Fresher's journey in Nextbrain Technologies



September 15, 2020 Author

The destination is not important, the journey is. Nextbrain technologies is one of the few startups, where I as an employee can say, “What a memorable and fun-filled journey”. It has been quite some time that I have been working at Nextbrain technologies. This has become a
second home for me. I never feel bored to think of office and I don’t brood over Mondays, and I really mean it. Working at Nextbrain is just fun. We feel like a family working together with support and help from each one.

You may think what’s so special about Nextbrain technologies? Why should one work here? I will take you through my journey at Nextbrain and give you reasons why.

Positive and friendly working environment: A positive vibe is felt as soon as you enter the office. The positivity among the employees along with that of the work environment is commendable. Everyone is ready to help you, even with they busy schedules and deadlines. No one is grumpy and bored. Each person is working and enjoying at the same time.

Knowledge sharing sessions: Everyone gains some knowledge as they work everyday. So, why keep it to yourself? Share it with your buddies. We have a monthly knowledge sharing sessions, where we share some of the knowledge that we gained while working.

Buddies and not just co-workers: Yes, we are buddies and not just co-workers. Beyond the barrier of teams, we talk to everyone and help everyone in need. We are fun loving and involve everyone in the fun. We go out for game sessions, cycling sessions and have sports day to encourage the sportsman in us.

Parties and celebrations: We work hard and party harder. We celebrate birthdays and all festivals at office and yet ensure meeting deadlines and client satisfactions. We don’t compromise in quality, be it for work or having fun. We spend quality time in the parties and team outings and get to know each other even better. This helps us to renew our energy to work with more diligence.

Open-minded environment: No employee is monitored from time to time about the work given. Each of us are responsible enough and complete the given work much ahead of deadlines. There is no restriction in your approach and thoughts, until and unless it does not have any adverse effect on the company or any employee. We are not monitored with CCTV cameras, and we work towards working up to the trust.

Transparent policies: Inspite of various roles and designations, no strict heirarcy is followed in the company. A clear and transparent policy that holds true for all employees is followed. Come up with any good idea and the company is ready to accept and use it from the very next day. 


What better can an employee expect from his employer?

This is perhaps one of the best and ideal workplaces that I had imagined and many like me would love to work in such a company that values you, along with your contribution.