Top 10 Features for a Successful Woman Fitness & Health Tracking App



December 12, 2020 Author

The digital industry has made a tremendous transformation in the healthcare industry with a number of mHealth apps. These mobile healthcare solutions have great potential to bring positive impacts on the lives of many patients in enhancing the quality of their health. We see thousands of fitness tracking; diet and nutrition, lifestyle management and mHealth apps on the online markets, but the percentage of women health tracking apps are yet comparatively low. This is an important finding to be considered and thus the introduction of a new term known as Femtech.

What Femtech implies?

The idea of digital women's health is relatively new and Femtech or female technology refers to a category of software, diagnostics, products, and services that offers unique features to address all women's healthcare needs. Femtech is about using digital technology in the form of mobile apps that have contributed much to address women related health issues and their empowerment. It was first coined in 2016 by Ida Tin who founded Clue which is a menstrual health app.

Female health issues have been neglected for many years. But, now it is appreciable that technologies are coming forth to address their issues as they are the prime contributors to the growth of economies, households, and communities. Women consist of nearly 50% of global healthcare customers and 90% is the prime decision makers of their families and healthcare givers for elders and children. The support and applause received by Femtech are truly amazing that they have got a funding of $800 million in the past 12 months.

Advantages of women’s health tracking apps

Health tracking app

Women’s health tracking apps mainly consist of pregnancy tracker, birth control, period tracker, health tips, digital consultation, etc. Besides helping women, these apps also assist physicians and doctors to store and analyze the details of the patients for a better understanding of their health conditions. The major benefits of having a woman healthcare app are:

Better control of women’s health and lives

Femtech helps women in understanding their bodily conditions, hormonal imbalances, and health issues through regular tracking and assists in making decisions when it’s necessary. It focuses on the overall prosperity of life and well-being.

Treatment of health issues through timely diagnosis

Identifying women’s health issues and monitoring it regularly helps to notice the sudden changes in health conditions. It is better to find an illness during a very early stage.  For example, the irregularities in the menstrual cycle can be monitored and treated as early as possible.

Extending care to remote areas

Importance must be given to extend healthcare services to women in far remote areas where medical facilities are no longer available. Discussing women’s healthcare issues are still a taboo where seamless healthcare services can be offered through mobile apps. Thus one can seek healthcare advice and medical care concerned with infertility, birth control, menstrual health, and sexual well-being.

Key features to be considered in a women’s health tracking app

Women's health tracking apps should be effective and functional enough to provide a better user experience. Below mentioned are the recommended key features to be included in mobile apps.

User onboarding flow

Woman tracking app

Mobile app onboarding is the process of getting new users, retaining your user base, and is about their first impression of your app. It is referred to as walkthroughs in order to introduce the app, its features, and demonstrate what it does. Onboarding helps users to get an idea behind the app and you have to ensure that the app is convenient and engaging for them.  Users can sign up for the app using an email and password or through social media integration. You can choose between coach screens which appear when you start an app or instructional overlays, an onboarding process where users discover an app while actually using it.

Create a detailed health profile

Create a simple user profile including all the details you need to know about the user’s health conditions to enhance the customer experience. Never add extra questions that seem to be a burden for the users. The necessary data includes the details regarding your height, weight, allergies, ailments, period date, cholesterol level, etc. All private information is to be secured.

Period tracker

Period tracker has a wider reach on the online market that helps women to visually track, and evaluate the menstrual flow and ovulation changes. It helps to analyze the present menstrual cycle, fertility period, PMS symptoms, possible date of next menstruation, etc. The tracker monitors all those changes and treatment can be sought if necessary.


The performance of a healthcare tracking app depends on the users’ input. So it is important to give reminders to the users for the proper monitoring of health conditions. It keeps them connected with the app and is reliable. All notifications in women’s health tracking applications can be divided into three types. They are the reminders to make daily log entries, take medications, and notifications of the start of the next phase of the cycle. Try to improve the features of the app based on the reviews and feedback received. Functionality can be enhanced by using algorithms to evaluate symptoms and identify health conditions.

Symptom tracking and analysis

tracking mobile app development

The apps track all the existing symptoms, monitor its pattern, and notify if you need to consult a doctor. The symptom log records the details like weight, PMS symptoms, details of the menstrual cycle, etc. For example, Clue is a top-rated period tracker app that monitors your menstrual cycle, PMS, etc. using machine learning technique.


The women’s health tracking app collaborates with scientists, health professionals, and research centers to do research and further modification of the app for the well-being of the users.

Option to share health information

Health app

The tracking apps give the option to share or synchronize health information with their partners and doctor as well. Users can download a file having data that will be available for a certain period of time or can have access to data through a special link. For example, In Clue app, a feature called Clue Connect helps users to have an open conversation on topics like menstruation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and fertility that seems uncomfortable for most people.

Cohesive community through social networks

Having a cohesive community helps you to create an interactive environment with the people in different ways where they can share experiences, clarify doubts, and ask for feedback. For example, the Pink Pad app encourages women to share stories, symptoms with the help of its built-in social network.

Online consultation with a doctor

You can collaborate with medical professionals to provide a reliable channel to users for communications. It can be online consultations that helps them to get treatment plans, medical prescriptions via text messages or voice calls.

Refer and earn

App offers refer and earn features that can improve the user base and they can enjoy benefits in return for helping out.


The digital industry has extended its services to empower women by prioritizing their necessities through seamless and efficient mHealth solutions. The core idea of Femtech lies in improving the lives of women using digital technology. We have many healthcare app development companies offering services to develop mHealth apps. Get your app developed from the leading mobile app development company in Bangalore having expertise in building on-demand healthcare delivery apps for start-ups at affordable rates.