Essential Phases in Web Application Development Process



April 30, 2021 Author

A web application is an application that runs on remote internet servers and is accessible to any device that is connected to a network that has access to that server. This is unlike most applications, as they are installed on a particular device, and run on that device’s operating system (OS). Web applications look like web pages because they are only accessible from the internet. In reality, they have as much functionality as one might expect in an actual application installed on either desktop or modern-day smartphones. In fact, the distinction between dynamic web pages and web applications is mostly based on its functional capacity. This article explores what a web application is, and goes through common phases in the web application development process.

Usually, the web application is designed in 3 modules that function together to perform the business task. One is the part that handles user services, and it functions by using advanced web technologies like Javascript, HTML5 and dynamic HTML. It makes it easy for the user to easily do what they want within the bounds of business services. The second part handles the business logic where complicated back-end technology is used to understand user requests and perform the required tasks in an efficient manner. Technologies used in this stage may include web scripting and server-side programming, integrated with complicated java applets that link it to the client-side. The third part functions as a database where user credentials and files might be stored. Secure and efficient database technologies are used at this stage.

8 Essential phases in web application development

essential phases in web application development

Considering how complicated web applications have become, the development process of such applications no wonder is difficult to grasp. Commonly, web application development is complicated and has many phases associated with it. Each application development company may go through with it in a slightly different way, but each of these phases is important and cannot be skipped. Following are the 8 most essential phases a development team can go through to develop web applications.

Defining the goals

This step is usually the first and one of the most important phases in the development process. Usually, the business approaches the software development team with a goal in mind. This goal is then polished so that it is clear and enough so that everyone can understand. The developers may also suggest things to the business which may alter the goals in subtle ways. The process moves on further only when the goals are accurately defined.

Understanding the target audience

understanding the web application development

Understanding the target audience is the next important step in the web application development process. This is important both in terms of the business perspective and the customer experience perspective. The following important details are analyzed to understand the target audience

  • The age, gender and capacity of the audience to be engaged enough with the web application is noted
  • The capacity of the target audience to access the internet is one of the important factors that come into research focus. The average bandwidth, the most used user technology and all such matters are noted
  • Depending on the type of application and the type of audience the security features are also decided. The risk from the audience for fraud and other types of security breaches is also investigated.
  • This process is repeated again and again during and even after application development and deployment to constantly improve the application.

Creating a detailed report about features to be included

A functional specification document is a detailed report of features that are to be included in the web application. This is a very significant document in the web application development process, as it eliminates any sort of confusion that can occur during upcoming phases of development. Such a report lists all the technical details and functionality of the web application and is not updated once it is finalized. 

Identifying and careful selection of third-party vendors

A web application is difficult to develop, and the development process is often carried out when outsourced efficiently. The cost-effectiveness of the development process also increases. Many third-party developers are identified, analyzed and selected carefully. Following are the many third-party vendors that are looked into when making web applications

  • Software development companies
  • SSL certificate providers
  • Server providers
  • Payment gateways
  • Firewall, network and load balancing equipment 
  • Fulfilment centres

Selecting the technology, structure and timeframe of the project

This is the phase where software developers select the technology, architecture and timeline the web application is decided after careful observation of the features. The business and the developers discuss together and may come to the conclusion after subtle changes.

Actual development process

web application development process

After all the above phases, the actual development of the web application starts. In this phase, the developers work with great determination to complete the web application within the selected timeframe using the selected technologies. Every module, database and external library is fit within the app in this process. The web application development is only said to be complete if all the requirements of the feature report or the functional specification document are satisfied. 


web application development testing

After the intensive application development process, the testing of the web application begins. Testing or Quality assistance (QA) involves finding the bugs in various parts of the application and notifying the development team in order for them to get fixed. Many forms of testing processes are applied, including usability testing, load testing, stress testing and performance testing. 

Once the testing phase is finished, the web application is handed over to the business and deployed in the real-world environment.


Almost every business which must serve a very large number of consumers at a time usually does that through web applications. This is because such applications are designed to specifically handle many customers securely and fast. Nextbrain Technologies is an application development company that makes applications for smartphones, desktops and ones that run on servers. The company has a number of experts that can develop any type of complicated web applications. Due to their expertise, many clients around the world have consulted them for developing their web applications.