Why is Voice Search SEO important for your business?



February 10, 2022 Author

Voice search has become very popular among internet searchers nowadays. It is mainly because voice search is very easy to use and also eliminates the need to type your questions by hand. It is really very convenient as it saves a lot of time. According to the Gartner report, 32% of users are depending on this Voice search technology. Also, 48% of users prefer to use voice search mechanisms for searching instead of any other methods. Voice search optimization makes use of the power of voice in order to do focused searches on the internet. You may ask your voice search assistant any kind of question, and it helps to perform the required research for you and provides the answer that you are looking for.

How Voice Search optimization can be done for your business?

Businesses are considering the importance of Voice search optimization in order to gain more profits. Let's check out various ways in which you can optimize voice search to enhance your business.

Use Long-tail keywords

Using long-tail keywords can certainly make your business stand ahead of your competitors in the voice searches. Most of the websites ignore the importance of these longer phrases and keywords phrases, and just keep on using the short keywords that will be generally searched by most of the users. Apart from adding value for the voice search optimization, the detailed nature of the long-tail keywords makes them better in grabbing the user’s attention while they are searching for your services. Also, the more specific and intentional you are while creating your content, the more you will be able to add various sought-after keywords even in the single phrase. Hence, every business needs exceptional SEO services from a reliable SEO company.

use long tail keywords

Know your target audience

Your content needs to prioritize a set of questions which your target audience usually ask. It provides a thorough understanding and clarity about your services to your target audience. Your content must answer 'how';'what';'why'and 'who' questions. While you are answering these questions you need to expect your end users to be asking. Ensure to provide the answers in a concise and direct way in order to enhance ranking and also make them more conversational.

Focus on local searches

Around Twenty-two percent of the queries in the voice search are usually looking for the content specific to a particular location. This is great news for the businesses if they have a local business and are interested in being promoted locally. Voice search as well as local search both are important for your business success. Marketers need to update their local SEO strategy in order to earn more profits. It is also essential to make sure all the online business listings are updated with appropriate information to make sure voice assistants have been delivering the right information to your customers.

focus on local searches

Develop content in a conversational tone

Voice recognition technology will be entirely based on the language which is normal and very natural. Also, that language needs to follow and focus on a conversational tone. Making use of the more accessible language will create a great impression on your new customers, and also assists you in acquiring a lot of the repeat customers. For optimizing your content, you need to make use of the hashtags, bullet points, and lists. All these will be readable by Google easily and hence performs well. Ensure including your long-tail keywords especially in the featured snippets.

Update your Google my business listing

Google's My Business Listings will offer a snapshot of the right information and relevant details about your business to your customers while they search for information about your business, location, etc. This may include your hours of operations, business’s location, and contact details. Also, the updated and the more recent information will be displayed that helps in better customer interaction.

update your google my business listing

Develop responsive websites

Voice searches will majorly happen on mobile devices. Hence, your website should perform well both on the smartphone as well as on the computer. The better way to obtain this is considering how the content of your website looks in each and every format. Most of the voice searches are based on the location only. So, ensure that your website is mobile responsive, easily accessible, and easy to navigate.


Voice search optimization is the most advanced technology that has gained popularity in present days. Most of the businesses are adopting this technology in order to make their business grow. Nextbrain Technologies is the leading SEO company extending flexible and customized SEO services along with the advanced Voice search optimization services to scale up your business.