2nd Anniversary Celebration at Nextbrain Technologies



September 15, 2020 Author

Anniversary is not just a date. It brings along with it, the memories, the good and bad times, the success and failures and most importantly the journey from one year to the other. Nextbrain Technologies started its journey as a Mobile App Development Company, on 12th March 2016 and in a wink of an eye, we were on the verge of our 2nd anniversary. The plans for the 2nd anniversary was a grand one. A day out was planned where all the members of Nextbrain planned to celebrate this special day at the amusement park Wonderla, Bangalore.

Before starting

 All decked up for the special day, a lot of plans were made and all were excited to welcome and celebrate the anniversary. A luxury bus was arranged where all the employees could accommodate themselves comfortably and enjoy the long ride.


However, the celebration started on the bus itself with fun games, songs, and dance. While some hummed the popular Hindi songs, while others tuned into Tamil and Kannada popular numbers. The journey was a long one, but the fun made it seem short. 

wonderla entrance

After reaching Wonderla, we scanned through all the joyrides and shortlisted some those cannot be missed, even in a short span of time. While some of us preferred the water rides, the others preferred being dry. 


We enjoyed ourselves in the dry and water rides, trying each one again and again. Some were so scary that we screamed out, while others were real fun and we wanted to ride it again and again, but could hardly do so, as the park is huge and we had just 1 day. 


After all the fun rides, we went for lunch. We spend the day with fun, food, and happiness. The day went away in a jiffy and we returned back, wishing that the day would be a little longer. Celebrations are always fun, but the journey from the 1st to the 2nd anniversary motivates us and keeps us going.

final touch

The path that took us from our 1st year to the 2nd includes hard work, determination, discipline, successful projects, happy clients, a greater number of employees. Our Online Food Ordering System was a grand success with 100+ happy and satisfied clients. The On-demand Grocery Booking and Delivery App is one of the most popular products and helped many clients to launch their own grocery delivery business successfully, using the app. We have also launched on-demand service providing apps like Fynda, helping the customers to get any service, anywhere.

The success that we have achieved in the span of one year, marks the beginning of a dream that has been realized. We have a long way to go and transform ourselves from a start-up to a brand. As we start our journey towards the third year, we look forward to retaining our clients and work with thousands of other clients. We look forward to rectifying the mistakes that we made and retain the things that made the 2nd year such a grand success.