Best Cloud Server Architecture to build the SaaS products with the AWS Environment



January 02, 2023 Author

Nowadays, as technology is evolving more SaaS application businesses are coming up with different prospects. SaaS businesses are a rapidly growing industry that has attracted many entrepreneurs and companies over the course of time. With cloud computing and app development in the cloud, scaling in the AWS environment has become a relevant topic in the recent era. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) delivery model is highly meant for maximizing operational efficiency. This makes it a complete fit for the serverless model. Enterprises can rely on managed services for scaling and delivering the precise number of resources by eliminating the notion of servers from SaaS architecture. It simplified the architecture and operational footprint of the app significantly diminishing the operational overhead and complexity.

In this blog, we will look into the end-to-end view of a functional SaaS product with an AWS environment. It also delineates the ways to begin building a cloud-based SaaS architecture tackling issues of scalability for your organization.

SaaS based application

SaaS-based businesses are quickly developing and are a fast-growing industry across every nation. SaaS application businesses have occupied a major part of the software industry and cloud solutions. Many software providers are in search of transforming their applications to create a proper SaaS solution. If you have an idea about SaaS architecture, then you can remain aware of the web app architecture. In this article, we will delineate the best cloud server architecture for creating top SaaS products with the AWS environment.

Getting started with SaaS Application: build for the Cloud

cloud server architecture

At the time of building a global SaaS application, there remains a probability that it is mostly built in the cloud. The cloud has multiple benefits in contrast to local server environments. The process of building a product for the cloud using advanced programming language can be challenging. In addition to personal skills, the selection of a programming language is easily influenced by the possibilities of each language.

Read more: How SaaS is transforming healthcare industry

NodeJs as a Programming Language

The way of launching a NodeJs application environment with AWS ecosystem by implementing AWS Elastic Beanstalk is highly influential in the cloud server architecture. Elastic beanstalk can be used for automatically deploying, AWS capacity provisioning, auto-scaling to app platform health monitoring in addition to load balancing. Distinct languages are present from which you can select the right one that suits your business needs. Among different languages, Node Js is one of the popular platforms that is designed to embellish code readability.


  • A Node Js web app environment is launched using AWS Elastic beanstalk and Amazon DynamoDB. Elastic Beanstalk manages the complete underlying infrastructure Amazon EC2 instances & stack components.
  • The web app platform is deployed using AWS Elastic Beanstalk within which the code can be uploaded to Elastic Beanstalk for tackling all deployment details.
  • If you are in favor of using the app, then there are chances that you receive notifications from SNS each time a record is written in DynamoDB.

For NodeJs Programming Language

  • An AWS account is required to start provisioning resources for hosting your website.
  • Developers having extensive knowledge of Node JS and web technologies.
  • If you have code for an application then it can be deployed.

The choice of a database for SaaS Application

As a perfect database for your SaaS application, one can make effective use of a document-oriented database. Document databases avail their type information from the data itself. This enables flexibility and reduces overall database sizes.

MongoDB for SaaS Application

Amazon web services or AWS can be used for setting up EC2 instances. In order to eliminate performance glitches a master architecture is installed for using the read preference to prevent glitches across the globe. A queuing system works better for the AWS serverless architecture of SaaS applications. A message queuing system is a communication protocol enabling the sender and receiver of a message. MSMQ technology allows web applications to perform at distinct times to communicate with various 3rd party integrations/APIs.

A message queue restricts the amount and size of data transmitted in the queue. RabbitMQ can be easily installed and run smoothly. Python serving as an open-source celery task management library is the best fit to obtain the best out of RabbitMQ. It is quite significant to have a robust and well-proven piece of software as it builds the backbone of the infrastructure.

AWS Architecture

Developers perform code commits using Sonarqube scanning. It helps in building code, images and GitLab's CI/CD. This is deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk for building scalable beanstalk applications with EC2 instances following the auto scaling mechanism.AWS Architecture

In the case of using DynamoDB, CloudFront is installed to promote the Metabase in beanstalk leading to Postgres Database. In this way, the entire AWS architecture is followed.


For the purpose of building a robust web application, the best option is to make the efficient usage of Amazon web services or AWS. AWS has the potential to host and run web applications for performing giant high-performing batch jobs. EC2 stands for Elastic Compute Cloud which administers AWS a scalable virtual server for different business prospects.

Reason behind using EC2

Amazon EC2 is one of the essential systems that administer resizable computing capacity prospects. The best thing about EC2 servers is that they are spread across the world. Based on your requirements to scale and which geographic markets to set the target on and at various locations of EC2. The installation of EC2 has made it super easy to keep on adding new servers and resources.

Best SaaS Architecture To Implement Now

In this context, we have given a range of the best practices for SaaS architecture.

Building Multi-tenant Architecture

One can share computing resources with multiple customers by leveraging a multi-tenant architecture. Two ways are available to implement a multi-tenant architecture.:

  • A single app instance with a single database enables users to access the same database as it redirects to a new database and deploying them has also become easier.
  • A single app instance with multiple databases will allow users to gain environment access to distinct databases. This makes your application scale faster and provides ample resources to users.

Leverage Microservices & Monolithic Architecture

When it comes to layering a monolithic app, developers can build, patch and change it without even influencing the entire app approach. However, if you want to opt for microservices architecture, then it helps in structuring decoupled app platforms into a collection of services and data. Utilizing microservices can assist in managing independent services such as CI/C development practices. The Monolithic Vs Microservices architecture can be easily implemented depending on the use cases and based on requirements as both are best practices depending on the use cases.

Designing SaaS with data security

Data breaches have become a major concern in most organizations. Therefore, cybersecurity should be taken as a major concern. This makes most enterprises and organizations rely on monolithic and on-premise architecture. Role-based access control RBAC is considered a core component of your SaaS architecture that can assist improve data security.

Regulatory compliance into SaaS

Make sure to build your SaaS app platform with compliance regulations built-in offering a vertical SaaS application architecture. It helps in building regulatory compliance into the SaaS-based architecture.

Content delivery network for SaaS Applications

A Content Delivery Network(CDN) is fundamentally a system of distributed servers that enables users to serve content to app users with high performance and high availability. For instance, if you have EC2 installed, CDN allows you to serve content to the user through EC2.

Read more: What are the major benefits of SaaS development services for your business?

Final Conclusion

In this post, readers will get a complete idea of the secure and scalable SaaS solution with the help of using AWS services. After observing the various aspects of SaaS products in the AWS environment. Looking out for SaaS application development with the AWS environment? Nextbrain is the leading SaaS product development company offering a wide range of SaaS products with AWS cloud architecture. Having served many clients with SaaS-based solutions, we have been able to create cloud services for many businesses, startups and enterprises.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main security elements of the SaaS model?

The important SaaS model involves several security elements such as retention, web storage, regulatory compliance, privacy protection, access management and risk assessment.

Are all SaaS apps cloud-based?

No, not all SaaS-based models are built in the cloud. SaaS app platforms or products can be easily built on local terminals as well as deployed to cloud-based servers.

What are the advantages of SaaS technology?

SaaS technology provides accessibility, operational management, and affordable budget. It offers the potential to run through any internet browser around the clock from any device. No installation is needed thereby, resulting in upfront hardware costs and a flexible payment process.

How much does it cost to deploy the SaaS product in AWS cloud?

The cost of deploying a SaaS product in AWS cloud mainly depends on the utilization of services. As you are building the product, it will come around $ 100 USD on a monthly basis. If the product is launched with Dev, Staging and Live environment, it may cost around $300 USD per month. At the end of the day, it is completely dependent on the number of customers using the product.

What is the use of Sonarqube in this architecture?

Sonarqube is an innovative technology that assists developers to write premium quality code and bring the code coverage with support of unit testing frameworks.