Nextbrain Receives Another High Rating Review on Clutch



September 15, 2020 Author

As a growing web and mobile application development company, we are always looking to prosper client relationships and create the best products for each. Our team of 55 is spread across two locations in Bangalore, India and Nashville, USA. Our app development isn’t limited to just one industry, we work in a wide variety including health care & medical, Logistics, Finance, consumer products & services, and eCommerce. We also work with a wide range of sizes of companies, from the smallest startup to a booming enterprise. Our past client relationships are just as important to us as our new ones. Businesses like Clutch allow our brand to grow by publishing reviews from past clients on our company profile.


One project we’ve been working on for the past couple years has been building a web-based SaaS system to allow hotels to view live data on a mobile device. We always keep communication as a top priority in our partnerships and maintain a level of flexibility to adapt to the client’s needs. Since partnering with us, the client has received some awards for their great work.

“[T]heir team delivered the job to our specifications and requirements. We hope they continue to provide good tech support and response times, especially when many properties use our solutions.” -Faiza Ayob, Founder & CEO at Otel2Go 

One of our shorter projects was creating a custom IT solution for a startup. Our product gave the client an advantage over others in the industry. We made sure to take in all of the project requirements and create the best project to fit them all. 

quality services

“The most impressive fact about this company is the speed and attention to detail with which they completed our project, despite living in different countries with opposing time zones. They helped us with everything, even parts that went beyond the initial scope, because they wanted us to succeed.” -Pablo Glez, Operations Officer at a startup company

Outside of Clutch’s original site, they have also incorporated a sister site into their domain. The Manifest provides business insights and advice through three main channels: how-to guides, industry trends and news, and shortlists of the best performing companies worldwide. We have been featured as one of the best app developers in Bengaluru, India. 

We would love to hear about all of your big ideas and specifically how we can help. Reach out to our team today!