How to select the best outsourcing model from onshore, offshore, and nearshore?



August 09, 2021 Author

Nowadays many companies are outsourcing dedicated developers with good experience to work on their projects. There are many organizations with great demand for app development and enterprise solutions. All these organizations are looking for outsourcing the developers apart from their in-house team. Many entrepreneurs are often getting confused between offshore, onshore, and nearshore outsourcing. According to the recent study, more than 70% of the organizations are improving their ability of outsourcing to avail more benefits. Let's have a quick look at the differences between offshore, onshore, and nearshore outsourcing.

Read more: How to build an effective offshore development team in Bangalore, India

Offshore outsourcing

offshore outsourcing

Offshore outsourcing refers to hiring of the offshore developers who are not in your location and works on your projects from some other location. Many companies and organizations usually provide dedicated developers through a hiring process by selection of proper candidates for your project to provide successful results for a minimum cost. If an entrepreneur hires offshore developers, they will get many cost benefits and also an experienced development team for their project. Offshore outsourcing is highly beneficial for the employer as well as the employee.

Benefits of hiring dedicated developers through Offshore model

There are many benefits of outsourcing dedicated software developers through an offshore model. Let's discuss the main advantages of offshore outsourcing.

  • While hiring offshore software developers, any organization can avail the benefit of working with the talented developers all around which you may not find in your location.
  • Also, if you want to have your own offshore developers or a remote team from various countries, it is easy to outsource expert developers for an affordable budget.
  • A dedicated offshore software developer can easily handle your IT projects and deliver successful results.
  • It is very important to discover the top offshore development team through which you can avail best software development services for your projects.

Onshore outsourcing

Onshore outsourcing

Onshore outsourcing refers to hiring of dedicated onshore developers from the same place where you are located. If you are hiring a dedicated development team from your area, mostly you will look for an onshore model or local outsourcing services. Even the onshore developers will come to your company and work on your project if the developers are from the same city. The communication between the onshore dedicated development team and your company will depend on the project needs and various other factors. With the onshore model, it is easy to communicate with the remote onshore developers who are located in your country.

Benefits of hiring dedicated developers through Onshore model

Any entrepreneur or businesses can hire dedicated software developers by outsourcing them through an onshore model. Biven are the main advantages of hiring dedicated developers through an onshore model.

  • If you want to hire any outside developers by using the onshore model, there will not be any disadvantage of suffering from the language problems or any cultural issues.
  • One of the best advantages of onshore outsourcing is there will not be any difference in time zones and you can work along with the dedicated onshore developers at the same time.
  • Even if you want to discuss personally regarding your project, it is very simple for the onshore developers to come to your place and discuss with you in-person.
  • Main benefits of onshore outsourcing includes reliability, responsiveness, and control over the team members and the ongoing projects which helps in getting guaranteed results.

Nearshore outsourcing

If you are looking for agile software developers, you must understand clearly what the nearshore outsourcing model is. In the nearshore outsourcing model you can find some similarities of both the offshore and onshore outsourcing models. Nearshore development teams are from various countries which can provide efficient services than onshore and offshore development teams. With onshore developers, the team of dedicated developers will work nearer to your place which makes it simple for communication and sharing the project requirements.

Benefits of hiring dedicated developers through Nearshore model

You can experience various benefits of outsourcing dedicated software developers through the nearshore model. Let's have a quick look at the main advantages of nearshore outsourcing.

  • While choosing the nearshore outsourcing model, you will easily manage the differences in the time zone.
  • Also the main benefit of outsourcing through the nearshore model is it will have minimum labour cost when compared with the onshore outsourcing model.
  • With the nearshore outsourcing model, it will be easier for the developers and companies to communicate with each other during the training periods.

Main factors you need to consider while choosing an outsourcing model

It is very essential to select the best software development company for outsourcing dedicated developers to work on your projects. Below given are the important factors which you need to consider while choosing an outsourcing model.

Know the experience of the company

After clearly understanding your project needs, you need to search for the best software development companies having experience in various technologies to meet your project needs. Also, the software development company must have completed more projects and should have working experience with the clients all over the world.

Portfolio and client testimonials

outsourcing portfolio

While hiring dedicated developers from any software development company, you need to check the company's website and analyse their projects, portfolios, case studies, client testimonials, and other details to know the capability and experience of that software development company to handle your project.


Pricing is the most essential factor which you need to consider before hiring a developer from a software development company. The offshore developers will work for low costs and provide high results. But it differs from one company to another. It is important to consider the type of project, duration, and experience to find the best outsourcing model within your budget.

Read more: Onshore vs. Offshore Mobile App Development: The Truth


Every business must understand the major factors that are important for choosing the top software development company for outsourcing the dedicated developers based on their project requirements. Nextbrain Technologies is the best mobile app development company in Bangalore with a team of highly talented developers having experience working on various projects for the clients all over the world.