Top 10 industries that Beacons will disrupt in 2017



September 15, 2020 Author

Beacon technology has brought new opportunities for retailers for better customer experience. It was first introduced in mid-2013 by Apple and since then it has opened the door of disruption for many industries. Smartphones are most popular need for today’s generation. People are so dependent on smartphones now that they are looking for each and every solution of daily need through smartphones. It has increased popularity of mobile apps. Apps supported with technology like Beacon really help in betterment of customer experience. iBeacon is name of an Apple technology which allows mobile apps to listen for signals from beacons in physical world and react accordingly. Beacons periodically emits unique signal in the range of 0 to 70 meters. This technology is beneficial for both customers and brand. We are listing here 10 possible industries which could be affected by Beacons in 2017.


Retail giants like Macy’s and Walmart has already adopted iBeacons to offer better experience. With the help of iBeacons they can provide personalized contents, location-based-offers, call-to-action and push notification like exciting services. IBeacon is going to introduce deepest change ever in retail industries.


Hospitality business is more about customer experience rather than selling products. Beacon enable apps can provide hassle-free-navigation assistance, personalized promotions, push notifications, automated check-ins, keyless entry, easy guest feedback system and many more value added services. iBeacon technology has been proved very useful for Hotel businesses and offers amazing customer experiences too. 


Beacons at school and colleges are changing traditional lifestyle by providing great facilities like excellent learning opportunities, way finding, attendance management, access control management etc. It is also useful to manage good relations between teachers and students by facilitating them to communicate through messaging app. It can alert parents with their kid’s activities. 


Sports are most popular source of entertainment across world. Many sports league implementing beacons to provide great sports experience like in-depth information, gamification dynamics, indoor guidance and merchandising discounts. Health-care

iBeacon technology can keep track of patients, staffs, devices medicines, devices, assets and many more in hospitals. It can help in providing more in fewer budgets. iBeacon is already operating in many hospitals for better medical customer experience.


Banking sector is also customer experience based organization. Beacons can help banks in providing wait-time updates, better banking services, location tracking, push notification, bank staff management and other important customer insights.


Craze of tourism is increasing day by day, so it requires proper and effective management. iBeacon technology is invaluable asset for tourism sector as it can provide informative guided tours, location tracking, enable them to access information about landmarks and key points, famous tourist place information etc.


IBeacon technology is also very useful whether it a music event, sports event, technology event or anyone. It can assist in navigation, easy ticketing, location finder, attendance data management etc. It can add value to event at great extent and can ease work of organizers effectively.


Offices need iBeacon technology to manage work-place effectively. Many offices are implementing it and results coming are positive. In offices iBeacons can track attendance records, appointment details, appointment alerts, push notification, helping visitors with location, automated scheduling and many more.


Libraries need to handle lots of data work like storing, scheduling, details etc. Rise of Beacons is like blessing for libraries. You can provide great experience to your readers and it will help you to sort and manage library related complexities like book circulation, navigation, shelf information, book tracking etc.

So Beacons is very powerful technology can effectively disrupt many known industries. It can not only used for commercial purposes but for domestic purpose too. This is basic of evolution of automation can change the way we live. So implement it for better customer experience and effective management.