Complete guide to web application architecture: components and types



June 02, 2022 Author

The sector of web application provides a wide range of benefits to different business jargon. The web application industry is constantly evolving with the latest involvement of new technologies and techniques. With a view to this regard, the primary focus is given to the foundational design of a web app. A web app is created to retain the desired robustness, security and responsiveness of this software. Therefore, a robust web app architecture is required for the proper framework of the web app.

As you begin a new project, the question that hits the tone is how to architect a web app and the different technology stacks. The selected model of architecture determines the rational way of developing the app, functionality and communication of elements. Thereby, choosing the right components for web applications is necessary for a project’s technical success. In this blog, we will explain the complete guide to web application architecture, its components and types. In this way, readers will get a complete knowledge of different web application architectures.

Web application architecture

web application architecture

Web app architecture is delineated as a pattern of interaction between distinct web app components. The process of interaction is completely outlined determining the performance, resilience, and security of web apps. The components together create web app architectures. The architecture system comprises the operation between middleware systems, apps, and databases. For instance, as a user types an URL in the browser and clicks ‘enter’, it creates a request to a server.

The main objective of web app architecture components is to carry out requests as per specific targets and needs effectively. Web applications architecture is crucial owing to the popular usage of widespread network traffic. Different apps use the network and web-based interactions. With enhancing trends day by day, the requirements of consumers keep progressing making embellished project architecture for web applications.

Web app components

It is important to acknowledge that there are two structural web app components within a web application such as client and server. A client is regarded as a user-friendly rendition of a web application functionality with which a user generally interacts. Specially written in Javascript, HTML, and CSS, it exists within users’ web browsers. Additionally, it does not require any specific OS or device-related adjustments.

With a view to establishing server-side, one requires Java, PHP, .NET, Python, Ruby on Rails and Node Js development expertise. The server side comprises two significant parts: the webserver with an app logic i.e. the main control centre and the database i.e. the storage of all persistent data. As you proceed to scale up this side, it implies that you increase the databases and number of servers to amplify your web apps’ performance.

Unveiling distinct models of web app components

Nextbrain always acknowledges the importance of opting for the right web app architecture of components that makes for the quality of performance of future web applications.

In this context, we will take a look at the components below:

Single web server with database

This is considered the most convenient and one of the difficult models where one database is a relevant part of the web app’s only server. When the server goes down, the web app also goes down. At Nextbrain, we recommend this model of web app component only when the web app is a project.

More than two web servers with one database

In double or more web servers with a single database, it does not store any data even when it gets information from a client. Subsequently, the web server processes it and writes the data to the database, forgetting about it. Having two web servers can reduce the risk of failure. As one web server goes down, the other one takes over immediately. In this way, all requests are automatically addressed to the new server. Additionally, it enables the web apps to run, thereby serving operational. With a single database, one can still expect performance risks such as crashing.

Two web servers and two databases

The model can be considered the most successful process as web servers and databases do not have any points of failure. With the web development projects comprising more than 5 web servers and databases, Nextbrain installs load balancers for analyzing different incoming requests.

The first step is for storing similar data on each database machine. However, the alternative remains is evenly distributing data amidst databases. In spite of the obvious benefits of storage and space-saving concept, the option creates a challenge of some data becoming temporarily unavailable at the time of a database crash. In order to ensure the best web app performance, our web app developers amalgamate the two approaches and render crucial data.

Microservices & Serverless

The previous models are often referred to as ‘monolithic’ owing to the robust and stable nature of web servers. Similarly, serverless architectures and microservices came into the advent for bringing more agility to the web application and simplifying scaling. Among these models, web servers are broken down into smaller fragments such as ‘functions’ in serverless and ‘services’ in microservices. Each of the small components exists in a separate container and is completely independent.

At Nextbrain, we have viewed business opportunities in the architectural models as part of the microservices project. They are considered cheaper for maintaining and enabling faster time to market. Owing to the increased communication between microservices, multiple components, as well as serverless web applications, provide poor performance, if it is executed improperly.

Different types of web application architecture

different types of web application architecture

It is quite natural that all web application components are created for a scalable and integral web application. Based on the way app logic is distributed among various server and client sides, there are chances of different types of web app architecture.

Widget web application

In this type of web app architecture, the web page construction logic can be easily replaced by web services. And each web page on the client has dissimilar entities, which are popularly known as widgets. With the help of sending AJAX queries to web services, widgets will acquire chunks of data in HTML. Finally, these are displayed without any reloading action on the page. Having real-time widget updates makes the process more dynamic and mobile-friendly. This type of web app architecture requires the longest development time due to the app’s reduced security. The main reason behind reduced security is a result of the app logic partly shifted to the exposed client side.

Legacy HTML web app

As per the fundamental web application architecture, a server comprises business logic and web page construction logic. This communicates with a client by sending out a complete HTML page. In order to view and update, the user can completely reload the page after having a client send a request for an HTML page to the server. This kind of web app architecture is not only secure but also has data stored on the server. As a result of heavy data and constant content reload, it becomes popular for static websites that are steadily dying out.

Single page web architecture

With single-page web applications, one can only download a single web page once at a time. On the part of the client, the page has a Javascript layer that is capable of freely communicating with web services on the server. One can use the data from web services to make real-time updates.

Progressive web app architecture

The progressive web apps can be easily delineated as SPAs that include extra features like increased performance speed, offline functionality, and push notifications. Many of the features are aimed at advancing the utility of web applications on smartphones.


At the time of making the selection of web app architecture, it is time to take a near look at the business requirements and examine distinct options altogether. Are you looking for complete web application architecture solutions? Nextbrain is the leading web app development company that has a talented pool of skilled developers having many years of experience in creating unique web apps. The company have expertise in meeting new challenges while creating a web application. Feel free to talk to the professionals regarding progressive web application development.