics in security applications to assist in protecting people, property, and information. Let's take a look at the common applications of AI video analytics surveillance software below.

As per the latest report collected, it has been found that the utilization of smart video surveillance has augmented statistically in recent years. The market for security systems is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 10.05% from 2021 to 2026.

Logistics & transportation

Logistics & transportation

Railways are harnessing video analytics to improve the overall safety and security of passengers by tracking the location and speed of trains. The transportation industry can use actionable data to prevent luggage theft by tracking luggage movement at different points in the airways.

On-road trucking companies face several challenges in tracking the location of their trucks and need to wait for drivers to update them on location. Now it has become easier to easily keep track of movements that include movement of trucks, optimization of routes, and monitoring of delivery personnel. In this way, vehicle companies can keep track of the vehicles and ensure they reach the right destination.

Manufacturing businesses

Manufacturing businesses can make the most of video analytics From primordial times, manufacturing companies use video cameras to detect theft, ensure the safety of workers, and monitor employee productivity of workers. With smart AI video analytics in manufacturing, facial recognition, and object recognition have become easier. Right from safety measure detection and smart danger prevention by detecting safety measures of workers and loopholes, AI video analytics have major applications in manufacturing units.

Retail operations

AI-powered video analytics can be harnessed to count the number of customers in-store and track customer behavior. It can be helpful in tracking heatmaps in certain areas and generating demographic analytics. It is beneficial for retail store operations by creating improved situational awareness, data-driven product decisions, and customer service.

Forensic investigations

The main objective of forensic investigations is evidence and evidence stands on the witness. Witness comes in different formats including video footage analysis and timely recognition of human actions. This can be achieved by an AI video analytics solution in which investigators can track intrusion & motion of objects, motion of people in the scene, and many more. Face recognition can identify individuals in video footage in real time thereby preventing any kind of dangerous incidents.

Final Verdict

As an immensely growing field AI video analytics offers a vast array of applications. It is utilized in distinct industries to advance safety, security, and operations. At Nextbrain, we have a skilled team of professionals offering highly effective software solutions leveraging advanced techies and transforming the way video analytics work. Feel free to connect with our experienced team now.