Inferring the Future of Mobile Application Development with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning



September 15, 2020 Author

Future of Mobile app development with AI and ML

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two of the most revolutionary technologies, that has changed the face and future of mobile app development. With these two technologies setting in, the routine tasks are not simply automated but intelligently customized to offer a personalized experience to the customers. The use of these technologies focuses on making mobile apps smart and ensure improved capability and use predictive insights to offer smarter services to the customers.

AI offers an array of possibilities and opportunities for the mobile app development business, by introducing the use of chatbots or context-aware sensors in the mobile apps. Many mobile app development companies have been considering AI and ML as two of the most effective ways of customer retention and engagement.

The primary reasons that led to the widespread use of AI and ML are as follows:

Shifting Customer’s Demands

The demands and expectations of the customers from the mobile apps have been changing with time. While initially, simply serving the purpose of pick-up or delivery was enough for them, with time the customers look for personalization, ability to perceive and retain information by the mobile app, along with a prompt response to their queries. With these shifting demands, the mobile app developers started incorporating these technologies, such that they can remain ahead in the competition and met the changing demands of the customers. AI and ML offer the best solutions to meet the shifting demand of the customers. Their requirements for better customer services, customizations, voice assistance, recommendations based on buying patterns are fulfilled by AI and ML. This helps the mobile apps to be at the cutting edge of technological advancements, making their position secured in the ever-changing market of mobile app development.

New Venture

The introduction of AI and ML in the mobile app development has opened a new venture for business. These technologies have made features such as augmented reality and omnichannel experience very common among the mobile app users, thus offering a new dimension to the customers and mobile app users. AI and ML can also be used in mobile apps for feedback gathering explicitly, extracting information from the various activities or comments about the mobile apps, in form of queries, complaints or social media discussions. This indeed offers a genuine feedback which may not have been gathered and analysed otherwise.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning


Customers love customized services even on their mobile apps. In order to ensure customized services offered to them, it is important that the mobile app being developed is equipped with AI and ML technologies. This will help the mobile app offer customized services, due to predictive analysis and deriving information from the buying trends of the customers. This is attractive for the customers since they prefer personalization, which is easily facilitated by the use of AI.

Better Customer Service

With the implementation of chatbots development, the customers can be initially handled by the chatbots before the customer care executives can take up the complaints and queries and resolve them. AI has taken customer services to a whole new level, with chatbots responding to the services even before the customer care executives can do so. This has also enhanced the customer engagement and retention along with elevating the expectations of the customers to new heights. The use of AI can help in sort the query tickets according to the types of queries, along with forwarding specific queries to the specific customer service executive departments, specializing in each category of complaint handling. Moreover, this automation also saves human resources who can concentrate on other works and serve customers better.

Growth Opportunity

Change is the only constant. Hence, changing and shifting from the old technologies to the new will ensure growth opportunities for steady growth in the business of the mobile apps. Hence, a revolutionary shift to the mobile app development and deployment has been witnessed all over the world with the introduction of the technologies such as AI and ML, giving a new dimension to mobile app development. The market fitment and growth opportunities are identified even more easily, since by deploying the power of machine learning, customer segmentation and targeted marketing requirements can be easily analysed, thus offering a significant contribution to the growth opportunities.

Read more: How Machine Learning and AI can take your business to the next level?

The extensive use of AI and ML in the mobile app development can offer the best features to the customers, including features like voice assistance, suggestions and recommendations based on the buying trends of the customers, crisp communication, instant response, personal assistance and so on. AI and ML are two of the trending technologies, opening an array of opportunities for the mobile app developing companies, thus offering customer engagement and retention successfully, along with being a leader in the mobile app development market.