Best Software Development Company in Nairobi, Kenya

Nextbrain Technologies is the best software development company in Nairobi, Kenya for all your business needs. With a team of highly skilled software professionals, we develop mobile and web apps, websites, build software products using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big data technologies, etc. Being a reputed software development company in Nairobi, Kenya we completely focus on current market trends and offer amazing deliverables to our clients all over the world. Contact us for more details about our software development services in Nairobi, Kenya!



J.M.Baxi & Co., is India’s leading logistics company established in 1916
for which a customized corporate website is handcrafted to enhance
the business performance. We focused on agile and result-oriented
strategies to drive more website traffic.

See case study


Mymoney is the best user-friendly & secure e-wallet that solves all
hassles in money transaction in Malaysia. Money can be directly sent
to your bank account/ e-wallet, helps with mobile recharges, parking
payments, shopping bills, etc.

See case study

Custom software development services to boost your business

Our Nairobi software professionals build secure and unique apps that exactly meet your business requirements. We are a leading software development company in Nairobi, Kenya with a team of proficient software developers offering end-to-end software development solutions for the world’s reputed clients. Choose our exceptional software development solutions and services to accelerate your business and earn more profits!

From app requirement analysis to deployment of the app

As a top Nairobi software development company, we provide world-class software development solutions using latest tools and technologies. Our talented software developers are always updated with the advanced technologies to deploy an amazing software product. We also offer maintenance services which exactly meet the client’s business needs.
From raw idea to scalable product

Modern architecture support

Our proficient software developers use cutting edge technologies and follow agile methodology to enhance your brand reputation.
As a leading software development company in Nairobi, Kenya, we craft scalable and robust software solutions
to accelerate your business.

We use the latest technologies and tools to build efficient apps. Our front end developers use HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, Vue.js, and Angular.js.

Java script

Our developers focus on building apps having scalable and secure network architecture and systems with firewall protection and regular data backup.

S3 Bucket
S3 Bucket

Our back-end developers concentrate on server-side web app logic and functionality of websites. We use server-side languages like Laravel (PHP), NodeJS, etc to create clean code.

Node JS
Node JS

We use efficient and robust databases like MySQL, MongoDB, etc. to ensure data integrity & security, privacy, data consistency, backup & recovery, etc.


Our Case Studies

We have been chosen by the most reputed clients all over the world for designing, developing and delivering mobile apps, websites
and software products for their business. Have a look at some of our recently completed projects of our delightful clients.


This company offers all shipping support services for the customers based in India.

View Case study


Wellintech is the reputed automation software company in Beijing, China

View Case study


Beautyebooking is a beauty salon app that connects customers and professional beauty

View Case study

FAQ about our software development services

Click on a questions to expand and reveal the answer!

  • Will you be able to provide more team members for my project when required?
    Yes. If you want the project to be completed quickly or if you want additional features to be included which requires more team members to work on it, we are always ready to assign more team members for your business requirements. We can help you complete your project quickly by providing additional team members.
  • Can you offer prototypes and demo versions for my project which I can try out?
    As a leading software development company in Nairobi, Kenya we follow Agile Methodology to build prototypes and then add additional features along the development process. It helps you to inspect and test your software very easily.
  • What are the software development services offered by your company?
    Being a top software development company in Nairobi, Kenya, we offer software development services like mobile and web app development, website development, UI/UX design, SaaS product development, MVP development, and digital marketing services to the clients all over the world.
  • In future if a new technology is available, will you upgrade my software?
    Yes. Our team of software developers will always offer their assistance to improve, upgrade and develop your software product.
  • Will you improve my software product which is already developed?
    Yes. As a top software development company in Nairobi, Kenya, we are ready to improve my software product which is already developed. If you want to add new features or improve your architecture, etc. we are always ready to extend our support. Feel free to contact us through email, phone, skype, etc.
  • Will you assign a project manager to discuss my project throughout the development process?
    Yes. We will assign a project manager who will update you the updates about your project on a daily basis. Make sure to tell us your feedback or any improvements during the development phase which helps us to give you more effective results.
  • Do you offer digital marketing services to promote my business?
    Yes. As a top software development company in Nairobi, Kenya, our team of software developers offers amazing software development services along with offering digital marketing services to promote your business.

Nextbrain News / Insights

We constantly update recent news, technologies, and analyze the current market trends to seek a perfect solution
to a specific problem. We believe in the spirit of teamwork to deliver the best results. Get updated with our enticing
stories to know more about our insights.
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