Are Full Stack Developers the best choice for MVP development?



September 15, 2020 Author

Building the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is one of the most important stages for startup companies, as they launch their products since the MVP serves as a reference for the actual product with complete functionalities. Most of the startup companies, begin with building the MVP and then extend it to build the actual full-fledged product. However, in case of most startups, building the MVP is one of the greatest challenges. This is due to the lack of enough fund and resources. The major question and point of dilemma revolve around, professionals in which technology should be apt to hire, in order to build a successful MVP.

The answer to all these dilemma and doubt lies in hiring a full stack developer.

Who is a Full Stack Developer?

A full-stack developer is a professional who expertise in front end development, backend development as well as Database. This professional will take care of your project from the designing phase, and will take ownership, until deployment.

Who is Full Stack Developer

The full stack development consists of the following:

1. Presentation layer

This is the frontend or the application where the full stack developer will design the user interface and develop it. Hence, the skills that you should look for in the full stack developer you hire, includes HTML, CSS, Javascript, who is well versed in Javascript frameworks along with having prior experience of working in Angular.js, React.js.

2. Business logic layer

This layer forms the backend of the application. The full stack developer needs to use a server-side programming language in order to code the business logic, that supports the front-end. Hence, the full stack developer needs to be well versed in Python with Django, Node.js, Ruby on Rails. This expertise will ensure that the full-stack developer will be able to build the MVP as well as upgrade it to the actual product.

3. Database layer

The database also forms a part of the backend. The full stack developer should have the expertise and experience in MySQL, MongoDB, and other latest database languages.

Finding the right developer

Once you have a clear idea of the business requirements of the product and the MVP, that you aspire to build, look for the developer having the relevant expertise and experience. This will guide you to find the right person capable of building the MVP.

Advantages of Hiring a Full Stack Developer for building the MVP

Multi-dimensional advantages are obtained by hiring a full stack developer for building the MVP, which are as follows:

1. Cost saving

Hiring a full-stack developer is cost saving. This is because, a full stack developer can easily replace three developers one for each of front end, backend and Database development. This is indeed cost saving as for a start-up company, building the MVP, the budget is a major constraint.

2. Time-saving

Since a full stack developer takes care of frontend, backend, and database, hence he himself can plan it, without being dependent on any other developer, to complete his part of work. Thus, hiring a full-stack developer for building the MVP is time effective.

3. Easy to switch

Full stack developers can easily switch between the front and backend, as required and the MVP can easily be upgraded by the developer, to work as a complete product, with all its functionalities.


Advantages of hring full stack developers

4. Faster deployment to market

The MVP, build be the full stack developer, gets released to the market faster, as any member in a team of full-stack developers, can take up any task and complete them, even in the absence of the other, as they all are expertised in frontend, backend, and database.

5. Easy to maintain

Full stack developers need to keep themselves updated in the latest technology, in the front end, backend as well as a database. Hence, maintaining the MVP and upgrading it to the next level, with incorporation of the latest technology gets easier.

full stack developer is indeed an easy and readymade solution for MVP development, as it serves the purpose, along with being time and cost-effective.