8 Key Points to transform your Mobile App Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)



December 12, 2020 Author

The development of science and technology has made a substantial revolution in many fields such as economics, industry, education, medicine, etc. The single giant network, Internet has made communication between the industries, organizations, and sectors easy and enhances the business interactions. As per the forecast of Gartner, Inc., by 2020 there will be over 26 billion connected devices.

The advent of artificial intelligence changed the development to a high exponential rate that has helped to solve many tiring problems with no errors; we can take risky jobs, able to provide seamless service 24/7 provides better digital assistance, helps in repetitive jobs, etc.

What are Artificial Intelligence and its features?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has created a paradigm shift in all business verticals, especially in mobile app business sectors. Artificial intelligence can be defined as the simulation of human intelligence through the whole process of computer science linked with building smart machines that are capable of performing tasks. Many built-in intellectual functions have been implemented in mobile phones using AI by developing smart programs from human mental capabilities. AI programs help to answer universal questions, problem-free solutions, and easy modification of parts of the program without modifying the entire structure.

Artificial Intelligence in mobile apps

AI Mobile app

The possibilities of Artificial Intelligence in mobile applications has been studied by part of scientists from US universities and has analyzed the impact of the development of new technologies on human life in terms of its security, social pyramid, psychology, and other aspects. The introduction of AI in mobile phones has made remarkable changes and the following three main artificial bits of intelligence that are used in mobile applications are:

  • Narrow Artificial Intelligence (NAI)
  • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
  • Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) 

The use of Artificial Intelligence has become part of your daily life, so in mobile applications as in a GPS, and many more applications. It makes the life of a person much better and also manages time. For example, the Google Smart App for smart messages, voice search engines and assistant Hound that helps to get information quickly.

Different AI technologies for mobile apps

Natural Language Generation (NLG)

It transforms structured data into natural language and helps organizations to create reports and market reviews. It is provided by companies like Cambridge Semantics, Digital Reasoning, Lucidworks, SAS, etc.

Speech Recognition Technology

This technology allows computers to respond to human speech, decode and transform them which are comprehensible to the computer. Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, Google Voice, etc. are examples of speech recognition technology.



Chatbots help the users to clarify their issues, interact with the company, and help to collect users’ feedback. Amazon, Apple, Assist AI, Creative Virtual, etc. are the companies that offer this technology.

Machine Learning (ML) technology

Machine Learning platforms based on Machine Learning technology help in predictive analytics, classification, etc. where systems automatically improve from experience without being explicitly programmed through accurate predictions when data is given. Amazon, Fractal Analytics, Google, etc. are some of the companies associated with ML technology.


Artificial intelligence biometric

Biometrics allows you to identify individuals through facial recognition, sensory recognition, voice and gesture control, fingerprint mapping, etc. For example, Agnitio, Sensory are some of the marketing research using this technology.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

It is concerned with the interactions between computers and human language and allows you to get the information you need to generate news, search engines, and structure the solid text. Indico, Knime, etc. are some examples.

Emotion Recognition

It helps to read human emotions from multimodal forms such as texts, video, audio, or physiology with the help of advanced image processing or audio data. This tool is used in start-ups like Beyond Verbal, Emotion AI, Affectiva, etc.

Image Recognition technology

It is used to perform machine-based visual tasks that help to identify and detect an object/function in a digital image or a video. The companies that use this technology are Clarifai, Sense Time, etc.

8 major tips to develop AI in a mobile app 


You should be aware of the problem and gather as much data as possible. You have to do some research regarding the persisting issues, solutions, market trends, how unique and demanding your solutions are, alternatives if any and a bit of market history. Try to focus on developing solutions for vertical start-ups because it aims in developing solutions at a rapid pace and seeks solutions to one highly specialized task for a particular consumer.

Focus on market trends

Updating the details in accordance with the market trends helps to enhance the visibility of your products/services. Besides analyzing the digital market, create a website and blog for your business, integrate applications with legacy systems, implement API-based architecture, provide mobile data access, and adopt flexible development methods. With the aid of AI, you can create enticing apps and websites that will keep the business forefront of the crowd. Use tools such as Wibbitz, SaaS to create your visual content, Wordsmith tool created by Automated Insights using Natural Language Processing to generate news based on incoming data.

Mobile artificial intelligence and analytics

Advanced analytic study and deep learning are mandatory to develop your dream mobile applications. Machine learning helps to automate the data preparation, finds the necessary information, and can share it across a wide range of organizations, industries, and individuals. AI has become the prime focus of many business platforms and marketing services including the aspects of ERP. It can transform the nature of all work with great ease as a new intellectual intermediate level between people and systems.

Designs and content

Along with application development, you must concentrate on the designs and content of your dream mobile app that it should be enticing to the customers.

Efficient use of AI

To make your app unique and efficient, you should identify the strengths of AI, its functions, benefits, and aesthetic factors so that it becomes inevitable to the daily life of the customer.


In order to find the existing flaws of your app and to rectify it, do a number of pre-tests, whether it is manual or automated that it eliminates all the errors and bugs in the shortest possible time before the launch.

Take the role of a user

Take the role of a user of your mobile app before the launch that it really helps to find the hidden faults, objectively assess the importance of specific issues, and problems regarding all tools and functions.

Technical elegance

The user is not concerned about the complexity of the application and its solutions. The only aspect matter is the technical elegance and the best user experience it offers.


The integration of Artificial Intelligence into new technologies, especially mobile application simplifies the task, coordinates the work of all devices, tools and networks. It’s indeed a revolutionizing innovation to perform tasks ranging from trivial to monumental, to give a new form to the future business world. Nextbrain Technologies is a leading mobile app development company in Bangalore that handicrafts amazing applications with world-class expertise and innovations including Artificial Intelligence.