Cloud-driven mobile apps are on the rise



September 15, 2020 Author

Building mobile applications for multiple devices is a challenge for developers. Mobile devices are having different operating systems, different attributes. Developing a mobile app that can be run on different devices which are cross-platform capability to make more mobile apps available to customers is the demand of market. The problem comes when a developer develope a mobile app, for example, Samsung and in very next month Samsung launches new device in its kitty with different features. In such scenareo developer has to develope a new mobile app for new device as per its specification according to traditional method of developing mobile app.

The solution for this problem is to move the apps and their data, which are stored on mobile to servers running in a mobile cloud, users can access the app and its data via a browser running on many different mobile devices. Using mobile clouds development technique these challenges are met.

There are few tools which help to realize this concept


mobile enterprise application platforms provides the platform where the data sent to the mobile device from the mobile cloud fits on the mobile device screen. the mobile ecosystem for mobile apps to allow access to business apps from mobile devices. The data processing and storage take place outside the mobile devices, and results are displayed on mobile devices. An MEAP'S platform converts data into a user-friendlier interface for the mobile device. This helps to make one app which can be run on different mobile devices.


It allows to determine what the end mobile device is. Process the data in the cloud and display the information as per the specification of the device.

Hybrid mobile app development

instead of rewriting the application to each mobile operating system mobile app developer write some of their application code in HTML, CSS, AND Javascript and reuse it across the devices.


sofrwate as a servece is the best practice in mobile application development which is well aligned with mobile cloud computing because apps and the data are being moved off the client onto a SaaS cloud server. When a mobile app is located on a cloud, Saas server provided the services to the mobile devices.

The advantage of using mobile cloud computing

• mobile devices can have the access to back-end business apps.
• more mobile apps can be made available to broader customers.
• multiple security apps can be run on the mobile cloud for a high-security checkup.
• the shortage of storage problem in mobile device can be solved.
• for business its gives more control of data and high security.

Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive are just the beginning, lots have to come up in future. As per the Cisco, research says, globally Cloud apps will drive 90% mobile data traffic by 2019 and mobile Cloud traffic will be 11 fold with a compound annual growth rate of 60%.


The above data clearly indicates that the cloud-driven mobile app is going to be a boom in 2017 and continues for future till either, some new technology evolves or user requirement gets changed dramatically.