Agriculture drone software: Why farmers have to use UAVs?



March 21, 2023 Author

The term technology always resembles metros and cities. But recently this situation has changed rapidly. With the coming up of mobile phones, the internet, and modern technology can be easily accessible for the common man. To change the life and means of life of farmers a new technology is becoming widespread.

A few years back farmers were reluctant and unaware of changes. But now they understand the importance of adopting changes in technology. To change the farmer's life, Agricultural Drone is the latest development in this field. As part of smart farming drones can play a vital role in the development of the agriculture industry.

From the traditional age-old farming system, we need a change. Drones can do precision farming much more easily than the traditional way. Crop management in the Agriculture field with the help of drones.

Some innovative ideas can reduce the risk of farming. Whether the farm is big or small, drones reduce the tension of a farmer.

What is a drone?

What is a drone

The drone is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. It is working with a remote control system. It is a flying robot. The drone is an Aircraft without crew and passengers.

Benefits of drones in the agriculture field.

Agriculture is not only for food crop production but also it is the main source of income for a large number of farmers around the world. While checking the recent history of farming and agriculture, the mode of cultivation rapidly changed. Previously agriculture was limited to a small scale or a household activity. Gradually the population increased rapidly worldwide, and as a result of the increased population food consumption also increased tremendously.

Excess use of human power is not possible every time. Increased use of manpower always increases the cost of production. So here is the importance of new and advanced technologies in the agriculture industry. Huge labor costs will affect the cost of production. Here we need a change in way of production. Then only this industry can sustain long. In a real sense, drones can reduce the most laborious task on farms.

Nextbrain gives you a close collaboration with farmers and their fields, with help of Unmanned Aerial vehicles also popularly known as drones. Effective use of drone technology provides a complete integrated farm management system.

UAVs can make use full the following important stages.

Terrain mapping with agriculture drone

Terrain mapping is very necessary for farming. With the help of drones, it can be made very easily. UAVs can give a perfect idea about the terrain just like a bird's eye view. It will help to decide the better timing for harvesting. For large farmers, hundreds or thousands of hectares of land acres of land can not be visited manually. In this situation within a short period, drones can create a clear-cut idea about the farm.

Growth monitoring of plants

From the stage of seed planting and germination stage of a plant agricultural drones can monitor the plant. If there are any growth issues related to the plant’s growth stage farmers can identify them easily. So you can find a solution for the same. According to the growth, farmers can add or control the fertilization

Solar Inspection

As part of energy conservation solar panels is being used widely. These solar panels have to be maintained and managed at regular intervals. Drones can give real-time aerial views of these solar panels. If the panels are broken or malfunctioned Nextbrain drone software can easily identify that. Moreover, the adequate solar light is a crucial thing for plant growth. UAVs can make sure in all climatic conditions how many solar lights are available on the farm.

Moisture level monitoring

Moisture level monitoring is very important in farming. The accurate moisture level should be maintained for the healthy growth of a plant. Different crops need different levels of moisturizing at various stages. Some plants may need water at the stage of germination meanwhile some may need water for pollination. Some other kind of plant needs a huge amount of water throughout their life cycle. Controlled irrigation will help you to reduce water wastage. Nextbrain agriculture drone software technology can give you a complete solution to this problem.

Dorne for livestock monitoring

Dorne for Livestock Monitoring

Nextbrain agriculture drone software can provide you with an effective solution for livestock management. You can remotely manage and monitor your livestock. Their feeding, breeding, lactation, health condition, etc.

Agriculture drone for pest scouting

You can make use of agricultural drones for the pest-controlling stage of crops. Precisely assessing the pest level can drastically reduce the amount of economic risk.

Crop harvesting

Harvesting is the last stage of farming but it is not the least. Identifying the exact time of crop maturity for harvesting is very important. Visiting and identifying each crop for harvesting is not always possible. In this situation, you can make use of agriculture drones.

Precision farming is always possible with the help of advanced technology. Nextbrain can provide you all kinds of software support for agriculture drones.