Every Online Store Should Know the Ecommerce Website Development Team structure



June 15, 2021 Author

When you are looking to build your ecommerce website, you must know about the in-house team structure who are involved in your project, what skills they possess, and what's going on in your project to make proper decisions and manage your project effectively. According to the research, 70% of the web development projects are not successful due to poor management. If you get a clear idea about the ecommerce website development process and experts involved in the development of your website then you can easily communicate with the team members throughout your website development. This helps in developing high quality and scalable ecommerce websites according to your business requirements.

Ecommerce web development team structure

In order to develop an ecommerce website, along with the web development team it is also necessary to have expert designers and marketing team to get successful results for your business. So a custom ecommerce website development company must have its core web development team. Let's discuss in detail about the roles, responsibilities, and skill set of the ecommerce web development team.

Requirement analyst

Requirement analysts play an important role by making groundwork for the website development. Their main aim is to focus on the vision of your project, analyse your project, and then provide detailed technical specifications for your project. Requirement analysts clearly define your business requirements as the web developers can not build an actual product with raw requirements. Hence they need a business analyst who can provide proper project specification. An analyst mentions what particular part of the web app must achieve, what task a certain feature will perform, what buttons need to be clicked for performing a particular action, etc. Based on the client's business goals the analyst will define all the specifications to develop the website.

Project manager

project manager

The project manager will organise and monitor all the stages of project development starting from planning the tasks to assigning the tasks to each team member. They gather all the information of technical specifications and the deadline to complete the project. Depending on this data, a project plan is created and divided into sprints. Then, the project manager organizes the complete product development process to make sure that each sprint will be completed on time. After each sprint completion, the project manager will give a demo to get your approval about the project. In case you are not satisfied with some issues, the project manager will ask the web developers to get the issue fixed. Project manager also updates about your project on a daily basis and resolves your queries and makes necessary modifications as per your business needs.

Solution architect

Solution architects frame the content and shape of the project systematically. They are involved in the early stages of the project and their main task is to build site architectures which interpret the complete site planning to both the web developers and the clients. The Solution architects work with the project designers for successful results. They create page wireframes to give clarity about the architecture of the website and how each page will look like. They analyse the preferences of the customers to create relevant and meaningful content on the website. Solution architects offer both clients and developers with relevant diagrams and charts to make them understand the structure of the website. These visual images are mainly very important for back-end developers.

UI/UX designer

ui ux design

Website design plays a crucial part and sets a proper direction for the entire project. User Interface design (UI) and User Experience design (UX) will be handled by the design team who interacts with the web developers to create relevant images for the project.

A UI/UX designer makes analysis of the project requirements, end-users, target location, etc. to have a complete picture in order to create images. This approach makes them understand the problems users are facing and can solve them effectively through design. Designer creates a wireframe through which elements on the website can be arranged in a schematic way. UX refers to research and structure while UI refers to visual appearance like fonts, color schemes, icons, etc.

Designer builds a prototype which is the final appearance of your website depending on the UX stage. Prototypes can be either static or interactive. Some projects may also require motion designers and graphic designers who create a visual concept like animations, logos, fonts, custom illustrations based on the project requirements. The most important tools used by UI/UX designers in 2021 are Sketch, Illustrator, InVision, Zeplin, Sympli, etc.

Web developer

ecommerce web develoepr

Web developers play a key role in the development of websites as they make your project idea come into live which can be later utilized by anyone having internet access. Web developers can be divided into two categories based on the task they are handling in website development.

Front-end developers

Their main task is to write client-side code of the website using technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Front-end developers build a website gradually based on the prototype given to them by UI/UX designers. Their main task is to ensure the website works properly on any device and all the elements are functioning correctly.

Back-end developers

They deal with server-side code based on the features of the website. The programming languages and frameworks that are used for back-end development are Node.js, PHP, .NET, etc. They also develop content management systems and databases.

Full-stack developers

Most of the reputed ecommerce website development companies have expert full-stack software developers who can handle both a client-side and server-side of the project efficiently.

Quality assurance engineer

Once the website development is done, the developers send the website to the QA (Quality Assurance) team. They check the website using manual and automated testing methods. A Quality Assurance engineer tests your website for bugs and if any bugs are found, they create a bug report and inform the developers about the bugs. They keep on checking the website until all the bugs are completely resolved and the website is flawless without any errors. Quality Assurance engineer also deals with the interface like fonts, size, colors, and various other elements and send reports to designers if they detect any usability issues. The QA team works on the project till it is released and sometimes even more depending on the client's business needs.

Digital marketing team

digital marketing

Marketing strategists, SEO experts, and Content Specialists together are involved in the project to promote your business on various social media platforms and attract the right audience.

Marketing strategists

Marketing Strategist is specialized in creating a marketing strategy that exactly suits your business needs. They set business goals, analyze the performance and monitor the team to increase your brand awareness and provide guaranteed results.

SEO experts

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the best way to promote your business and drive more organic traffic to your website. SEO experts implement various SEO strategies to attract your target audience using SEO techniques and tactics. An SEO expert executes various techniques like Keyword optimization, On-page and off-page optimization, Technical SEO, Content marketing, Local SEO, and various other services to make your website rank on the top of the search engines.

Content specialist

A Content Specialist is a part of a marketing team who creates a content strategy and collaborates with the SEO team to offer unique content to your website. A content specialist also updates your website with regular blog posts that promote your brand and attract your website visitors.


To develop an ecommerce website, the above mentioned are the core team that can help you build and promote your website. However, you may need other professionals also to meet any specific requirements of your project. The best way to know what are the experts you require for your ecommerce website development is to consult any top ecommerce website development company. Nextbrain Technologies is the leading custom ecommerce website development company in Bangalore with a team of in-house professionals delivering cost-effective and high quality websites to the clients.