Drone Software Solutions for Wind Turbine Inspection



May 29, 2023 Author

Wind energy continues to grow in demand in recent years. To ensure the accurate working of wind turbines, regular checking and maintenance are very important. Modern technologies can effectively make use of and improve the productivity and efficiency of wind turbines. Inspection with efficient drone software in wind turbines can play a critical role in prolonging the service life of wind fields. Compared with manual inspection drone inspection is a very speedy process. To prevent wear and tear issues turbines need regular inspection and maintenance. Blade delamination, core defects, internal component failure, and other important defects can identify the drone’s inspection perfectly. Moreover, an efficient wind turbine inspection drone software can produce more accurate data than a manual traditional inspection.

How can we use drone software in wind turbine inspection?

Recently the wind energy industry is highly integrating its activity with drone technologies. The main reason for this is to improve the efficiency, reduce the inspection time, and reduce the life threatening situations of technicians. Regardless of the method of inspection, normally wind turbine inspection is a two section process. Dual chambers of each blade, which is constructed with composite laminate material need to be analyzed. These blades need to be analyzed internally at a regular time period. Crawling manually into each blade and inspecting it is a time consuming and risky process. Drone wind turbine inspectioncan identify lightning damage, missing bolts and other damages that affect the functionality and durability of the turbine.

Advantages of wind turbine inspection with drone software

As wind turbines are always placed in high altitudes, turbine blade inspection is always very challenging for the workers. Finding out the structural damage of the blade with the naked eye may not be possible. Drone technology can tackle the situation efficiently. Turbine drones are equipped with well advanced sensors like infrared and thermal sensors. It is specially designed for turbine and blade inspection. Wind turbine inspection software is capable of rapidly gathering information and has the capability to see up to 15 cm deep into wind turbines. This can extend the life span of turbines and ensure the structural integrity of the turbines.

  • Secure:Workers need not enter manually in the turbine blades placed in height. Wind turbine inspection with the help of drone software can prevent workers from many dangerous situations including height, construction, and operational environment. Offshore wind turbine inspection and maintenance with manpower is very dangerous. Unpredictable weather changes can happen offshore at any time and offshore wind turbines are always taller than their land based counterparts. To reduce this kind of dangerous situation drone technology can play a significant role.
  • Less expensive: Wind turbine inspection with drone technology is less expensive when compared to manual inspection.
  • Accuracy: Apart from safety, speed and accuracy is very crucial in wind energy production. Drone software can collect accurate data efficiently. It is efficient to collect high resolution images also.
  • Time saving: Drone inspection can save a lot of time. A drone can save half time for wind turbine manual inspection. Every year each wind turbine needs two to three times of detailed inspections. This will consume a lot of time and energy. Ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of the turbine drone inspection will be very helpful. Some wind farms have hundreds of turbines, each turbine consists of hundreds of two to three blades.

Key features of drone software

An efficiently featured software can only effectively support a successful wind turbine inspection drone.

  • Intelligent Integration: Intelligently placed algorithms can only perform various activities with accuracy in real-time like object detection and track navigation.
  • Connectivity: Connectivity is a very important feature in drone software. Through this connectivity, the feature admin can control the dashboard and monitor all mysterious activities.
  • Integration Payloads: Through integration payloads, we can access various plugins in drones. It is also important in regulating the drone.
  • Cloud storage: For storing data cloud server storage will be the best option. To deploy drones and mapping we can use SAP or Dropbox.
  • Custom Dashboard: Custom Dashboard will help the user to use their own unique customized dashboard. It helps the user to inspect and control everything virtually. For building a highly specialized dashboard for the user Dashboard has to be customized with templates, widgets and payload integration plugins.

Why choose nextbrain as your drone software partner for wind turbine inspection?

As a leading software development company Nextbrain provides the best drone software for wind turbine inspection. We can assure advanced and well equipped drone software for wind turbine inspection. Our software can assure the safety and structural integrity of wind turbines. Nextbrain’s software can support a high resolution camera that is able to provide higher resolution visual inspection.


Are you looking for an effective drone software solution for your next project? Nextbrain can offer you highly efficient software to boost your business goals. We have a handful of expert teams to practically implement your dreams. Today, drones and unmanned aircraft become a part of many industries. As drones are getting more popular, complementary technologies like 5G, augmented reality etc are also becoming popular. Our software can support all the necessary complementary technologies to reach the expectations. If you want to know more about our drone software and technological solutions connect with our team.